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Everything posted by K4rMa

  1. @Onelive 1rst and last warning before ban request! <TOPIC LOCKED>
  2. @STAVROS213 @tsantiri 1rst warning! <TOPIC LOCKED>
  3. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// LETS P0WN T3h N0obS - HOW t0 h4xX ^^ 1) Start tokyo.exe or counterstrike 2) Start counterstrike or tokyo.exe F11: Cheatmenu F12: Panickey /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// - Aimbot Features - x aimtype (1 = SetCursorPos/ 2 = SetViewAngles) x Silent (only specs and deathcam see the aimbot) x hitbox (aims at hitbox) x Key (mouse 1 / 2 / 0 = off) x Fov (area in percent in which the aimbot aims for an enemy) x Draw Spot (draws the spot) - ESP Features - x boxsize (boxsize) x hitesp (activate/deactivate) x faresp (time in seconds, how long the boxes stay 0 = off) x espmode (type of boxes) x name (shows the playernames) - Visual Features - x xqz (model wallhack) x noflash (no flash) x nosmoke (no smoke) - Further Features - x bhop (auto jumping) x no recoil (no recoil> x speedhack (faster than normal) /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Greetings & Credits: runster, tev, moriax, XEPT, seren1ty, ko1N, ltfx guy, DeepBlueSea, Gordon`, h1web, sk0r, steeno, Timberland, xgx, ZELDA, nuki /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Known Bugs (T_T): - to user ingame mouse, set steam freinds off /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Download: http://rapidshare.com/files/105396442/TOKYO_DRiFT_V1.0.rar.html *It isn't tested from me!
  4. <Topic LockeD>
  5. Prwton min kaneis double-post ! Deyteton poses fores 8a anoikseis topic gia na rotiseis gia l2 gold walker ?! 1.http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=15757.0 2.http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=15947.0 3.http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=15758.0 An psakseis sto forum 8a deis oti to walker sto l2 gold dn douleuei ! -1 karma epeidi ekanes 4 fores to idio topic kai eisai ena bhma prin BAN REQUEST ! Prosexe! <TOPIC LOCKED>
  6. Problem solved! <TOPIC LOCKED>
  7. BAN REQUEST!! <topic locked>
  8. -1 karma for undig 2 years old topic and you are close to ban request because this is not the first time that you undig an old topic RULES: http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=11.0 <TOPIC LOCKED>
  9. I watched the last 8 episodes of prison brake and i can say that is a cool serie! :P
  10. Hey... topic is from 2006...! And you reply today?! :S Wtf?! Be carefull ... 1rst and last warning...! <topic locked> to avoid further spam!
  11. Opws leei o not a bastard no way na kanoume share to link ::)! Psakse kai an dn vreis tpt PM me... ! ;) <TOPIC LOCKED> (mias kai einai warez request :P )
  12. Thats why i told you i will leave it open ;D
  13. @Stefoulis15 The first and the fouth link are for c5 This share have id's for C6 as sp4rd4 say at his tittle of topic..! Anyway i will leave the topic open , for l2 mods to decide what they will do..!
  14. Last reply -> Reply #2 on: June 08, 2006, 03:41:37 AM » And you reply today at this topic ?! at 9 april 2008 ?! -1 karma...! Go read the ruleS! http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=11.0 <TOPIC LOCKED>
  15. Nice share Blane ! :D Thanks for this mega post...! :)
  16. User reporteD! <TOPIC LOCKED>
  17. Karfoseeeee tin !!! :D (Sta matia.... ;p) *Btw kapoios move to spam topiC! :-\
  18. K4rMa


    Advertise your own server,or your friend's one here http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?board=6.0
  19. As xxrxx said it is luck...! For more info try the search button Thanks....! *Btw welcome to forum! <TOPIC LOCKED>
  20. If you enchant your weapon or armor with a crystal scroll and your weapon dont enchant succesfull itwill change to +0 but it will not broke! 8)
  21. -Resident evil .. all series ;p -Clocktower
  22. As the topic owner wants....! <Topic LockeD>
  23. Search ?! http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=5137.0
  24. Pfff again you post same topic that already exist before 20 minutes..! Just press the search button ;S 1rst and last warning..! <Topic LockeD>
  25. Already posted...! <TOPIC LOCKED>
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