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Everything posted by K4rMa

  1. Esy diafimisi 8es omws k emeis 8eloume na postareis sto swsto section! To exploit pou to eideS?! Lineage II Private Servers http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?board=6.0 Advertise your own server,or your friend's one here Mods move it! EDIT: Btw already posted: http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=20380.0 <TOPIC LOCKED>
  2. Eipame oxi warez request! Tha sou steilw ego se pm full version to apogeuma...! Prosorina volepsou me kati trial ;) http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=19422.0 <TOPIC LOCKED>
  3. +1 karma for NITROUS SYSTEM For this awesome share and for the previous one! L2Dat_EncDec ver. 2.1.26 (Kamael Plus) Thanks for both of them! ;) Gj Gj Gj
  4. Thanks A-style for one more great sharE ! ;)
  5. You looked here?! http://www.cityofheroes.com/servers/ Btw if you have a question ask here: http://boards.cityofheroes.com/ubbthreads.php cityofheroes Forum..!
  6. Rikse mia matia edw...! http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=6039.0
  7. Ty for share ;) VirusTotal results: AhnLab-V3 2008.4.15.1 2008.04.16 - AntiVir 2008.04.16 - Authentium 4.93.8 2008.04.16 - Avast 4.8.1169.0 2008.04.16 Win32:Small-HQC AVG 2008.04.16 Downloader.Generic7.EJZ BitDefender 7.2 2008.04.16 Trojan.Generic.181405 CAT-QuickHeal 9.50 2008.04.16 - ClamAV None 2008.04.16 - DrWeb 2008.04.16 - eSafe 2008.04.16 - eTrust-Vet 31.3.5703 2008.04.16 - Ewido 4.0 2008.04.16 Trojan.Small F-Prot 2008.04.16 W32/OnlineGames.A.gen!Eldorado F-Secure 6.70.13260.0 2008.04.16 - FileAdvisor 1 2008.04.16 - Fortinet 2008.04.16 - Ikarus T3.1.1.26 2008.04.16 Trojan.Small.FX Kaspersky 2008.04.16 - McAfee 5275 2008.04.16 - Microsoft 1.3408 2008.04.14 - NOD32v2 3031 2008.04.16 - Norman 5.80.02 2008.04.16 - Panda 2008.04.16 Suspicious file Prevx1 V2 2008.04.16 Heuristic: Suspicious Self Modifying EXE Rising 2008.04.16 - Sophos 4.28.0 2008.04.16 - Sunbelt 3.0.1041.0 2008.04.12 - Symantec 10 2008.04.16 Infostealer.Gampass TheHacker 2008.04.16 - VBA32 2008.04.16 - VirusBuster 4.3.26:9 2008.04.16 - Webwasher-Gateway 6.6.2 2008.04.16 Win32.Malware.gen (suspicious) Also from me take a mirror for downloading ;) http://rapidshare.com/files/108003117/katalyst.zip.html
  8. Sorry for double post but i cant write more letterS in the first post because the limited is 2k characterS! Sozz :-\ Binding Binding any command takes the form of: bind <key> <command>. Binding can be done via the console in-game or by editing a .cfg file in your cstrike folder. To bind in the console a specific text to display replace <key> with a key which is not yet used for anything else in your game. I suggest using - or h. Then replace the <command> with: say \"The Counter-Strike Community :: www.maxcheaters.com\". Hit enter and then simply press the key you assigned. The message should appear automatically Cost Effective Counter-Strike This article will basically tell you how to get the most out of your money, and, if followed properly, provide you with an economic advantage over your opponents. No, it won't win you matches, but it should at least allow you to give yourself a fighting chance in terms of weapons. PISTOL ROUND (First Round) The first round of any scrim will begin with a pistol round, as each player will start off with $800, which as you know is only enough to buy a pistol. However, firsts things first, if you are a terrorist, one of the most important things to do is to plant the bomb, even if your team gets owned within 5 seconds of planting the bomb, every member of the team will receive $800, which can make all the difference. In terms of pistols, it is generally best to stick with your glock and buy kevlar. Never choose a better pistol over armour, i can't stress that enough, as counter-strike is a game of skill and strategy, im sure you stand a fighting chance with any pistol, so stick with your glock and get some armour, because it really is the difference between life and death. Now, a tip: DO NOT buy extra ammo for your glock, there is no need at all. In your glock, you have 3 magazines of 20 bullets, one already loaded, and two in reserve, making a total of 60 bullets. Personally, id be pretty amazed if you fired off 60 bullets in the opening round, even if you did, chances are you can jus pick someone elses gun up, so don't be tempted to buy extra rounds for your glock, because the money you waste in the opening round makes alot of difference in the early gun rounds, it may give you enough for armour, or any number of things. As for CT's, its a little more complicated. You may need to make a team decision before the scrim to decide how you want to go about it. It all depends on how well your team preforms with pistols, and it also helps to know how your opponent goes about playing their pistols rounds. So you need to decide who will buy defusal kits, and who will buy armour. Generally, i'd recommend having 2 players with defusal kits (one at each bomb site), and everyone else with armour, and possibly a couple of extra usp rounds. Again, don't be tempted to purchase a different pistol, the usp is probably the best all round pistol in the game, in my personal opinion anyway, so stick with it. And most importantly, communication between your team is the key, whether it's deciding who buys what, or where the enemy is, stay in touch with your teammates at all times. So lets re-cap: Terrorist: Use glock (no extra rounds), kevlar, and plant the bomb. Counter-Terrorist: Use usp (possibly couple of extra rounds), kevlar or diffusal kit, communication. EARLY GUN ROUNDS (Second, Third Round) For this part of the article, i'm going to assume that you won your pistol round. I'd personally say the best option for terrorist's is to buy a galil, kevlar and helmet, providing you have the money. When playing in a scrim, the person with the least money probably shouldn't buy anything for a round, except kevlar and helmet. As the best option for terrorists generally is to stay together as a team, the person with just armour can generally be protected by his teammates. How does every on the team know who has the least money? It all once again comes down to communication, i can't stress the importance of it enough. Coming back to the person who is saving for this round, chances are (as i said i'm assuming you're team won the pistol round) your opponent (in this case CT's) will be using pistols in order to save, so it shouldn't be too hard for your team to overpower your opponents. Incase you're wondering why i recommend you buy the galil over the mp5, it's quite simply that the galil is the better weapon. When people played 1.5, the mp5 was the obvious choice, and when 1.6 was finally introduced, people tend to continue to buy the mp5, as habit. It is best to try and get out of this habit. The galil can shoot through walls, and it isn't a weapon you're going to drop half way through the round for another gun. If, despite having the better fire arms, your terrorist team loses the second round, we'll have to change our tactics a little. Generally there are 2 options for you to choose from: you can either save one round (pistols,armour/helmet), which will allow you to buy galil and armor the following round (4th round), or you can save for 2 rounds, which will allow you to purchase AK47's and armor for the forth round. Teams generally tend to save for 2 rounds and get AK47's, but it is a decision for your team to make depending on your skills and the opponents you are facing. Now, onto the counter-terrorist side of things. Generally, CT's look to buy M4A1's and AWP's, so generally a CT team that has lost the initial pistol round, will save for a further 2 rounds in order to buy the more highly priced weapons. However, be careful with tactics and decision making, as by saving for the first 3 rounds, you are potentially allowing your opponent to go 3-0 up. GUN ROUNDS So by this point you're on the the 4th round, and you can pretty much buy whatever weapon you want, bearing in mind the other team probably can too by now. Tip: At the start of each round, every player should type how much money they have, this will allow the leader to decide on the potential fire power he has so he can forumulate a plan of action for the round ahead. If a player on your team has under around $3500 (for terrorist) or $4400 (for counter-terrorist), despite your team winning the previous round, then it is best for that person to buy a desert eagle and kevlar/helmet. As the rest of your team will most likely have rifles, chances are they will kill players from your opponents team, allowing the player with just the desert eagle to pick up a weapon, putting him on par with everyone else, at the same time as having saved a lot of money. Another alternative is for the player with the most amount of money to purchase a weapon for the player with the least amount of money, but as always, this is a decision for your team to make, and once again, communication is very important here. You may find yourself in the situation where u have just lost a few rounds in a row, and you find yourself, along with the rest of your team, short of money. However, we're forgetting about the player whose been purchasing a deagle and picking up other people's guns, saving money each round, and possibly getting a few frags under his belt. How extremely handy eh? This player can now purchase guns for how ever many members of your team. As a team, you should decide who gets the guns (ie. the best members of your team), and the rest of the team should purchase deagles and armour, and look to pick up dead players guns, hence saving money. I know this looks like a lot to take in, but it really can make all the difference. A team who doesn't manage their money effectively can find themselves struggle to buy decent weapons for any number of rounds, whilst a team who has planned before hand can have the superior fire power throughout the scrim. Personally i am against save rounds, as you are almost forfeiting the round, however, they are sometimes necessary, and can lead to your team having the advantage for any number of rounds after that. Another quick tip: Many people think winning the round by letting time run down is a smart thing to do, and maybe in some cases it is a wise option, but bare in mind, you will gain NO money from doing so. The most important important factor to any scrim is planning. You can tell by reading this, that it's not possible to just go into a scrim and be this money efficient, it takes a fair bit of planning before hand, but once your team has perfected it, it can make a majour difference. So if you're a clan leader, i strongly suggest you take this into account and start to have a think about getting your team into the habit. And that's about it folks, the rest is up to you. Any questions or comments, feel free to get in touch. Retrieve a lost config.cfg If you have lost, deleted or had your controls in your config.cfg file unbinded via some way or other then here is my backup config.cfg which will get you back into the game in no time. Just copy the stuff below and save it into your cstrike folder as config.cfg. // This file is overwritten whenever you change your user settings in the game. // Add custom configurations to the file "userconfig.cfg". unbindall bind "TAB" "+showscores" bind "ENTER" "+attack" bind "ESCAPE" "cancelselect" bind "SPACE" "+jump" bind "'" "+moveup" bind "+" "sizeup" bind "," "buyammo1" bind "-" "say >< www.maxcheaters.com ><" bind "." "buyammo2" bind "/" "amxmodmenu" bind "0" "slot10" bind "1" "slot1" bind "2" "slot2" bind "3" "slot3" bind "4" "slot4" bind "5" "slot5" bind "6" "slot6" bind "7" "slot7" bind "8" "slot8" bind "9" "slot9" bind ";" "+mlook" bind "=" "sizeup" bind "P" "amxmodmenu" bind "[" "invprev" bind "]" "invnext" bind "`" "toggleconsole" bind "a" "+moveleft" bind "b" "buy" bind "c" "radio3" bind "d" "+moveright" bind "e" "+use" bind "f" "impulse 100" bind "g" "drop" bind "h" "+hook" bind "i" "showbriefing" bind "j" "cheer" bind "k" "+voicerecord" bind "m" "chooseteam" bind "n" "+hook" bind "o" "buyequip" bind "p" "amxmodmenu" bind "q" "lastinv" bind "r" "+reload" bind "s" "+back" bind "t" "impulse 201" bind "u" "messagemode2" bind "w" "+forward" bind "x" "radio2" bind "y" "messagemode" bind "z" "radio1" bind "~" "toggleconsole" bind "UPARROW" "+forward" bind "DOWNARROW" "+back" bind "LEFTARROW" "+left" bind "RIGHTARROW" "+right" bind "ALT" "+strafe" bind "CTRL" "+duck" bind "SHIFT" "+speed" bind "F5" "snapshot" bind "F6" "save quick" bind "F7" "load quick" bind "F10" "quit prompt" bind "PGDN" "+lookdown" bind "PGUP" "+lookup" bind "END" "centerview" bind "MWHEELDOWN" "invnext" bind "MWHEELUP" "invprev" bind "MOUSE1" "+attack" bind "MOUSE2" "+attack2" bind "PAUSE" "pause" _cl_autowepswitch "1" _snd_mixahead "0.1" ati_npatch "1.0" ati_subdiv "2.0" bgmvolume "1.000000" bottomcolor "6" brightness "1" cl_allowdownload "1" cl_allowupload "1" cl_backspeed "400" cl_cmdbackup "2" cl_cmdrate "80" cl_corpsestay "600.000000" cl_crosshair_color "50 250 50" cl_crosshair_size "auto" cl_crosshair_translucent "0" cl_dlmax "128" cl_download_ingame "1" cl_dynamiccrosshair "1" cl_forwardspeed "400" cl_himodels "0" cl_idealpitchscale "0.8" cl_lc "1" cl_logocolor "#Valve_Orange" cl_logofile "lambda" cl_lw "1" cl_minmodels "0" cl_radartype "0" cl_righthand "1" cl_shadows "1" cl_timeout "305" cl_updaterate "80" cl_vsmoothing "0.05" cl_weather "0" con_color "255 180 30" console "1" crosshair "1" fastsprites "2" fps_max "150" fps_modem "0" gamma "3" gl_dither "1" gl_flipmatrix "0" gl_fog "1" gl_monolights "0" gl_overbright "0" gl_polyoffset "0.1" hisound "0" hpk_maxsize "0" hud_capturemouse "1" hud_centerid "0" hud_draw "1" hud_fastswitch "0" hud_saytext_internal "1" hud_takesshots "0" joystick "0" lookspring "0.000000" lookstrafe "0.000000" m_filter "0" m_forward "1" m_pitch "0.022" m_side "0.8" m_yaw "0.022" model "gordon" MP3FadeTime "2.0" MP3Volume "0.800000" mp_decals "20.000000" name "Player Name" net_graph "3" net_graphpos "1" net_scale "5" r_bmodelhighfrac "5.0" r_detailtextures "0" s_a3d "0" s_automax_distance "30" s_automin_distance "2" s_bloat "2.0" s_distance "60" s_doppler "0.0" s_eax "0" s_leafnum "0" s_max_distance "1000" s_min_distance "5" s_numpolys "200" s_polykeep "1000000000" s_polysize "10000000" s_refdelay "4" s_refgain "0.4" s_rolloff "1.0" s_verbwet "0.25" sensitivity "10" skin "" spec_autodirector_internal "1" spec_drawcone_internal "1" spec_drawnames_internal "1" spec_drawstatus_internal "1" spec_mode_internal "2" spec_pip "0" suitvolume "0.250000" sv_aim "0" sv_voiceenable "1" team "" topcolor "30" viewsize "110" voice_enable "1" voice_forcemicrecord "1" voice_modenable "1" voice_scale "0.750000" volume "1" setinfo "_vgui_menus" "0" setinfo "_ah" "1" +mlook +jlook exec userconfig.cfg *END OF TUTORIALS* Credits and Special Thnx to: http://www.intheholecs.neT/ *Sorry again for double post ! ;O
  9. All about Rates Rate This is your download speed in bytes / second. If you know your advertised speed in kbIps (like a 56k is actually 56kbIps), then all you have to do is divide your speed by 8 and multiply it by 1024. Like this: 56 / 8 = 7 kbYtes/sec (1 byte = 8 bits) 7 * 1024 = 7168 bYtes/sec (1 kbyte = 1024 bytes) Your rate would be: rate 7168 You should know you will never download @7168, because thats the maximum theoretical limit. Instead, you should be realistic and take 90% of the theoretical limit to get the download speed you would get on most servers. 90% of 7168 = 7168 * 0.9 = 6451 rate 6451 That's about right, and should work best if you have a 56k dialup modem. cl_rate This is your upload speed in bYtes / second. It's how fast you send the things you do to a server. But your upload speed is usually not as fast as your download speed, so you need to make different calculations for "cl_rate" than for "rate". Let imagine you have DSL, with 128k upload speed. 128k is an advertised speed, so it is in kbIts/sec. 128 / 8 = 16 kbYtes/sec 16 * 1024 = 16384 bYtes/sec Again, you wont upload at that speed, instead your max upload speed will be about 90% of the advertised speed. 16384 * 0.9 = 14746 bYtes/sec So your cl_rate will be: cl_rate 14746 cl_updaterate This is the amount of times you receive updates from the server per second. In a heavy firefight the largest packets can be up to 180 bytes. (A packet is a bit of information that you receive). If we divide our rate by the largest packet size, we'll get our cl_updaterate. 6451 / 180 = 36 cl_updaterate 36 We dont need to take 90% of the updaterate, because we've already done that in the rate calculation. cl_cmdrate This is like cl_updaterate only that it's the amount of times you send updates to the server. The largest packet size that you (the client) send to the server is something like 30 bytes. So we should divide cl_rate by the largest packet size we send through: 14746 / 30 = ~491 Now, you can't send 491 updates per second to the server . It's almost impossible for the server to handle all those packets. What Half-Life has done, is limit cl_cmdrate to 100 So if you calculate cl_cmdrate and its bigger than 100, change it to 100 cl_cmdrate 100 That's more than fast enough for most ppl. ============================================= ============================================= That was the first part, I think all I said there has been said before, and perhaps better than I explained it. But now comes the bit everyone forgot to mention! The server you connect to has maximum and minimum rates. What the fu*k does that mean? It means that your specially calculated rates wont work properly and youll get choke and loss. How should you fix this? Well, currently you can only do this by looking up the max rates of the server, and recalculating rates after youve got the servers max rates. Ill explain how: 1/ First connect to a server 2/ Open console with "~" 3/ Type: sv_maxrate 4/ Press enter 5/ You should see a message in console displaying sv_maxrate xxxx Now that you've got the servers max rate, you know your own max rate aswell, the server limits your rate to his own max rate. So now we have to adjust our own rates. Lets say sv_maxrate was 10000 sv_maxrate 10000 Our rate should then also be 10000 (if your rate is less than sv_maxrate, you dont need to do any more calculations, you have the best rates for your connection). What we need to change is our cl_updaterate to avoid choke. So we need to calculate cl_updaterate based on a rate of 10000 10000 / 180 = 56 cl_updaterate 56 That will be our new cl_updaterate. After you've done that, you have calculated the best possible rates for the server you are on. All you have to do is type "cl_updaterate 56" in console. If you still experience choke or loss, lower your cl_update and cl_cmdrate, not your rate/cl_rate Bindable Keys escape - Escape F1 - F keys F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 F9 F10 F11 F12 pause - Pause/System break key ' - Left Quote/Tilde - - Hyphen = - Equals Sign backspace - Backspace tab - Tab ] - Right Bracket [ - Left Bracket \ - Backslash semicolon - Semicolon ' - Right Quote / - Forward Slash shift - Shift enter - Enter , - Comma ctrl - Control alt - Alt space - Space 1 - 0 - 1 - 0 A - Z - A - Z uparrow - Up Arrow downarrow - Down Arrow rightarrow - Right Arrow leftarrow - Left Arrow ins - Insert home - Home pgup - Page Up pgdn - Page Down del - Delete end - End kp_uparrow - Key Pad Up Arrow kp_pgup - Key Pad Page Up kp_leftarrow - Key Pad Left Arrow kp_5 - Key Pad 5 kp_end - Key Pad End kp_downarrow - Key Pad Down Arrow kp_pgdn - Key Pad Page Down kp_enter - Key Pad Enter kp_ins - Key Pad Insert kp_del - Key Pad Delete kp_slash - Key Pad Slash kp_minus - Key Pad Minus kp_plus - Key Pad Plus mouse1 - Mouse Click 1 mouse2 - Mouse Click 2 mouse3 - Mouse Click 3 (Some Mice) mouse4 - Mouse Click 4 (Some Mice) mouse5 - Mouse Click 5 (Some Mice) mwheelup - Mouse Wheel Up (Some Mice) mwheeldown - Mouse Wheel Down (some Mice) capslock - Caps Lock Counter-Strike Abbreviations This is a list of the most used counter-strike abbreviations. AFK : Away From Keyboard BRB : Be Right Back BTW : By The Way BS : Bullsh*t Cya : See You FFS : For F*ck's Sake FOAD : F*ck Off And Die! FU : F*ck You! G2G : Got To Go GG : Good Game GJ : Good Job Hax0r : Hacker, cheater JK : Just Kidding J00, j00, joo : You leet, l33t, 1337, 31337 : Elite LMAO : Laughing My Ass Off LMFAO : Laughing My F*cking/Fat Ass Off LOL : Laughing Out Loud NJ : Nice Job NP : No Problem NT : Nice Try OMG : Oh My God/Gosh OMFG : Oh My F*cking God/Gosh Plz : Please ROFL : Rolling On Floor Laughing ROFLMAO : Rolling On Floor Laughing My Ass Off STFU : Shut The F*ck Up Sux0rz : Sucker, Sucks TBH : To Be Honest Thx : Thanks TTYL : Talk To You Later W/e : Whatever WTF : What The F*ck WTH : What The Hell N1 : Nice One Noob, n00b : Newbie, inexperienced Owned, 0wned, Ownage : Dominated, domination Pr0n : Pornography, porn Pwn : Total Domination R0x0rz : Rocking, rocks Counter-Strike FAQs Getting Up and Running So how can I get Counter-Strike? There are two ways to acquire and play Counter-Strike. First, if you own the game Half-Life, you can download it for free right here from the official web site. Or second, if you don\'t own Half-Life, you can buy Half-Life: Counter-Strike retail from your local software store. How do I know if I have the RETAIL version of CS or the MOD version? To check whether you have the retail or mod version of CS, please see our CS Download Wizard. What\'s with the naming system between CS Retail and CS Mod? CS Mod\'s versions are named 1.x (such as V1.3). CS Retail\'s versions are numbered 1.0.0.x (such as The CS Retail patches are missing a lot of the maps that CS Mod has, what\'s up You can download from counter-strike.net a map-pack that has all the non-retail CS maps. What do I need installed in order to play CS? If you have the MOD version installed, you need to have Half-Life installed, you need the latest Half-Life patch as well as the latest verson of Counter-Strike. If you are running the Retail version of CS, you will need to have CS installed from the CD, and the latest CS retail patch. You can get all of the files at Fileplanet\'s HL section and all needed CS files right here at our site on the downloads page. I can\'t get the console to work in Counter-Strike! You need to make a shortcut that enables the console. Find your Half-Life folder, right click on hl.exe (choose \'create shortcut\' Right click on this new shortcut, choose \'properties\', then edit the \'target\' (command line) to say something similar to C:\\sierra\\half-life\\hl.exe -game cstrike -console. I\'m getting the error Hunk_Alloc:failed on xxxxx bytes. How can I fix this? CS uses more RAM than HL and TFC, so those with 32megs of RAM are having problems. In your command line, set -heapsize 32000 -- or try other values, smaller or larger -- depending how much RAM you have. If you don\'t know how to do this, right click on hl.exe and \'create shortcut\' Right click on this new shortcut, choose \'properties\', then edit the \'target\' (command line) to say something similar to C:\\sierra\\half-life\\hl.exe -game cstrike -heapsize 32000.The real fix, however, is to get more RAM. I\'m getting the error could not load library C:\\SIERRA\\HALF-LIFE\\/cstrike/cl_dlls/client.dll. What is going on? This is an error for the free Half-Life mod version of CS. This means that you don\'t have the latest Half-Life patch installed. Go to counter-strike.net download the latest HL patch file. Misc Questions Who made Counter-Strike? The CS Team made Counter-Strike. So what\'s this mod all about? CS is a realistic mod for Half-Life, where two teams (the Terrorists and the Counter-Terrorists) battle it out and perform map specific objectives. See the about page for a more detailed explanation. Where can I get a copy of all the CS commands/cvars? Read the latest CS Manual for a complete listing. Why isn\'t there a Mac version of Counter-Strike? A Mac version of Counter-Strike hinges on Valve Software porting Half-Life to the Mac. Their planned Mac port fell through. Thus, there will not be a Mac CS version (atleast not in the near future). In other words, the possitility of a Mac port isn\'t up to us. Will CS ever support / include bots? CS will probably not include bots out of the box. However, there are a couple well done bots available from third party developers. What\'s with the left handed weapons I\'ve heard so much about? All first person weapon models were strictly left handed up to beta 6. With the release of beta 6, you can now choose between left and right handed models. Type setinfo lefthand 0 at the console to use right handed guns. Does Counter-Strike include Single Player? How about Deathmatch? Traditional Counter-Strike just supports teamplay, multiplayer. A CS single player expansion is in the works by Valve Software in association with the CS Team. Can I still submit a map for Counter-Strike although betas are already out? Yes! We will continue to add new maps as the mod is developed and more releases are made. Head on over to the mapping information page for more stuff. What is the max player limit for CS maps? Generally 20 players. Though some maps support up to 32, based on the mapper\'s discretion. Do you support the HL Linux server port? Yes, the CS linux server is put out with each release, usually on the same day and a few hours before the windows release. How to Mute in 1.6 Before Steam came along last year, it was simple enough to mute an annoying player in counter-strike 1.5. You could do it from the score sheet by holding tab and clicking the victim. In the nature of Steam, it\'s a bit more complicated than that in counter-strike 1.6. To mute a player you must now go to the menu by hitting Esc then clicking Player List then finding and clicking the player and at last clicking Mute In-Game Voice. That player is now muted on your game. Knifing effectively In experience, the most effective and efficient method of getting a head shot on your opponent is to aim for the nose and stab (right click). This will always result in a headshot if the enemy is still (ie. AFK) but this is rarely the case. To kill a moving target in one stab requires much more of a skill. Often, aiming just above the head and striking down can work or if you\'re lucky a head on confrontation can result in a clean headshot as if the enemy was still. Slashing (left click) is often underestimated. In a one to one knife battle, slash is much more rapid and if aimed at the right spots can be quickly fatal. The head is again where you should aim for and in the best case just two quick slashes in the head will kill them straight away. Each slash inflicts about 60HP when aimed at the head precisely. A combination of slashes then stabs may prove to be the best method for you, as it does for quite a number of players. A few quick slashes can knock maybe 50HP off the enemy or if lucky even get a headshot on them. So it\'s worth giving the slash a go. Then give a firm stab with the right mouse button to finish them off good. But really, through playing and practising knifing is the only and best way to improve your skills. Everything takes time and don\'t be put off by other players calling you \"noob\" or \"lame\". They were once (if not still) in your position. Perservere and your own technique will come to you and you\'ll end up a real killing machine!
  10. Problem solveD! To avoid further spam topic lockeD! <TOPIC LOCKED>
  11. Definiton of an Aimbot An aimbot (sometimes called "auto-aim") is a computer game bot used in online multiplayer first-person shooter games that assists the player in aiming at the target. Since it gives the user an advantage over unaided players, it is considered a cheat. Aimbots have varying levels of effectiveness. Some aimbots can do all of the aiming and shooting, requiring the cheater to only move into a position where they can see opponents. This level of automation usually makes it difficult to hide an aimbot though; for example, the player might make inhumanly fast turns that always end with his or her crosshairs targeting an opponent's head. Many highly-skilled players, especially in Counter-Strike, are frequently accused of using such programs, and many anti-cheat mechanisms have been employed by companies such as Valve to prevent their use and thus avoid such accusations. Some games, including GoldenEye 64, Jedi Knight: Dark Forces II, and Unreal Tournament 2004, have "auto-aim" as an option in the game. This is not the same as an aimbot. It simply helps the user to aim when playing offline against computer opponents usually by allowing gunfire to hit so as long as the crosshair is within a certain area of the target. Halo 2 also uses this, although the effect is much less subtle. There are several different types of aimbots at different levels of potency. Some aimbots are partially human controlled, and others operate solely on game-data using memory or packet work to produce actions. StoogeBot is an example of an aimbot (among other things) that operates solely on memory and packets. More common, however, are human controlled aimbots. Types of Aimbots The first of these appeared with the first popular FPS games including Quake, Quake II, Counter-Strike, etc. These first aimbots were notoriously inaccurate and worked by replacing models with solid colour enhancements which displayed vibrant colours while in-game. These were generally solid yellow, green, blue, and red, and each team generally had different colour models. With these custom coloured models in place, an application began scanning the screen for the colour of said models. When it detected a coloured model, it instantly moved the mouse on top of the x and y coordinates the colour was located at and thus the player aims at the target automatically. Later versions of the colour aimbots used spots of colours on a model's head instead of a full body coloured model to enhance the potency. Many were detected using these when a player would spray his or her decal on the wall and the aimbot would aim at the wall instead of any players Clienthook Aimbot In a clienthook aimbot, the aimbot is part of a clienthook, and since it is, it can find the positions of the local player, and other players in the game. Since it can find positions of other player, and can modify the view angles, or control the mouse of the local player, it can set the view onto a target player. Graphics Driver Based Aimbots A step up in potency are graphic driver based aimbots. These types of hacks hijack control to the current API used to render a game's graphics to the screen to locate players and other objects. Once a player has been identified and tagged as the target, a series of calculations are performed to take the three dimensional location of a single coordinate within this model and convert it to a two dimensional set of coordinates. This pair of x and y values is then used in conjunction with some input API to move the cursor to the specified location, thus causing the player to aim at the target. Colour Aimbots Colour aimbots are an old and easy method to hacking - they can work in any game that supports coloured models. As colour aimbots don't hook the game or modify any file, most anti-cheats don't detect them. Despite being lower in performance than hooking aimbots, colour aimbots are fast enough to be used as cheats. They however have disadvantages - because the detection is purely colour coded, the aimbot may aim at textures that contain the colour, at dead bodies, or at team mates after switching teams. Colour aimbots work by scanning the entire or parts of the players screen for the selected RGB value. Once a pixel of the colour is detected the aimbot will move the players mouse cursor to that pixel. As such, colour aimbots require more system resources than a standard aimbot. Aimbot use Aimbots may technically be used in any multiplayer game that uses models, due to the different types available. Their use is, however, notorious in a number of games, such as: America's Army Battlefield 2142 Battlefield 2 The Quake series GunBound Call of Duty series Counter-strike Gunbound Revolution Halo Wolfenstein - Enemy Territory The Unreal Tournament series Zdaemon Soldier Front Battleground_Europe Manhunt and Manhunt 2 *I hope this is usefull for you ! ;) Credits for this good text --> stam65543
  12. COUNTER STRIKE MIK3'S CFG It contains: -userconfig.cfg (with settings adapted for knife mode) -rush.cfg (for knife rush) -config.cfg (with settings adapted for knife mode) -bhop.cfg (it contains bhop script) -lj.cfg (max between 240-246 units) -lj2.cfg (max between 240-252 units) If u want to deactivate bhop mode, just type in console: bind space +jump All credits to : MIk3 Download: RS Multi-Upload *Not tested from me!!
  13. Take a look here guyZ! (If u want to know how to install the modS ^^) http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=22298.0 Btw /agree to make a section for gta ! 8)
  14. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=16540.msg148773#msg148773 Thats why...!
  15. Link is dead...! So... <TOPIC LOCKED>
  16. Ela aplo einai to 8ema akou ton empiro K4rMa...! 1.An goustareis kapoia... koita tin sta matia...... 2.Karfose tin. sta matiaaaaaa k pali 3.Trava mila tis... vres kt... oti na nai arkei na anoikseis sizitisi kai meta na lete ena geia... px.. an einai apo to sxoleio s pes tin : gamw ta sxoleia m... 7 wres se mia karekla pfff vare8ika esy ?! :P Pes tin oti na nai... ARKEI NA MILISEiS xD ... Allo paradeigma... oraios kairos simera e? ;O 4.Min ntrepesaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii mia zwi tin exoume ... dn kerdizei kaneis tpt me tin ntropi for sure... 5.Afou tis les ena geia..... meta an ma8eis to onoma tis... rikse kai kana komplimento xD Px... A re mariaaaa monteloooooooo.... ! xD 6.Meta zita kana ari8mo ... =D Kai stelne kana minima na dei k na katalavei oti endiaferesai... ! :P 7.Kai meta afou ta kaneis ola auta pfff xD 8a katalavei oti kt trexei mazi s kai tn 8eleiS... 8.Kai ama goustarei k auti.... kt 8a kanei dn mporei.... ;) 9.Alla opws eipame k panw..... OXI NTROPESSSS eksalou mia gkomena einai...! Dn se 8elei mia ?! Dn tin 8eleis +65535 :P sta @@ s kiolas... kapoia 8a katsei re gmt p 8a paei =D 10.Auta apo K4rMaArr0ws.... 11.A btw min tin akolou8aSssss 8a se perasei gia mlka kai 8a to ekmetaleutei.... k 8a se kanei oti 8elei =D 12.K kati teleutaio.. Opws eipe kai kapoios allos kane parea kai me tis files tissss gia na valoun logia se autin p 8es,,, px kalo palikari o xxrxx! (dn 8umamai name s xD) Ante thyrio... Gl Gl Gl :-\
  17. Hey... Read the ruleS: http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=11.0 • Discussion of illegal activities such as software and music piracy and other intellectual property violations are not allowed. 1rst warning Report to moderator to remove the link! <TOPIC LOCKED>
  18. OGC FX v3.1 by Sruh (Public Edition) :: Endorphine Coding Crew :: Client Multihack: VAC Secure - 02 Mar 2008 Works for CS 1.6 / CZ and some other HL 1 Mods ---------------------------------------------------- OGC FX v3: Vector and Bone Aimbot GANS v5 Nospread NO Recoil Full Player ESP / Sound ESP / Gait Sequence ESP / Barrels ASUS / XQZ /Wireframe Wallhacks Some Visual Stuff like Playerglow Speedhack Grenade Dodge Crosshairs PEB added (VAC) and many more... ---------------------------------------------------- OGC FX v3.1 (update): Fixed Aimbot Bugs Removed Speedhack (sucks anyways) Menu is fixed and has Auto Save Function now. (Manual Crashed) Removed Level Change Bug Sound ESP fixed ---------------------------------------------------- Credits: XEPT, OGC Crew, P47R!CK, Game-Deception, Bunny771, System, PharLap, h1web Download: http://rapidshare.com/files/96345975/OGC_FX_Public.rar.html Virus total resultS AhnLab-V3 - - - AntiVir - - - Authentium - - - Avast - - - AVG - - - BitDefender - - - CAT-QuickHeal - - (Suspicious) - DNAScan ClamAV - - - DrWeb - - - eSafe - - Suspicious File eTrust-Vet - - - Ewido - - - F-Prot - - - F-Secure - - - FileAdvisor - - - Fortinet - - - Ikarus - - Trojan.Win32.Crypt.D Kaspersky - - - McAfee - - - Microsoft - - - NOD32v2 - - - Norman - - - Panda - - Suspicious file Prevx1 - - - Rising - - - Sophos - - - Sunbelt - - Backdoor.Satancrew (vf) Symantec - - - TheHacker - - - VBA32 - - - VirusBuster - - - Webwasher-Gateway - - Win32.Malware.gen#PECompact!92 (suspicious)
  19. http://l2dragonlance.org/ "KAMAEL" 600+ ppl online
  20. Thanks xxrxx for the karma point ;O Btw i maked this guide because the last days i play a lot gta and i hope you play too...! Feel free to ask any question! ;p and report any problem... More guides are coming to this topic ;)
  21. Hello i want to share with you some nice modS for gta san andreas and to explain you how to install them ! ;p First download San andreas Mod installer:(Freeware) http://rapidshare.com/files/107108411/San_Andreas_Mod_Installer_v1.1.rar.html Ok now choose a mod..! For example: I want this bike Download: http://files.gtainside.com/downloads/ftpd/1200935718_Velocyped_by_DMC_V1.0.zip OKz now if you have the game you are ready to install the mod! First install the mod installer that you download firstly..! :P Finish ! :) Now lets install the bike that we download before ;p Run the program... Press "install a mod" Now at mod location press "browse" to find the location of the zip folder with the mod.. thing Make sure that you have check the box for backup fileS ! ;) Now... finnaly you are ready to install the mod =D Press continue...! Now choose a name for your new mod and replace an old one bike with the new one! :) Mod succesfull installed!!! :) Now lets go in game to see our new mod! ;p And yes... it is working fine! Go and buy san andreas fast ! xD Ok now i will give you some links to find these modS so you can choose alone and make your own gta san andreas world! ;) http://www.gtainside.com (The best one) www.thegtaplace.com Guide made by me! Enjoy ppl!
  22. nOtak.mini v4 (07.06.2008) by ChrischMC //==================== support & proofness: => tested for CS1.6 and DoD1.3 => VAC2 , VOIPLAY & HLG Proof //==================== notes: => for best experiences, first start the loader, second start CS/DoD => if you are using VOIPLAY, connect to a server, then start the loader! //==================== features: => FarESP => VisibleESP => BoxESP => NameESP => WeaponESP => DistanceESP => GaitSequenceESP (only CS) => EntityESP => Radar (only CS) => Aimbot (Aimkey, Aimheight, FOV, Deathmatch, NoRecoil) => Speedhack (Speedfactor, Speedkey) => NoFlash (FlashPercentage) //==================== credits & thanks: => Gordon`, bi0s, xgx, seren1ty, sk0r, ko1n, => mp-hacks.de, mp-hacks.net, gamedeception.net, OGC, => LanceVorgin, deltashark, boeke, everyone else :) //==================== changelog v4: => updated VOIP screenshot blocker => added NoFlash & FlashPercentage => added Speedhack -----> Keys: 1 - aspeed; 2 - left mousebtn; 3 - right mousebtn; 4 - click on mwheel -----> Factor: -25 to 25 => added NoRecoil //==================== changelog v3: => added VOIP support (including VOIP update scanner) (thanks seren1ty ;) ) //==================== changelog v2: => added auto-offsets => added deathmatch mode support => general fixes => added advertising //==================== changelog fix1: => fixed injection-error (I hope :p ) => improved esp and aimbot functionality in DoD 1.3 => aimbot now works in windowed mode too Download: http://rs297.rapidshare.com/files/121018513/nOtak_mini_v4.rar Virus total results: AhnLab-V3 - - - AntiVir - - - Authentium - - Possibly a new variant of W32/SecRisk-ProcessPatcher-Sml-based!Maximus Avast - - - AVG - - - BitDefender - - - CAT-QuickHeal - - - ClamAV - - - DrWeb - - - eSafe - - Suspicious File eTrust-Vet - - - Ewido - - - F-Prot - - W32/SecRisk-ProcessPatcher-Sml-based!Maximus F-Secure - - - FileAdvisor - - - Fortinet - - - Ikarus - - not-a-virus:Porn-Dialer.Win32.Agent.z Kaspersky - - - McAfee - - - Microsoft - - - NOD32v2 - - - Norman - - - Panda - - Suspicious file Prevx1 - - Heuristic: Suspicious Self Modifying EXE Rising - - - Sophos - - - Sunbelt - - Backdoor.Nuclear (vf) Symantec - - - TheHacker - - - VBA32 - - - VirusBuster - - - Webwasher-Gateway - - - *Dont tested from me , so be carefull ! ;D
  23. Nai file mono se "PM"!
  25. MP-Hacks.NET & MP-Hacks.DE -- Low Level Access Hack [CS 1.6] ------------------------------------------------------------ ====================================================== Features: ---------- * Aimbot (Vector Aimbot) -> Fov -> Vec -> AimThru -> AvDraw * ESP -> BoxEsp -> VisibleEsp -> FarEsp * Wallhack -> XQZ Style (maybe buggy) * Others -> BunnyHop -> Crosshair (1/2) Credits ---------------------- www.MP-Hacks.DE (German Support) www.MP-Hacks.NET (English Support) Greets: -------- Anni <3 Cheat-Project MP-Hacks Staff Game-Deception All IRC fgts ;) nRw | Cr3w IRC: ---- /Server -m irc.rizon.net /join #m-nation /join #mp-hacks ====================================================== This hack will be VAC detected as soon as Valve adds the hack sig into their database ... so don't ask if it's secure ;) Download: http://www.cheat-project.com/download.php?id=654
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