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Everything posted by K4rMa

  1. There is already a topiC for posting YT videos..! http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=13767.0 It is sticky..! Cant you see it ?! <TOPIC LOCKED>
  2. This one...!
  3. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=24434.0 Eftiakses idi ena topiC gia request l2 elixir bugs>..>>! Btw la8os section 1rst warning..! <TOPIC LOCKED>
  4. Blane i am waiting for the domain to start the PWNED SHARES :) <Topic LockeD>
  5. Yeap..!
  6. This nice tool gives you the option to have a speedometer showing your gear and speed in either mph or km/h. You can also choose which corner of the screen it's placed in. Download: http://rapidshare.com/files/117757640/SASpeedo.zip.html
  7. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=24220.0 1rst warning.. <TOPIC LOCKED>
  8. Thanks for share paizw poli gta :) Btw dn einai hack..! Einai ena mod addon pou metatrepei to Cj se superman skin kai tou dinei tin dunatotita na petaei ! :) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uJR3W-TONLQ Thanks again..
  9. Gt kaneis double-post sinexeia k grafeis akura post.. Mn sinexiseis dn 8a s vgei se kalo..! Read ruleS: http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=11.0
  10. Maybe one more Gl.Mod will be added because maybe i will not Admin of Blanes site because i have some problems with the bank ...! So.. Blane i want to apply for a g.mod and i will be online everyday 2-3 hours and sharing 15-20 things everyday thats mean 15-20 topiCS..! Btw i will check every user and believe me i will dissapear all of the spammers..! If you want me i will be there only for help... K4rMa
  11. Ara exeis provlima me global.mods k oxi me gold members.. Ta gold members mporoun na kanoun mono /lock topics kai -1 +1 karma.. Thats all..! Btw uparxoun k ta "PM" ^^
  12. Se sxesi me allous p exw dei YY einai.. x5000 x10000 k paei legontas ;SSSS
  13. Ok, soz apla paizw ekei k kserw ti paizei.. Dn pianei tpt.. Eidika ekei.. :D Gia auto to traviksa /lock to avoid spam ^^ Anyway sorry k pali ;O
  14. E tote ma8e na kaneis swsta search...! http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=6629.0 Download link: http://henzo.ucoz.ru/hLaPEx.rar <TOPIC LOCKED>
  15. Epeidi file paizw l2 elixir kai kserw oti ola ta bugakia einai fixarismena.. tzampa ekanes tn kopo na kaneis new topiC... Mono ena pianei k auto dn einai k toso simantiko ! :) http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=24008.0 Btw la8os section...! To lockarw gia na apofygoume peretero spam..! An exeis antirisi k nomizeis oti uparxei kt pes na to kanw Unlock.. Thanks... <TOPIC LOCKED>
  16. Blane GJ...! I want to apply for admin..! For the money and the rest we will talk later at msn ! :)
  17. Re paidia mi kanete ta eukola dyskola :D:P Pios ka8ete na zografizei ?! ::) http://graffiticreator.net/ http://www.graffitigen.com/ www.cooltext.com
  18. Hello welcome ;D
  19. 1 hour, 55 posts ?! He is member from : December 21, 2005, 07:21:56 PM Posts: 51 (0,058 per day) ;//
  20. You mean, pics with our faceS?! =D
  21. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=13128.0 ;)
  22. @kostis18 >:( Patise to search button k 8a deis oti *ENCHANT* = *LUCK* <TOPIC LOCKED>
  23. Mporei na exei kapoia mikroprovlimata alla.. to 8elei gia prosopiki tou xrisi gia na dei apla pws einai na eisai admin kai oxi na mazepsei kosmo.. Gia auto skeftika na t dwsw ready pack..! Ti se exw axti ?! Kai pws evgales to sumperasma auto..! @DayWa1ker Gl me to guide p sou edwse o TerrorXCrew
  24. Gia ti server 8es gia kamael h interlude ?!
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