There is already a topiC for posting YT videos..!
It is sticky..! Cant you see it ?!
This nice tool gives you the option to have a speedometer showing your gear and speed in either mph or km/h. You can also choose which corner of the screen it's placed in.
Thanks for share paizw poli gta :)
Btw dn einai hack..! Einai ena mod addon pou metatrepei to Cj se superman skin
kai tou dinei tin dunatotita na petaei ! :)
Thanks again..
Maybe one more Gl.Mod will be added because maybe i will not Admin of Blanes site
because i have some problems with the bank ...!
So.. Blane i want to apply for a g.mod and i will be online everyday 2-3 hours and sharing
15-20 things everyday thats mean 15-20 topiCS..! Btw i will check every user and believe me i will dissapear all of the spammers..!
If you want me i will be there only for help...
Ara exeis provlima me global.mods k oxi me gold members..
Ta gold members mporoun na kanoun mono /lock topics kai -1 +1 karma.. Thats all..!
Btw uparxoun k ta "PM" ^^
Epeidi file paizw l2 elixir kai kserw oti ola ta bugakia einai fixarismena..
tzampa ekanes tn kopo na kaneis new topiC...
Mono ena pianei k auto dn einai k toso simantiko ! :)
Btw la8os section...!
To lockarw gia na apofygoume peretero spam..!
An exeis antirisi k nomizeis oti uparxei kt pes na to kanw Unlock..
Mporei na exei kapoia mikroprovlimata alla.. to 8elei gia prosopiki tou xrisi gia na dei
apla pws einai na eisai admin kai oxi na mazepsei kosmo.. Gia auto skeftika na t dwsw
ready pack..!
Ti se exw axti ?! Kai pws evgales to sumperasma auto..!
Gl me to guide p sou edwse o TerrorXCrew