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Everything posted by K4rMa

  1. Last reply -> April 16, 2007, 10:20:18 PM » Your reply -> Today at 06:30:59 PM As i can see at your profile all of your posts are SPAM ! -1 karma... Ban Request ! <TOPIC LOCKED>
  2. For me works fine,at internet explorer !
  3. 5907=Red Soul Crystal: Grade 12 5910=Green Soul Crystal: Grade 12 5913=Blue Soul Crystal: Grade 12 5908=Red Soul Crystal: Grade 13 5911=Green Soul Crystal: Grade 13 5914=Blue Soul Crystal: Grade 13 Done ! *Next time press the search button ! If you have a problem with id's pm me ! Problem solved.... <TOPIC LOCKED>
  4. All of your posts are spam ! -1 karma Ban request !
  5. Are you stupid or what ?! Look the date before post something ! User already reporteD for spamming and undiging ! > TOPIC LOCKED <
  6. Topic is from 2007 ! Show some mercy.. If you want to spam you are at wrong forum ! -1 karma again ! Ban request, done ! > TopiC LockeD <
  7. Topic lockeD ! -1 karma for spamming your server 3 times.. with 3 different topicS ! You are one step before ban request !
  8. Collection of 800+ Counter Strike Source maps Including, Surfs, zombie, aim, climb FIRST COLLECTION Uploading Site: rapidshare Parts : 3 http://rapidshare.com/users/6KD8DT SECOND COLLECTION http://rapidshare.com/files/178887919/www.dynamicempire.info.CSS.maps.part09.rar http://rapidshare.com/files/178887595/www.dynamicempire.info.CSS.maps.part08.rar http://rapidshare.com/files/178888374/www.dynamicempire.info.CSS.maps.part07.rar http://rapidshare.com/files/178888326/www.dynamicempire.info.CSS.maps.part06.rar http://rapidshare.com/files/178888733/www.dynamicempire.info.CSS.maps.part05.rar http://rapidshare.com/files/178887716/www.dynamicempire.info.CSS.maps.part04.rar http://rapidshare.com/files/178888515/www.dynamicempire.info.CSS.maps.part03.rar http://rapidshare.com/files/178888298/www.dynamicempire.info.CSS.maps.part02.rar http://rapidshare.com/files/178888660/www.dynamicempire.info.CSS.maps.part01.rar Have fun ! :D
  9. @stefoulis15 Well , if you want my opinion your video is not so good . Some letters are to big.Also the images are to small and not clear. Your browser appears to with images,and this is not good !:P Btw is almost same with mine.. Lets make something different that will make the youtube users to come here and register an account. Anyway, nice try and gl with your video because maxtor will decide the best and not me ! :D That was only my opinion :P Always friendly , K4rMaArr0ws !
  10. K4rMa

    ligo help

    Try this... http://www.mediafire.com/?104cgvxjtyy
  11. Pou ta vriksw ola autA ?! :S Duskolo ?! ;/ AnywayZ 8a sou steilw se ligo se pm to msn m mono mi me prikseis to kefali ... ;p
  12. Links: Translation Most of the sites listed on this page provide free online translation of text and/or webpages between a number of different languages. Multilingual translators | Bilingual translators | Databases of translators | Translation-related articles | Electronic dictionaries and translators For translations of names, words and short phrases into Arabic, Chinese, Hebrew, Japanese, Hindi, Gujarati or Sanskrit, please visit: http://www.tattoos-by-design.co.uk Arabic translation - free translation of names and phrases into Arabic http://arabic.speak7.com/learn_arabic.htm Please note Online translation sites enable you to understand the gist of a piece of foreign text or website, but are not entirely accurate or reliable and are no substitute for a human translator. 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Worldlingo Webpage translation between English and Chinese (Simplified), Chinese (Traditional), Dutch, French, German, Greek, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese (Brazil), Russian or Spanish: http://www.worldlingo.com/en/websites/url_translator.html Alphaworks Text and webpage translation between English and French, German, Japanese, Italian, Simplified Chinese, Spanish, Traditional Chinese or Korean http://www.alphaworks.ibm.com/aw.nsf/html/mt Translendium Translator Text and webpage translation between Catalan, Spanish, English, French, Italian, German and Russian: http://www.translendium.com Traductor automàtic Text and webpage translation between Catalan, English, French and Spanish http://traductor.gencat.net/index_ca.jsp Reverso text and webpage translation between English, French, German and Spanish http://www.reverso.net PROMT's Online translator Text, webpage and email translation between Russian and English, French, German, Spanish and Italian: http://www.translate.ru/eng/erre.asp T-Sail Webpage translation between between English and French, German, Japanese, Italian, Simplified Chinese, Spanish, Traditional Chinese or Korean http://www.t-mail.com/cgi-bin/tsail Browne Global Solutions iTranslator Text translation between English and French, German, Italian, Japanese, Portuguese (BR) or Spanish: http://itranslator.bowneglobal.com Applied language solutions Free online text and webpage translation between English and Chinese, Dutch, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Russian or Spanish http://www.appliedlanguage.com/free_translation.shtml FREELANG Free translation by humans rather than machines http://www.freelang.net Free Website Localization A collaborative translation project to help webmasters get free multilingual versions of their web sites: http://www.freelocalization.com Language Dynamics Free online translation between Dutch, English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese and Spanish: http://www.langdy.com/dacc_g.htm Applied Language Free online translation between Chinese, Dutch, English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Russian and Spanish http://www.appliedlanguage.com/free_translation.shtml Local Translation Free online translation between English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, and Spanish http://www.localtranslation.com Global Translations Free Online translation between Arabic, Chinese, Dutch, English, French, German, Hebrew, Italian, Japanese, Korean Persian, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Turkish and Ukrainian: http://www.gts-translation.com/freetranslation.asp Polly Glotto Free online translator between Chinese, English, Dutch, French, German, Greek, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese and Spanish that speaks the translations using text-to-speech technology: http://www.pollyglotto.com Want to know where you can get the best education? 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TranslationBooth Free online translation between many differnt languages http://www.translationbooth.com/ YoFast Word Translations Free online translations between English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese and Spanish: http://www.yofast.org LinkTranslation Free online translations between English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Portuguese and Spanish http://www.linktranslation.com/resources_free_translation.html Lingo24 - une collection d'outils de traduction automate, integres sur une meme page http://fr.lingo24.com/free-translation-online.html Translation Services http://www.argostranslations.com/services/translation/ Prestige Network free resources (Multilingual Appointment Card and Language ID Card) http://www.prestigenetwork.co.uk/translation/freerscr/index.htm English 'Dialect' Translators http://www.whoohoo.co.uk (Scouse, Geordie, Cockney, Brummie, etc.) http://www.stokeferry.com/visitor/broadnorfolk (Board Norfolk) http://www.geordie.org.uk (Geordie) http://www.topfun.co.uk/babelsheep (Cumbrian) http://www.tuco.de/home/jschef.htm (Swedish Chef) http://www.talklikeapirate.com/translator.htm (Pirate) http://www.aussietranslator.com/convert.php (Aussie) http://www.rednecktranslator.com/convert.php (Redneck) http://www.ghettotranslator.com/convert.php (Ghetto) http://www.shortbus.net/dialect.html (Valley Girl, Jive, Jethro, etc.) http://www.rinkworks.com/dialect (Redneck, Elmer Fudd, Pig Latin, etc.) 24 million users use Babylon to get instant translations, join them now. Download Babylon Today! [ contents ] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bilingual translators Arabic - English http://tarjim.ajeeb.com/ajeeb http://www.almisbar.com/salam_trans.html Chinese - English http://www.readworld.com/tran TransName.com - have your name or other words or phrases translated into Chinese http://www.transname.com English - Māori http://translator.kedri.info/ Finnish - English https://websmart.kielikone.fi/eng/kirjaudu.asp English <> Indonesian http://www.toggletext.com/kataku_trial.php Polish - English http://www.poltran.com Persian (Farsi) - English http://www.parstranslator.com English - Spanish http://translateandsave.com/free-human-translation.htm http://www.lingo24.com/contextrans-spanish-english-translation-service.html http://www.lingo24.com/contextrans-english-spanish-translation-service.html http://www.english-spanish-translations.com/free-translation/translate-phrase.htm [ contents ] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Databases of translators http://www.proz.com http://www.translatorsbase.com http://www.babelport.com FreelancerSupport - lists translation jobs and has other resoures for translators http://www.freelancersupport.com [ contents ] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Translation-related articles Articles about translation, typesetting and related topics http://www.wintranslation.com/article_centre.html Articles about translation, language, etc. http://patenttranslators.com/articles.htm Articles about translating, interpreting and web globalization http://www.kwintessential.co.uk/translation/articles.html Articles about translation, localisation and language learning http://www.lexicool.com/articles.asp Translation Journal - A Publication for Translators by Translators about Translators and Translation: http://www.accurapid.com/journal/ Machine translation http://www.aaai.org/AITopics/html/machtr.html ;)
  13. Better to play tetris or pacman xD ! Btw enough old :)
  14. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=21175.msg138588;topicseen#msg138588 Triple poster xD
  15. Welcome Pandorah ! Have a nice stay... ! Enjoy the whole stuff at this forum xD !
  16. Name: K4rmaArr0ws Posts: 600 (1,935 per day)
  17. w0w .... CriticalError Gj Gj Gj !!!!! 8) For me you are the best uploader in the forum . . . ! :D Keep sharing.... Thnx for the wonderfull dagger .. It owNsSsSsS ! :-*
  18. Ever wonder what the longest in the world is? Atleast this The website with the longest name.Go check it,no spamming. So long! http://thelongestlistofthelongeststuffatthelongestdomainnameatlonglast.com/ oMG !! :p :-X
  19. Total time logged in: 25 days, 11 hours and 59 minutes Aintaaaa ftanoume ena mina online =D
  20. Emena h karta grafikon mou upostirizei.. 2 o8ones.. Exei 2 upodoxeS :O
  21. Welcome k1sSm3plZ !! Welcome to MxC cheating & hacking forum ^^ :P Have a nice stay and read the rules in order to keep your acc alive from modS :) Always friendly, K4rMaArr0wS :)
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