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Everything posted by mexican24

  1. what a lame keylogger ! PPL DONT DOWNLOAD SUCH FILE ! ADMIN/MODS - please delete this topic ASAP.
  2. Im kind busy working right now, maybe soon i will work on a new guide for IG walker on DNET or something like just re-upload my own files as u can see i have shared this content with the ppl that started this topic.
  3. do we can set up it to work on servers like dragon network ?
  4. take care with the files u got.. maybe it has something to steal ur info. what kind of walker are u looking for ?
  5. torrent ftw, also emule is good, u just need a good number of sources/seeds sharing the same file/content so u will download it fast, its basicaly that
  6. IMO Dragon-Network is the best community of Lineage 2 servers !
  7. btw, whats the drop list from frintezza rb ? thx in advance
  8. some ppl are lazy even to exp on 10x servers.. :p i have exped a bishop to 76 on 10x in couple weeks
  9. dont work on dragon network, have tried it already.. its more a tip then an exploit
  10. yeah i agree with u but there is ppl like me that dont have a credit card to make donations, so theres no way to use pay-pal or any other internet payment system so at all we can just use the post counts to see such contents :X
  11. so.. its totally useless.. LOL 200 posts for it .. is just bullsh1t.. ehheheh nice share :P
  12. hmmm cool but this duplicate only the char name or duplicate all the data? like items adena .. etc pls info thx
  13. By using this script we get inside baium without the quest? thats it? @___@ nice work iamhere ;)
  14. I made 6 Homunkulus +9 and from these 6 i made 2 +11. I'll try get more EWC,repeat all process to make at least one weapon +15 or 16 :D i love glow
  15. I have tried using my clock for count the seconds and i made 6 of 9 homunkulus from 0 to +6 atm. I will post here future results but i still think its a matter of luck at all
  16. didnt worked for me on dragon network, thx anyway for the share
  17. LOL.. if it is really working u should lock the topic and set it for at least 200 post counts.. tons of newbies are leeching..
  18. u ppl ask for such nub stuffs that there is no need of a script for.. what a shame.. first use search buttom, if u dotn find what do u need do a request on the proper section.
  19. i ahve the same problem using IG on Dnet.. it fcks alot the RAM..
  20. what server it worked and it is l2off or l2j ?? thx for the share ;)
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