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Everything posted by mexican24

  1. sry to say but is not so simple as open a file and find the token :X
  2. we all will still bastards XD cheating and cracking all those lame protections XD kisses maxtor
  3. working exploits are pretty rare stuff.. most of the working exploits here are for l2j servers :X
  4. nevermind hlapex.. fixed on 99,99999999% of the private servers !
  5. dragon-network is the best l2 community :) www.dragon-community.net www.dragon-network.net kisses
  6. check out this topic -> http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=4559.msg32481#msg32481 lol.. u need 150 posts to see the topic content.. bad mods, bad .. :(
  7. mpj123, can u upload the file to other hosting service? some persons like me cant download files from filefront :/ kisses
  8. lineage 2, world of warcraft, battlefield 2 and couple other games series.
  9. nice info, pls any mod sticky it, very very useful
  10. at least on infinity server from dragon-network we can kill the minions of ant queen at any lvl, im a HE lvl 78 and we kill the minions with high lvl subbed chars while 9 lvl 40 nukers kill the ant queen, pretty simple. kisses
  11. it was only possible by using hlapex time ago, now its fixed on 99,999999999999% of the servers, in other words, sry dude buts is impossible to enchant ur skills for +30
  12. lol man, there are tons of l2informer links over the internet XD anyway, share is the solution !
  13. replying on a so old topic for post count.. please mods lock this topic..
  14. those kinds of exploits are patcheds on most of the servers.
  15. @hurensohn: stop spamming man.. answer only if u have something to add.. ur answer dont help him for sure. - check this topic for more info on how to set up ig walker: http://www.maxbastards.gr/forum/index.php?topic=6874.0
  16. do u have the right id for cp pots? i will try it later
  17. do anyone know if its possible to handle it by scripts? @ valley of saints u can see rivers for money and drops XD
  18. lol, there is a search buttom for that, u dont need to read all items list do find it
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