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Everything posted by mexican24

  1. it never happened to me using 1.51, its working just fine
  2. ok, thank you NobLe ;) no more questions
  3. So the only function for karma is to show that the user its a trustworth sharer/forum user ? Sry again koyfo :P
  4. Does karma allows the forum users to see any hided topic content ? sry for such lame question.. havent find any info about that thx in advance
  5. thats not so simple.. i have broke tons of weapons by trying this method, at least i have made couple weapons +11
  6. if u dont understand or if u dont have a useful comment to add on this topic, please dont reply.. u have been posting only crap for postcouts till now.. its a serious topic.. dont spam ffs
  7. at c4/c5/interlude is kinda HARD for a single player to handle a damn karik @ loa.. ur lvling guide is for c3 servers.. LOL
  8. i dont see logic point on this running while trying to enchant a weapon.. i believe theres no way to increase the enchant sucess rate by that
  9. i always used to play with IG 1.51 @ DNET and never had problems related to map and displaying the players/mobs dots on the map screen.
  10. Its a program that tell ur mouse pointer do clicks on especific coordinates via scripts, you can customize it by creating ur own scripts for especif tasks. I dont see use for me but its a good share anyway
  11. luck.. maybe.. if u dont have knowledge for such task u must count with luck afterall.. but we got couple g33k minds and some codes we can crack it. Someday.. i hope :P
  12. The reason for that is to protect from ppl like u that never helped MxB community and just acess our forum to leech our knowledge.. and the files i got from a russian friend weeks ago, i just made the guide and made it public for the others. Kisses
  13. indeed, i think i will try this game this weekend XD
  14. Do requests here - > http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?board=46.0
  15. check out this link for OOG bot -> http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=11805.0
  16. I would like to help any of u in this search for "The Holy Gral of Enchants" but im a newbie atm on coding, i have learned about algorithms and now im studying about DB's.Scorvon had a nice idea but we still need to figure out how to do that, basicaly its a sniffing packets job like we had saw on l2phx//hlapex but the good servers has protection against that kind of hack.Correct me if i have said something wrong.
  17. i think there is something but i never found working exploits for official servers and i wont use it there on Kain :X i would get mad if they ban my HE :X
  18. lol never heard about such thing, imo its impossible have something like dmg booster, the only thing u can have to inscrease ur STATS and dmg are buffs and bosses jewelery
  19. nice article, but too much complex for me atm XD
  20. The files on my sign are 100% secure!I just dont have sure if these links still working, anyone can use it without problems. Soonner or later i will do a new tutorial about IG walker on Dnet with new tools. kisses
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