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Everything posted by mexican24

  1. on the guide it says that the weapon cannot be dropped anymore, so if i die while red there still a chance to drop or what? didnt saw the replies above, sry ;P other question.. its possible to augment the weapon again and overwrite the actual weapon augmentation ?
  2. imo if u get a pp and a bd u can solo @ ketra orcs since 74 without problems
  3. i agree with you but mxb would be cleaner if more persons start to use search buttom instead of creating new topics for common questions. anyway mxb is a good forum, has a nice community and maxtor keep the good job ;D
  4. wtb overenchanted S grade bow on raven -> dnet
  5. if u are smart and got a nice party bot u can exp the entire way from 20-78 inside catacombs but there are couple spots for solo botting exp, for ur case i would exp inside sea of spores from 40-52 .
  6. my last clan had a clan hall @ goddard, there was possible to buy soe to oren and ivory tower
  7. for killing archers sk/ps but if u want play as normal nuker, not a only-archer-killer go for sh/sk its a nice combo.. LS pwnz
  8. yeah they should work as they do on korea.. NA ncsoft suxx... i played on kain, official servers year ago and we get updates weeks later then koreans.. they should improve the service
  9. as you i have tried couple mmos, have played l2,wow,ragnarok,ryl,ryl2.. a long list but i always come back to l2 no one beats l2
  10. mexican24

    ANIME !!

    berserk,hellsing,vampire hunter d,naruto,dbz,saint seya,ghost in the shell and others
  11. i tried the sms-it and nothing.. theres a crack on the directory.. also tried it.. but nothing useless for me
  12. indeed lineage is limited in several aspects but as u can see MxB shows this game popularity as it is, many of us still have fun playing lineage
  13. try this one posted by maxtor, maybe gonna work for ya http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=13531.0
  14. do anyone here got screenshot for he/wl stats(dnet) ? ubber player not low equiped noob one ;)
  15. this question have been made thousands of times.. please use seach buttom ppl, thats not that hard..
  16. if u know something just keep sharing ur knowledge with MxB community and you will be able to see topic contents asap
  17. i had a he/pp on infinity time ago, i was on maj light set+drac bow focus+3 lvl 78 on pp buffs+pof+chp+p atck pot and my friend was a sk/ps lv 66 on tallum robe i think, it was impossible to kill... he eats arrows on breakfast
  18. noob players love to check out their new skills/stats after sub attacking taurin XD and as i said, its more a tip then an exploit, but theres no section for l2 tips on MxB XD
  19. yes it still working, i was botting new chars this morning ;D
  20. walker do not warn u if someone or a mob dropped a good item on ground, the only thing u can do is check what items are around you looking into walker map, u can see item Id, loc etc other thing is that i wouldnt let my bot picking up all kinds of drops, if someone got mad with your bot on his spot, that person can make a path with drops and take your bot out of the spot ;) heheheh
  21. indeed theres no sense but faith XD
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