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  1. O que você Precisa?
  2. Do you have to Gracia Final in this style?
  3. Great job, Congratulations
  4. This got Diff Working withdrew the My Project
  5. u3games estou seguindo as instruções mais não consigo criar o arquivo javaestou certo copilar o arquivo com java 8?
  6. Defect <item id="100000" type="Weapon" name="Antharas Avenger-Fragment"> <set type="Weapon" name="weight" val="1740"/> <set type="Weapon" name="default_action" val="EQUIP" /> <set type="Weapon" name="weapon_type" val="BLUNT" /> <set type="Weapon" name="bodypart" val="rhand" /> <set type="Weapon" name="dropable" val="true"/> <set type="Weapon" name="tradeable" val="true"/> <set type="Weapon" name="sellable" val="false"/> <set type="Weapon" name="soulshots" val="1"/> <set type="Weapon" name="spiritshots" val="1"/> <set type="Weapon" name="price" val="0"/> <for> <add stat="pAtk" order="0x10" val="1188"/> <add stat="mAtk" order="0x10" val="517"/> <add stat="rCrit" order="0x08" val="60"/> <add stat="pAtkSpd" order="0x08" val="379"/> <add stat="accCombat" order="0x10" val="8.00"/> <enchant stat="pAtk" order="0x0C" val="0"/> <enchant stat="mAtk" order="0x0C" val="0"/> </for> </item> Correction <item id="100000" type="Weapon" name="Antharas Avenger-Fragment"> <set name="weight" val="1740"/> <set name="default_action" val="equip" /> <set name="weapon_type" val="blunt" /> <set name="bodypart" val="rhand" /> <set name="dropable" val="true"/> <set name="tradeable" val="true"/> <set name="sellable" val="false"/> <set name="soulshots" val="1"/> <set name="spiritshots" val="1"/> <set name="price" val="0"/> <for> <add stat="pAtk" order="0x10" val="1188"/> <add stat="mAtk" order="0x10" val="517"/> <add stat="rCrit" order="0x08" val="60"/> <add stat="pAtkSpd" order="0x08" val="379"/> <add stat="accCombat" order="0x10" val="8.00"/> <enchant stat="pAtk" order="0x0C" val="0"/> <enchant stat="mAtk" order="0x0C" val="0"/> </for> </item>
  7. I believe the missing something here example StaticMeshes DragonClaw.usx the folder and files LineageEffectsl2peniel.usx
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