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Everything posted by AchYlek

  1. 2 mages, wl , bp is enough (máš smůlu ;D)
  2. nice, when i write it, i get deleted post...
  3. lol this guy again :) ? :D well u have big SOUL You best retarded person , with whom u will flame now ? :D DONT EVEN JOIN THIS TOPIC GUYS!
  4. so what? l2destiny is full of corupted, this forum is full of proofs about how its corrupted and still its most populated h5 right now so 3 screens about corrupted is nothing.
  5. low hate brah, learn how to flame after you can join this topic
  6. im working atm at classic 5.0, but waiting till ncsoft help me
  7. no its not about this, i wont spam this topic anymore but i will say just this... (talking about h5 mid rate scene, no idea how going now interlude) you need atleast group of ppl who will test everything if you open mid / high rate, since you need nerf / destroy some skills / boost some skills , same as quest (at every server it work different, so you need find good way for your server) after you need decent developer who have knowleges, and will do it ... and when you want open server u need first open some with random name / different hosting etc (when you fail u will fix things what ppl reported etc) and after 2-3 random server, u can pay for advert / ddos etc.. and open server with your main name of server (like l2dex , tales / destiny etc did) its not easy like u think, thats why l2 is now so trash game since everyone download pack, fix some things (not even that) and open server for 10-20 ppl
  8. nice, but forget that thing there are just 10x+ (few low rates) servers with npc buffers / gm shop etc, its destroying retail things and u need also edit all skills and everything, so its not about experiences, its about if you have time for that and eexperiences as developer, not player.
  9. why u need experience of playing? since for xxxx years there still not 100% soft w/o bugs, even newdays servers are more bugged than old times servers... those ppl just destroying more and more l2 with opening servers for 10-20 ppl max
  10. seems like skylord is now at same lvl hate like stalonka ;D
  11. you crying bcs you cant open server alone? However this is how the story begins: http://prntscr.com/fh5v3z http://prntscr.com/fh5vhg bla bla bla etc a lot of things discussed. http://prntscr.com/fh5vx8 http://prntscr.com/fh5w52 http://prntscr.com/fh5wqz http://prntscr.com/fh5wwp http://prntscr.com/fh5x5a http://prntscr.com/fh5xid
  12. look at l2destiny, i show proofs about how they are corrupted, still this servers is one of most populated server, since 2k18 ppl prefer buy everything / bot everything and after 2 weeks win new server.... trust me there are more currupted servers then u show at 3 fucking nonsence screens
  13. so much hate about good server
  14. ah, yea i forget about that video :D
  15. w/o proofs your words are nothing, so gl
  16. i have databases from l2 from 2k14/15 and ppl still using same psw till now, you can scam them easy.,.. ;) at l2destiny i scammed over 200accs in 1 day with old psw / accs , im sure if i have their emails i find their psw also easy
  17. if you know how to good bot, you will get same items faster then some handless idiots with free items...
  18. gosh why so much drama about free items at interlude, wtf its 1-2 days chronicle, low rate 1 week lets talk about h5 when gms giving even pvp weap / special cloaks / pvp belts first days of server, thats a reason to make emoqq topic,..-..
  19. https://maxcheaters.com/profile/131109-skylord/?do=content&type=forums_topic&change_section=1 ez 30sec
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