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About lucasado

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  1. Are you right not exist Only one server is like the old good days that is www.l2warland.com 5+ years, 2 Wipes new season start in March of 2021 with minimum life 2.5 years if someone need to play lineage2 in 2021 l2warland is the only option.
  2. jajajaj after 5 years L2WARLAND Chat Fights begins Remember L2WARLAND is the best server of the world Best of the Best, i say that too many times !!!
  3. Who rule the server? jajajajajajajajajajajajajajaja RR not exist in the last 30 Days lier :D l2warland is the best server EVER !!! check topzone/network toplist is in the top and remember l2warland is online for 1 year without wipe, merg and all other shits Hater can hate his own life !!!! :D
  4. jajajaja one more hater :D botland? is only server to be fair for all, all players can fight direct andrelanine boters like you now you cant get a big advantage like you learn to play lineage2 pay to win is all other server to pay euro and get direct items +++++ by the gm server became dead? :D :D :D :D :D you live in other planet ? l2warland is on first place of all rank list sites in the last 12 months if one server is active that is l2warland. Pinguins left the server when other clans win all epic and they make a emo quit, tell me how many server change until now? 5-10? we are on l2warland all of this time New player farm easy, with full buff, l2warland bot, Event like Witcher only low players like you cant play more of 10-15 day in a server like l2warland Cry more babe , cry more !!!! Hater can hate his own life !!!! :D
  5. jajajaja yes i am the god of the gods :D Warland best of the best 8 month TOP so Hater cry more !!! i play in the best server like all l2 community all other is trash 2 week servers tales every 2 month open a new server for players with minimum IQ like you :) Haters can hate his own life ....
  6. you need to see how many peoples play on warland. best of the best, cry more Hater !!! :D
  7. this no brain stupid is alive ? hahahahaha you have 3-4 months to get ban and l2warland escape from a noob like you is online for 6 months and all of this time is the best and number 1 server around the world (check all toplists) and you speak about corruption and pay to win? Nasiferus all we know what person you are, "you're begging for items" until get ban and start your drama. we see what you say for all server to have play and get ban for your trash brain. Get in your hole hater mouse !!!! :)
  8. i am ok by bro, thank you !!!! :D Haters can Hate his Own Life !!!
  9. who you drop items in the ground hater ??? , is not possible to drop items in the ground on l2warland :D i have report problems on zeus and never get ban or jail , every time speak with me normal. "I don't recommend it at all" VS "nothing better in l2" :D !!! same person 2 opinions. Yes, only in l2warland you can play a game without Pay to Win. !!!! P.S 155 Reply's and Counting , most active Server thread in MXC jajajajajaja one more proof about l2warland power !!!! L2warland the best server in l2 , HATERS !!!!! :D !!!!! Haters can Hate his Own Life !!!
  10. zero trash speaking :D Haters can Hate his Own Life !!!
  11. i don't care who "care" :D jajajaja i am free to say my opinion. if you not like my Opinion you have the choice to not read it. but i like to make fun with all of this Haters !!! Remember l2warland is the Best of the Best server !!! Only the numbers can say the truth !!!, not 5-10 Haters Remember Haters can hate his Own Life !!!! :D
  12. Hater you can speak ? jajajajaja go to hate your life !!!! :D l2warland BEST of the BEST Server !!!!
  13. you fear to give me your IG char name ? how low player can be ? i can write as i want here, if you not like go in other tread Low IQ man ... jajajajaj :D Hater can hate his own life !!!
  14. Give me your IG Name and we see if farm again with your chars, can't use flame on your why @Celestinewarning me , but i see he allow you to flame me without problem. but all we know about your IQ Number , i am sure is less of a 10. :D so shut up and leave this server or i can make you to hidden in Elpy area Haters hate his own life !!!!
  15. jajajajajaja when you get ban and write this book of drama? :D you say all community is stupid and you are the only one smart guy ? please , go away hater, as i say i am big fun of l2warland and i write my opinion every time is the best server and you can see it everywhere Open before 3 months and is FULL OF ACTIVE PLAYERS , before write your fake answer check topzone and see the difference all other projects die in 2 week's so before write your hate words take a time to think about the truth. in any case you not miss on anyone in the server, so go make your hate in other place. l2warland server best of the best !!!! :D Hater can hate his self !!!! buena suerte
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