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Please read to the end of this post before you make a reply.


Let me begin.

Somewhere in July I started getting pms from old players that I should open an Interlude servers cause there isn't any good ones around. I ignored it at first but after bunch of pm's and some encouragment from old helpers I decided to give it a go.

In september I started planning on a new x70 Interlude server. I thought carefully about features, picked datacenter, setup website, got staff together. All the required things.

In december server was ready. I launched it on 11th of December. Got about 800 people on first day.


Immediately problems start happening.

GM who's main purpose was a webdesigner let me down. No php code that we talked about was done. None. This was quite a big stepback for me since I had many things planned for the community and they simply were not done. Had to let him go since a person that promise something and lets me down is useless as a staffer.


2nd day of the server I receive a huge ddos attack from a person blackmailing me for money. This ended quickly as I did not even respond to him and he most likely just moved somewhere else.


In a few days one of gms gets in a dispute with a clan leader. Jails him for extremely bad reason (personal resentment I guess). While pushing him further I discovered he's basically making up excuses which do not make much sense. Had to let him go as well.


In a few days players from HSA clan discover a bug with noblesse manager where you would acquire free goldbars and rebound coins (my custom currency). Their chars ended being banned until they were inspected. I immediately corrected the bug and went inspecting if there's anything else that could be abused. It wasn't.


Almost immediately after the ban I started getting threats HSA will quit unless I unban their chars. I notified them prior to that that is what I intend to do but it seems they somehow did not get that (internal lack of communication?).

DDos and syn attacks start.


Since I was occupied with constant ddos and syn attacks other developing suffered. Keeping server up is #1 priority. I later discovered it was HSA behind it. They actively denied it however I got solid evidence it was them (or rather one of their core members). They even admitted it themselves on l2-vendetta forums.

Not long after a VERY RUDE forum thread is posted on the forum by one of their core members (same person I suspect was the lead behind the attacks) how much the adena exploit is my fault. How dare I ban their chars, that it's completely my fault if they bug abused and other crap. They even pointed out they were banned because they were turks and called me a racist. Basically he made it sound like I forced them to bugabuse and forbid them to report it to me.

Douchebag obviously got banned. Immediately syn attacks escalated. I handled that as well.

Anyway, they got 2nd chance, their chars ended up being unbanned but not for a long time as they constantly provoked me with shit and talked crap until all of them got banned.


They then went around spreading shit that server is closing which made a huge part of community believing them and made them quit themselves. Huge loss of players.


Next thing on the line. VE clan quits. Supposingly because they "lag too much". I believe this was just an excuse for not being competitive to QB as there were plenty of other Portuguese players without (major) lag.

They made it clear they will not come back until I move server to EU.

ddos and syn attacks still escalate. Forum is filled with shit constantly.


Its holidays time yet I urgently look for a new DDOS protected datacenter in EU. Extremely pain in the ass to get even during normal hours as choice in EU is crappy crap. Bandwidth is way more expensive so theres almost no affordable choices here. Now try doing it during holidays.


In a few days I got the box. I moved it. Not many players come back since they broke their gear. VE isn't coming back because they went to play aion (lol what?!)

Other players are fed up with the delays of implementing custom armor and custom farming zone but keeping the server up due to syn/ddos comes first.


Since I see many not coming back I think about a possibility of a rollback. I decide against it due to many complaint. I go with "I will check backup database and restore your items manually" option.

I receive about 300 emails (EMAILS, not char requests. There were possibly 700-1000 char requests) to recover. I get a headache but start doing it.

I get dumbshit requests constantly of people asking me to restire +16 gear and shit. Obviously this was the point they broke it and wanted the -1oe gear back.

Since database did not show items at that time I do not recover them. Only those I see.

This makes me a "bad guy". Vim you're a #$%#%# and a #$%#$5 and a #$5 and go %#$% yourself.

Some even made it this far as to ask me for a refund of items that they broke IN FRONT of me 5min ago. OOOR got it refunded, broke it and then quitted again.

Obviously this had no purpose anymore so I stopped doing it.


I decide to do a wipe since there were like 50-100 people online at different times hoping it'd bring them back for a 2nd chance.

I do it. But heeey. Vendetta is opening in a week. Nobody is coming back because they are now waiting for Vendetta instead.


They say "-beep- rebound" and go to Pyro. Play there for 2 days. His server is screwed over by ddos. People bitch about lag and start quitting. He opens donations they bitch about donations and quit further.

Rebound is a ghost server, Vendetta is soon to be.

I get a pm on msn "Vim are you making an interlude server? There isn't any good ones right now"

I thought I was going to flip and hammer that person into a wall.


I worked my ass of for Rebound. When other people were getting stone drunk and lying down in trenches due to too much consumed alcohol I was up till morning hours almost every day making sure server's up.

First sign of trouble players quit using any excuse they possibly can to hop servers. Same happened with servers before me and is now happening to l2-vendetta.


WHAT THE -beep- is WRONG with you people? I would REALLY like to have an explanation for this shit that like 90% of population is doing.


Why do you keep on saying "there is no good servers" if when somebody DOES try to make a difference you just shit all over it. I maybe got like 10, maybe 20 TOPS "thank you" on during two month period and perhaps 10.000+ insults.


Even bigger problem is when I do ask for help from community.

Almost every staffer I recruited so far was shit aka "all the talk no action" or literally did shit (good example is with servantes, panucci and lith) which just caused me trouble.


Even as we speak I got another message on msn with "when u will make other l2 ? now us are playing a -beep-ing l2 khadia".


What the hell is the deal with this thing?

And don't even mention the "-beep- YOU VIM YOU ONLY MAKE SERVERS FOR MONEY".

I'm an internet marketer and get most of my income from there. In a week promoting products I make more money than an l2 server makes in 1-2 months. So do not bullshit me with that crap.

On top of that, I spend TWO months working non stop. Hard, stressful and ungrateful work on Rebound and all I got in return is a load of mind-beep-ing comments and a huge negative red number on paypal due to disputes.


So, somebody with some brainpower. Explain this. Thanks.

Why are interlude players so keen on -beep-ing things up at any cost? Should I satisfy with the line that I received and says "this is what you get for opening an interlude x70 servers. Interlude community is comprised of the biggest idiots you can find. Stop interlude. Go GF or freya"

All I want is run a freaking xxxx number people server with the knowledge I possess and have them show some gratitude.

This bullshit I receive in the end for all my effort put in is just insulting.


So, somebody? Explain this madness!


p.s. Just to be clear. This is a HUGE wall of text but it's only a SUMMARY. Which means there are LOTS of other things I skipped out. They are there nonetheless and depending on how this discussion evolves I'll make sure to mention those as well.






Why was I not surprised that you will write some shit like this when I saw you reading this thread?

Get the fuck out of it and go lick someone's ass  and then shittalk him behind his back (like you did with me).


Serious replies requested now.

Please read to the end of this post before you make a reply.


Let me begin.

Somewhere in July I started getting pms from old players that I should open an Interlude servers


I read it


Why was I not surprised that you will write some shit like this when I saw you reading this thread?

Get the -beep- out of it and go lick someone's ass  and then shittalk him behind his back (like you did with me).


Serious replies requested now.


It's hilarious.

Simple as that.


And I'm just being as friendly as you're being to me. Way to go to look mature, Vimy.




It's nonsense. The Community nowdays is just f'ucked up. The whole "buisness" is, or whatever you'd like to call it. Just drop it. Oh and once a bad reputation, you're screwed up anyway.

Be honest with yourself. Would you really consider playing on a server someone has opened after failing like.... 4 times before?



That's it Vimy :D


Heck, sure pisses you off, but do you really think anyone will give you valuable information on what exactly is going wrong? Being successful is not a piece of cake, specially if you screwed up before. Because regardless of how stupid people are, they DO tend to remember stuff.



Like anyone would have even read HALF of your text ...


please don't go off-topic + irony or WTF


I am waiting to see if someone will ever read topic's subject. :D i'll give him adena


Obviously my reputation is not at question here. If it was I would never have gotten those 800 in first day that I did. Nor would they be pming me now asking if I intend to reopen yet another server.


Saying they do remember stuff... is that why they're going to vendetta for ... I don't even know which time anymore?

Obviously this is not the case.


FYI, you started talking shit about me in the first place (l2mxc forum, remember? I still got screenshots somewhere). You get exactly the kind of "friendliness" you asked for.


Obviously my reputation is not at question here. If it was I would never have gotten those 800 in first day that I did. Nor would they be pming me now asking if I intend to reopen yet another server.


Saying they do remember stuff... is that why they're going to vendetta for ... I don't even know which time anymore?

Obviously this is not the case.


FYI, you started talking shit about me in the first place (l2mxc forum, remember? I still got screenshots somewhere). You get exactly the kind of "friendliness" you asked for.


Really, now. I so don't get what you mean. Would you mind showing me what I did? lol

Cause i don't remember, unfortunately :D


They just do that cause there's nothing else to do, unless you want a russ serv, an L2J or some BR-shit in between.


Anyway, whatever. maybe it's not like that, heck I know. I'm not interested in that game anymore, not if it comes down to playing it.


Lineage Players get bored of everything all the time . They find something so they QQ about that to make you have a bad time . You Screw them? They'll double screw u , you do what they want? the rest of the server will QQ then . Lineage has become a life for many ppl .... it's like the song Hot and Cold ... i suggest u just make a kid server like l2mafia or w/e so all kids that dont know the real meaning of lineage and dont know how to play will login there and play pvp flame etc as allways . Donate lots so they QQ that they're more OP etc etc .



I am waiting to see if someone will ever read topic's subject. :D i'll give him adena


my adena plz ;D



Lineage Players get bored of everything all the time . They find something so they QQ about that to make you have a bad time . You Screw them? They'll double screw u , you do what they want? the rest of the server will QQ then . Lineage has become a life for many ppl .... it's like the song Hot and Cold ... i suggest u just make a kid server like l2mafia or w/e so all kids that dont know the real meaning of lineage and dont know how to play will login there and play pvp flame etc as allways . Donate lots so they QQ that they're more OP etc etc .



my adena plz ;D


This certainly explains why all the top servers are like that. Good answer, keep them coming.


please don't go off-topic + irony or WTF


I am waiting to see if someone will ever read topic's subject. :D i'll give him adena

it worths to read all that text? How much? ::)

please don't go off-topic + irony or WTF


I am waiting to see if someone will ever read topic's subject. :D i'll give him adena

i read it all.. srsly

and all i have to say is cool story bro

also what did u expected? ppl were always like that..

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