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L2Jfrozen Interlude Project

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:not bad:

[CORE][CONFIG][DP] First to update your main server remember always to test new commit on your test server!

(Thank to user Iridin for tests)

- Fixed Baium's archangel are aggressive and the start attack Baium.

- Fixed Frintezza cancelQuestTimers to avoid sql interruptions.

- Fixed Queen ant Nurse must heal each others.

- Fixed Orfen NPE onAdvEvent.

- Fixed Orfen bug with null spawn.

- Format Orfen.java.

- Fixed time of Orfen's skills.

- Fixed Admin ban, now target is disconnected and not crashed.

- Fixed Admin command change nick, now target doesn't lost clan.

- It's possible to take two CW, the second one level up by 1 your actual CW.

- Fixed CW when dropped haven't Drop Protection.

- Fixed NPE about cubics.

- Added logs for siege start/end.

- Fixed SIGNET skills range.

- Fixed monster are teleported to spawn if bugged on Geodata. (config)

- Fixed it's not possible to heal purple people without CTRL.

- L2SkillChargeDmg critical are now influence by STR and BaseCritRate. (and not critical rate)

- L2SkillChargeDmg formula now is not influeced by critical damage buffs, the critical is only damage*2.

- Format Pdam.java and L2SkillChargeDmg.java.

- Fixed fear bug when char die.

- Fixed duel might pvp dmg bonus.

- Fixed status update on target select.

- Removed UpdateUserinfo if player is observer to avoid possible critical error.

- Fixed purify skill, remove also effect types.

- Fixed angel_slayer__crt._damage double pvp damage bonus.

- Command id 99 /siegestatus to be implemented.

- Fixed skill Banish Undead TARGET_UNDEAD.


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:poker face:

[CORE][DP] Remember to test new revs first on your Test Server!

- Null pointer vulnerabilities fixes. (Thanks to Zoey76)

- Cleanup of unnecessary code. (Thanks to Zoey76)

- Minor fixes. (Thanks to Zoey76)

- Added method isSittingTaskLunched().

- Removed kick from antibot on GM chars.

- Fixed bug with Manufactures change prices.

- Fixed bug on situp with sell/buy/manufacture shop.

- Fixed bug with "Transaction already in progress".

- Added nextActionAttack on backstab skill.

- Fixed augumentation Silence change.

- Fixed augumentation Doom change.

- Fixed command .offline_trade like /offline_trade.

- Fixed offline shop bug with no item on sell/buy. (thanks evilgh0st for report)

- Fixed bug on hitting task on Archangels.

- Format and cleanup.



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:not bad:


 Remember to test always new revs on your test server!

- Fixed acumen npc buffer. (thanks solton57010)

- Added Siren dance on scheme buffer. (thanks .i.)

- Fixed Crystal S ID on gmshop. (thanks .i.)

- Fixed location for npc id 31853.

- Corrected McritMulDif on M crit calculation.

- Fixed flag player hitting with pole Mobs/players.

- Fixed if target is not auto attackable you give only one hit. (like L2OFF)

- Fixed augmentation, it's possible to use low level stone on hight level items. (like L2OFF)

- Fixed all augmentations Item skill: Paralyze.

- Implemented Zone type "NoStoreZone".

- Implemented getCurrentPetSkill().

- Fixed default value for Gameserver and Loginserver startup.

- Fixed backstab issue.

- Fixed onAttack update heading position.

- Corrected inFront() method position.


(Report bug on forum www.l2jfrozen.com/forum)


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