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aCis - another CRAPPY interlude server


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There is no svn or timeline link on 1st page and on forum as well. Normal members don't have the access, only Inncer Circle got it.


with $$ there is

btw i though he meant forum link not saw svn...

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tried to clean cookies at somebody with ccleaner and didnt worked... ill try ur method too.

anyway , u had the respective problem and fixed with in this way ?


I had same problem with my domain name. Yes, it worked.

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How can I get this project source? Me and my friend developer are prepared to fix a lot of bugs for our upcoming project, but we can't get it.


Tried to contact Tryskell about contribution - no use.

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Informations concerning freemium system are out.


The system is experimental, as you probably would understand reading the topic. My goal with C2P system was to get shares, but ppl try to cheat the system. If I got leaks, the system has no point to exist anymore, as ppl stops to share as they can have it for free.


I thought to stop aCis developement, and it's the main reason I stopped to dev that last month.


I hope that system, based on free version + low cost version + share system will help to get less stupid behaviors.

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L2J TvT has been dropped in the first days of the project. If I add something like TvT, it would use fences and all missing packets. For that I need someone who hosts a L2OFF server and I got GM access + time to snif packets. As it never happens in the past, and I don't think it will happen, you get your answer :P.


About events and such, see with an event engine. Only retail events will be added.


In the case I got a lot of money (I can dream), I would eventually buy a events engine and include it transparently.

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i can make a l2 off server in my pc and give you GM access.. :D

i've done it in the past and i can do it now.. :)


I find it extremely (if not impossible) to believe that the guy who spent hours 'coding' a already existing anti-buff shield (Frozen) and tries to lecture people based off random facts can set up a L2 OFF server that actually works properly. You can barely handle L2J and you are thinking about OFF now? xD


Get real...

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I find it extremely (if not impossible) to believe that the guy who spent hours 'coding' a already existing anti-buff shield (Frozen) and tries to lecture people based off random facts can set up a L2 OFF server that actually works properly. You can barely handle L2J and you are thinking about OFF now? xD


Get real...

Who knows, he perhaps got some secrets, as some sort of super hero.



Changeset 255


Addition of Noblesse quests.

- Q241, Q242, Q246, Q247


Knownlist conflict

Idea is coming from Tukune from L2JForum. The Forget task got a lower radius than the Watch task (concerning AttackableKnownList and players, which is... 70% of scenarii), leading to attaching and detaching the AI of the mob if you're between both ranges.

More infos and my answer on original topic : http://www.l2jserver.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=77&t=24091

- tweak all radius in order Forget Task is - almost - always 1,5x/2x > to Watch task.

- PcKnownlist dynamic range is even more dynamic (based on actual knownlist's size, begin from 3600 - 20 per ppl, minimum 1800).

- Castles doors had some difficulties to be seen from far, now it's fixed.



- Angelic Vortex (Baium gatekeeper) edition : add a missing HTM (baium state = dead), HTMize an hardcoded HTM, blooded fabric check occurs in good position.

- slight rework of Baium AI in order to chain animations faster and show the roar animation for the waker.

- the waker probability to die has been fixed.



- add static SOUND_FANFARE in QuestState.

- addition of 3 locs for admins (GM goodies panel). Ty Pendragon.

- items 7677, 7678, 7679 are considered as qItems.

- fix 2 potential NPAs.

- titles regex pattern is dropped.

- addition of 2 missing tables on database_installer.bat.

- Drop of PRECISE_DROP_CALCULATION config, which was affecting both drop chance and drop quantity. Now only drop chance are affected by server rates (avoid 5 RB jewels per boss).

- cleanup of calculateRewardItem and 2 almost same-looking methods from L2Attackable.

- Fix the CW when wearing a FW. The FW is unequipped before equipping the CW (affects the admincommand aswell).

- Fix a critical issue I added 2-3 revs ago concerning items which couldn't be picked up.

- Fix a critical issue introduced by Hasha rework about Quest party system (NPE on fastlist). Change FastList for ArrayList.

- use of isClanLeader() when possible.

- missing singleton on L2World.

- fix the message when you're in a party : "blabla took +2stem", instead of "blabla took 2 stem".

- Addition of a save noblesse option, as the noblesse status wasn't directly saved (so let's say server crashes before you delog at least once, you would lose it). Ty Hasha.

- drop following methods to use their regular counterparts (they're shorter to write, lol) and fix all occurences :

- CursedWeaponsManager.announce(  =>  Broadcast.toAllOnlinePlayers(

- QuestState.getRandom(  =>  Rnd.get(

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I find it extremely (if not impossible) to believe that the guy who spent hours 'coding' a already existing anti-buff shield (Frozen) and tries to lecture people based off random facts can set up a L2 OFF server that actually works properly. You can barely handle L2J and you are thinking about OFF now? xD


Get real...


wtf i didn't tell i'm gonna start a l2 off server why you people have to change every word i say? -.-

i sayed i know how to set up an l2 off server for testing only lol

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wtf i didn't tell i'm gonna start a l2 off server why you people have to change every word i say? -.-

i sayed i know how to set up an l2 off server for testing only lol


I find it extremely (if not impossible) to believe that the guy who spent hours 'coding' a already existing anti-buff shield (Frozen) and tries to lecture people based off random facts can set up a L2 OFF server that actually works properly. You can barely handle L2J and you are thinking about OFF now? xD


Get real...




I'm sure he has some super powers.

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Very nice Tryskell your project has arrived high enough

I Like your job, continued so.. and then who knows.. ;)

But This System about access in svn is SUCKS!

I don't want to sacrifice sharers system, and for me share > money (as time > money), you got the main idea. I want to promote sharing system, more than money or passive free users.

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