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aCis - another CRAPPY interlude server


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Didn't spam, no new commits, nobody post here/forum

So we should spam every day? commits? dead eyes,brain or what.

Olympiads on the refactor way (for facebook fans, you know it since 2 days).


For the moment, addition of Treaser's patch (based on Sigmo crap), I fully fixed L2OlympiadManager (monument of heroes / manager), addition of missing features. I made some searches too, saw some videos.


After Olympiads (in a couple of days...), I will try to move on grandbosses / epic quests in order people can open a high rate server.


And a chocolate cookie for the 25k views topic viewer.

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aCis dead ?  :o

Well perhaps you think olys can be refactored in 5 days, but unfortunately, I'm sad to announce no, it can't be refactored in 5 days (or perhaps if I wasn't so lazy :P).


I took some time (fun time I must admit) to create a YouTube channel, in order to post aCis related video (unique features, and so on).


You can see a short video of things you surely haven't saw on a IL pack (talking of spectator arena change / hero list message) :


And remember that user : http://www.youtube.com/user/MyNameIsTryskell ^^


I use Freya and change all coding to fit with IL infos I got. That's kinda long to say "that is wrong", "that is right", cleaning Kamalol codes, reverting SQL database (4 new tables, 2 updated !) and so on.


As you can see many things "are working back" as they should, but some... Well. WIP.

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Finally, I can update my topic :P.


Project system has been modified. It is now a "contribution2play" system, where people who share are rewarded by SVN / Timeline accesses. A precompiled pack is still accessible to anyone.


A  topic has been opened about that new system, consider to check that FAQ : http://acis.i-live.eu/index.php?topic=1093.0


For the moment, and as the pack is in heavy developement, that system will be kept, hoping some fresh contributors will join the community.


Olympiads rework has been released aswell, and is under correction. Consider to report any bugs you find.


Old timeline and SVN can be dropped of your bookmarks. Until you don't contribute to community, you won't have access to it.


The project is still free, anyone can join it, and no money fee is asked. All has already been answered on the FAQ, so don't troll that topic about new system.


"Haters gonna hate."


Regards, Tk.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Changeset 218


Pets big update, accessories debug, little npc.sql update.


Okay, that's it. I'm first sorry for the delay. I was taking a little break trying GoD on EU server (btw my name is Tryskell, /friendinvite me if you see me ingame). I reroll a lot to make a lot of money, enjoy the free exploit...


Second, the update is quite "big", even if it's not really awesome. I had to check many things about pets, because they were entirely messed up. I hope the biggest part, if not all bugs, are now corrected. I tested almost all possiblities (force delog, etc) and all seems fine.


I had to check aswell the npc.sql Darth sent me. After a couple of checks I had to ask to Darth to split data in 2, because it was really messy (collision system is a little stupid in L2J...).




Pets updates.

  • fully fix pet weapons and armors equip, and "race" condition (hatchling/wolf/blabla). I decided to keep the old system as it was really easy to understand it. The core changes automatically the bodypart for "chest" or "r-hand" following type of item.
  • addition of a feature (dunno if it's custom, and don't report because it won't be changed) : if you right click on a pet weapon/armor from YOUR inventory, it automatically TRANSFER && EQUIPS it to your pet's inventory if you got a pet summoned. Previous equipped item is desequipped and stays on pet's inventory..
  • fully fixed stats modifiers of summons (seriously it was a pure mess, many buffs just did nothing before, pets had 0 accu/evasion).
  • decreased amount of packets sent compared to current L2J (-1 packet per 10sec, and that fix too a minor bug targeting pet window every 10 sec)
  • off-like (if not retail) transfer system at unsummoning pets. Ty SweeTs for the report. Inventories of pets are cleaned at delog/unsummon, transfered to your. There is no check about slots/weight, as it is used for DELOG (and imagine at delog that don't transfer, you lose items lol).
  • fix RequestPetUseItem behavior. Now only one itemhandler is readed (using a pet food you had twice the code readed before o_o).



  • fix the mythic accessory bug aCis got since 100+ revs (about 2 slots accessories). Now all is fine. Enjoy Wizard's Hat.
  • when you pickup arrows and it fits with your bow and you are arrowless, arrows are now automatically equipped. Ty bomj for report.
  • improvement of npc.sql, with the addition of retail decay system. Now all mobs got their particular timer. It debugs mobs like Gigantic Chaos Golem. Only L2Attackable are concerned, as they are the only ones supposed to die. Others use the hardcoded in core as a default, which is 7 secs (still, the sql is correctly filled anyway). Addition of all missing weapons (some can still be wrong, but it should fill a lot of templates).
  • a couple of NPE fixes (itemhandlers).

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Changeset 219





Well it's a really huge update. JDK 7 is now needed. Ty xblx for the libs update.



  - Updates of all existing libs, leading to heavy changes (mainly Trove-based codes).

  - Update of base64 code.

  - Update of internal Java-engine (scripts engine) which needs JDK 7.

  - build.xml will now check if you use JDK 7 or no. If no, build will fail, and an error message will invite you to dl latest JDK.

  - Addition of L2TIntObjectHashMap on util.



  - NpcTable code is fully reworked, utilitary "getters" aswell. More infos on GS start aswell.

  - update of npcskills (ty to old DiNoR rework), using L2OFF values. Changes are huge and correct known issues (ex : Prismeval island) :

      - active skills => from 15894 skills, it now loads 20844 skills.

      - passive skills => 7k~ skills added.

  - L2NpcTemplate values are now private. Creation and use of "getters". Addition of isType("").

  - Aggro value is now loaded from AI (instead of npc.sql). All aggro ranges > 1 and < 500 have been changed for 500.

  - Sieges guards AI has been updated.

  - overhit flag is reseted when the L2Attackable dies.

  - creation of _staticAIData on L2Npc, which avoids to refer to template each time.



  - Baby pets are fully reworked (addition of conditions such as mp consumption, pet mental behavior (betrayed, blabla), etc).

  - Tamed beasts got a little update, as getSkillsArray() exist now.

  - Levels of pets skills are now correctly calculated. It can use lvl 1-12 skills levels following pet level.

  - fix an issue about items consumption @ SiegeSummon, leading to "ghosts" summons. Ty xblx for fix.

  - if you try to use a skill than a summon should have but haven't, it shows you the missing skillId to add on npcskills.

  - When you try to use a pet skill but difference of lvl is > 20, you can't control the pet.



  - Harvest/Sow skillhandlers are reworked, and Seed system too.

  - addition of _skillMaxLevel in SkillTable, preloading max level of skills in a map for future uses (before it was made on the fly).

  - orc mages are now considered as mages, not as fighters anymore (should fix the SpellForce issue).

  - fix Orfen messages for retail ones.

  - Correction of a couple of items. Ty SweeTs for patch, it is *untested* but should work at first look.



I'm aware there's an issue about pets. HP/MP are not working as intented (not readed from PetDataTable). It leads to problems like a lvl 15 wolf got same HPs than a lvl 55 one, or a pet can't use properly a skill because asked MP consumption for skill use is higher than maxMP. Others stats are correctly working.


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we need 219 compiled ;P


I had a small slip due my #$%^&! eclipse, that why compiled rev has been released y-day :)

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Changeset 220


Pets update, misc.


Ty to all contributors - Sikken, xblx, Junior, MC.


Pets are now normally fixed.

[*] when a pet raises level, his stats and HP/MP infos are corrected shown.

[*] Fix an issue when you give a name to your pet.

[*] Pet control item is now correctly updated, both on name update and pet level raising.



[*] Fix 4 skills.

[*] Addition of Life Stones in GM shop.

[*] Monastery AI sends now only one type of chat, but it is retail-like (better 1 retail than 3 customs).

[*] fix 2 teleports location - untested.

[*] Addition of a check to see if entered id is a valid NPC template for //polymorph. In addition, you can't transform if you're already mounted.

[*] Fix an unvalid SystemMessage.

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delete Sticky from this topic

now acis is not open source project

haters gonna hate.

aCis is still open source FOR ALL, there is no restriction, only thing u must do is HELP. and that does not ask you to got any IMBAZOR knowledge about developing or w/e u think. u just have to look for videos/infos about YOUR FAVORITE GAME and CHRONICLE, L2 Interlude.

and post them into our forum in order to HELP US fix them :)


simple as that.

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