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aCis - another CRAPPY interlude server


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we didnt said is the best pack only from free ones ^^


well being serious (i was in the line above too), this pack is no longer free for ppl who just copy/paste, dont give credits, and QQ all day long for bugs already fixed which appear from their reasons. yes as i said, for them is no longer free.


also, you could report 1 bug and get to the inner circle or report 10000 and get nothing, just because we dont want every noob inside that after he gets in will start to QQ and do nothing, we want to build a team inside.


about pack users, well ... again not all the QQ kids with home made servers which will open them just to get the source will join it. but those who worth it. and ofc after they MUST report problems they oncure. (but this does not mean we will fix their problems first, since some things may be more important)

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All is clearly explained, Pack User system aswell : I got intention to create/feed it, but currently it's not the time to use it. I just announce the system.


I copy paste the announcement post... If you read it entirely without jumping lines, there's nothing special, hidden or mis-explained...


Pack User are ppl who decided to open a server using aCis pack. When it has no point to exist at that state of developement, it is in preparation. To get access you will have to fill CRITERIAS. The access is given temporarly, and will be removed if your server doesn't fill criterias anymore. More infos about that membergroup later.


Currently I use that membergroup as a 'first step' for ppl who begun to contribute. They got access to private sections (customs sections, Questions, etc), but not on developement topics yet.

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Changeset 221




[*] Addition of missing skills for 3rd class summons.

[*] Fix //polyself, adding check on templates.

[*] Remove the useless button "Diet" on admin panel.

[*] Addition of Ketra/Varka support. Ty fernandopm/Kenrix for their work.

[*] Correct some things on " chat (GMs aren't blocked anymore), and send systemMessage when possible.

[*] porta skill (GetPlayer) is now retail-like.

[*] Fix an issue about BossZone (L2Summon != L2SummonInstance)

[*] Avoid to stuck client if you try to exploit augment panel (trying to drop weapon/gemstones/LS).

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well, i personally didnt intend to make ppl learn java, but learn the game they like.

if we wanted u to work by urself, we would accept ppl who only do java stuff, but since we dont want that (and tryskell will add only codes done in his style...) we let the option to post INFOS, so yes... you search INFOS about the game u like, about L2 Interlude... in time that u learn how this game is on official, and "how things should be" (aka u become pro) , in this time, we will offer u the svn... simple as that.


i guess everybody watch videos on ytube, and more or less L2 videos, is that hard to post some offi videos on our forum ? videos u like, videos that contain offi features, so we could know/get how things work in order to fix them retail like..

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some host problems.


Nothing happened, project still alive and dev still working. Sido is who manage the forum hosting and he said that there are some problems with the forum, will be working as soon as possible.

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Sido used all the bandwidth for his personal wet T-shirt contest videos and now there isn't anymore for forum.


Another possibility is the size of emotes which crushed the forum. It seems possible it is what have killed dinosaurs.


Mulder & Scully investigate too on the possibility the forum got emotions and feel depressed because there wasn't enough shares. So following the man with the cigarette logic, it did hara-kiri.




More seriously, some quests in preparation, the 3rd class ones will be added after next revision (post post release).


And stop asking, you will get infos when I will have or when things will turn normal by themselves.

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Sido used all the bandwidth for his personal wet T-shirt contest videos and now there isn't anymore for forum.


Another possibility is the size of emotes which crushed the forum. It seems possible it is what have killed dinosaurs.


Mulder & Scully investigate too on the possibility the forum got emotions and feel depressed because there wasn't enough shares. So following the man with the cigarette logic, it did hara-kiri.




More seriously, some quests in preparation, the 3rd class ones will be added after next revision (post post release).


And stop asking, you will get infos when I will have or when things will turn normal by themselves.

haha just lol , we will waiting for forum comeback
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Acis project gone private ? i was out of the scene for long time and i dont know what is going on

No it not private. when forum will be up you will see how to take source and what need for this.

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