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Made by me,, i just share them ;p (if i still got other server names in, sry then ;p)


You are allowed to share them on your own forum(s) so long you give me the credits. Ty!


Hi guys,,


This is my third guide already for Lineage2, i hope this one will be helpfull too ;p

This will porbably be my longest guide ever written, so lets start!


We will go modify our client

This is totally legal, it wont effect any other players in-game. What u change here can you only see or hear.


We will start with the easy part


>> I recommend to make a copy of all original files just in case <<



> Weapon Glows <


Download these 2 programs:

L2FileEdit CT2.3: http://www.multiupload.com/D8E5R2EXWI

Colorpic: http://www.multiupload.com/KX0WR5D5I7


Open your L2FileEdit and click ''Open and decrypt''. Search your L2folder and go into your system and chose for ''Env.int''. Open this file.



You will get this screen:



Scroll down till you see this screen:



These lines are the ones we are gonna use, as you can read it just are a some numbers.

Every color is mixed with 3 colors (Red, Green and Blue). The numbers tell us how much from every color is mixed.


Now we will use our Colorpic program, open it.

You will see this:



At the bottom you see lots of colors, if you click on of these you will get the numbers you need.



Lets explain this all a bit:

The the color-box:

- Magenta or Fuchia = the name of the color you picked.

- FF00FF = HTML code of the color


The Mixer-Box:

You got some numbers there, and 3 of these you will need.

We will need the number under "Red", "Grn" and "Blue".

In this case this will bee 255, 0, 255.


Now we go back to our Fileedit and fill this in



As you can see i filled in the code twice (in FileEdit). If you want your glow to change between 2 colors you can fill in 1

Explample: Enchant4=(R1=255,G1=0,B1=255,R2=0,G2=255,B2=0,Opacity=1,Num=0.1)


In this example my glow will change between pink (255, 0, 255) and green (0, 255, 0).


Num - represents the number of flames/lightnings that are shown on your weapon, the higher the number the more of the corresponding animation you will see and the more intense augmentations will look


Opacity -the opacity value represents the over all transparency of the glow, the higher the number the more solid the color, the lower the value, the more see-through the color is; in most instances the value should be left at 1, however if you like your colors to be more solid, than raise it


EnchantMeshShow=x --x is the enchant number at which colors start to show up (in my case i`ve set it 4, so at +4 enchant colors show up, but you can set it any value, even 3 or lower, doesen`t matter)


EnchantEffectShow=y is the enchant at which flames/Epic glow show up


Now, if you want to edit also your augment glows, scroll down a bit more and you will see "Variation"

Under variation you see the same as above, so just do the same, and you will change the glows from augmented weapons.


When you have everything ready press "Save and encrypt" and chose for version 111.


Paste this file into your system folder and overwrite the original. Now start up your l2 and enjoy your colorfull game!



> Chat colors and Chat messages <


Normally this is really hard to do, and also to explain. But afther some nights of googling I found an intresting program.

It is really easy in use and ill explain it a bit to you.

Let's Begin!


Download this program:

SME V1.1 - http://www.multiupload.com/F367CG2KBH


Open your program and click "File" chose for "Open".

Search for your l2-folder and go into your system. Search the file Systemmsg-e.dat and open it.

You will see this:



This is a list with all known messages in l2. (from ID 0 till 6507)

You can edit ANY message you want, in ANYTHING you like.


We will do an easy example:

We want to change GMlist in AdminList


1. Search the line > Click "Edit" > "Search".

a little box will pop-up and write "GM list", You will do to ID 703.


on that line you can see this a,======<GM List>======\0

The "a,"is always in front of it, dont care about it

then, ======<GM List>====== is your message, this will be showen in-game when you write /gmlist.

We wanna change it to ======<Admin List>====== so we do it.


So click on the line (ID 703) and you will see this:



In "Preview" you see the message you will see in your chatbox.

we change a,======<GM List>======\0 here to a,======<Admin List>======\0 then press "Save Changes"


And ready!


Now we go a "Little" bit more advanced.


Lets say we want to change some colors from messages

We are gonna change the message "a,$c1 has given $c2 damage of $s3.\0" from color.


Maybe first a little bit about the strange things you see here.

$c1 = Your name

$c2 = Your target's name

$s3 = Damage

In other messages these can present diffrent things!

( in coordinats $s3 can be the 3rd coordinate )


So lets go on. We know now how to read these lines, lets change the color

Click on the little Arrow on the right.




in the first box you see basic colors, just click one and you will see that your message will change from color.

If you dont like any of those colors you can chose for "More colors".


=> Sorry that my program is in dutch... but ill translate fast

Rood = Red

Groen = Green

Blauw = Blue

"Aangepaste kleuren" = "Extra colors" > These are the ones you made yourself.

"Aan aangepaste kleuren toevoegen" = "Copy to extra colors"



When you changed the color of your message click "Save changes" and you can edit the next message!


If you are ready with the whole file and editted all messages you like, click on "File" > "Save"

Your file will be changed in the same folder as where you opened it.

( if you editted your file in your system folder, your new file will be changed automaticly )


Now we go a bit more advanced ;p

We are going to add messages that appear on your screen.

Before i will get posts about it.. Since gracia you CANT display damage on your screen. (If anybody finds out how anyway, plx post!!!)


So lets start.


Lets say we are gonna edit the message wich tells us if our debuff landed or not.

First we had to search the line, so "Edit" > "Search" and search on "Resisted".

We will find the line with ID 139, the message is a,$c1 has resisted your $s2.\0.

$c1 = here your target

$s2 = your debuff


Lets add a message wich will appear on your screen:

Tick on "Click to enable the sub message"

Now we can let appear any message we want on our screen. To keep it simple we will use the same message as our original.




Lets explain what u see:

Sub message: The message who will appear on your screen.

Position: The position where the message will appear (http://g.imagehost.org/view/0528/Shot00000)

         For example, Top center = position 2 on the screen... Took the screen from internet (Bad me o.o)

Time: Duration of the message on your screen... i suggest to keep it always on 1 sec, thats long enough.


Then press "Save changes" and when you are ready with everything you wanted to edit save your systemmsg-e again ("File" > "Save")


This was everything about systemmsg-e. Any command you see in-game can be editted in here!


> Adding music to area's <


Well.. maybe its a bit "Stupid" to do, bcs you can also use a normal player and just play your songs in a normal way.

But if you wanna be special, add them to area's ;).

Ill explain you how,, please if your english isnt really great, dont start doing this... you might get in troubles for sure then ;p,, sorry


Lets begin,, for this you will need some programs,, since i love to google i managed to decrease it to 3 programs, rather small ones.

Here we go



OGGpatcher: http://www.multiupload.com/2UO5HZQSMX

Youtube Downloader (In-built converter!): http://www.multiupload.com/04F53Q1FU7

Audacity: http://audacity.sourceforge.net/download/  > Chose your operating system and done.

Let me first explain the programs a bit that we are gonna use.



1st. OGGpatcher.


This simple program is used to "patch" your OGG files to readable files for your music player.

This program isnt really nessairy for adding music, but its helpfulll.. this way you know what you are gonna change.


How to use it:

(My screens will show that i patch an epilogue client, simple reason.. my freya client is already patched ;) )


So open your lineage2 folder, and go to "Music"

Simply right-click on any file and chose for "Open with..."

click on "Chose program".




search OGGpatcher in the list.




Click "Ok" and you will see a black screen comming up. like this




When its finished just click any key to close it.


Now all your OGG files are readable by your music program. (I use windows media player)



Second program: Youtube downloader.


Well, the name explains itself, you can download youtube movies with a few clicks.


Install and open your program, you will see this:




The options you see:"

- Under "What do you want to do?" you have 2 options, we will start with the first one.


In the box you see "Enter the URL.... you want to download"

I guess you understand it, if you dont... this is the place where you have to paste the link of the movie.


Under this box you can select the quality, i always chose for "Best Availeble". if you take good quality movies

you will also download it here exactly the same.


The next box is your download location, your files will go to that folder, if you wanna change it, do it.


How to use it:

1. Search nice video on youtube

  -> He downloads as Mp4, if you need only the music we will convert to MP3 (will come later)

2. choose your quality

3. Click "Download"


You will now get a normal download, wich is your video, download it and done, you downloaded a youtube vid!


For our use we will also need the second option, so choose for "Convert or play a video you have already downloaded"

you will get this:




I think it cant be more simple... Search your MP4 you downloaded, convert it to MP3 and you will get the music only ;).

> It will be saved in the same folder




This is a nice program, you can use it in many ways, you can mix music or stick diffrent songs togetter.


That last one we are gonna use. Ofcourse we want more then 1 song or 1 mix in a town.

so we will go glue all songs togetter to 1 file!


Here we go.


1. Open your Audacity and click on "File" > "Open" (Screens are in dutch, sorry for that!)




2. Open your song you want to start with, i will be using "Daft punk - Harder better faster stronger" (Great pvp song!)




It may look a bit weird, but this is basicly music.. a bunch of soundwaves.

Anyway, this is the first song you will hear.


Now go to "File" and click "New". Audacity will open a 2nd time now. Go to your second audacity and open a new song.

I will go for > "Swedish House Mafia - One".


Your first audacity will be the file you gonna use in lineage2 > !NEVER CLOSE THE FIRST ONE!



Open your 2nd Audacity and press "CTRL A" (he will select All)

Afther you selected all press "CTRL C" to copy everything.


Now go back to your 1st audacity and place your cursor at the end of the music.

You will see some line where u placed your cursor.

When you have done that click "CTRL V" and you will paste your 2nd song behind the first song. (this might take a few seconds)


In this screen you can see it.

The green part is the end of your 1st song, The red part is the begin of your second song.




Now close your 2nd Audacity and open a clean one for your next song.

The more song you will put togetter, the longer it takes. So i suggest to download complete mixes form youtube and

put those togetter, will save some time ;p.


When you have all songs pasted in your 1st audacity we will convert it to OGG.

Audacity supports this extension (thats why we use it) THIS DOES TAKE SEVERAL MINS.. 1h music was here aprox 8mins.


Go to "File" and click "Export as OGG Vorbis"




Choose where you want to save the file and ready. you got all your favorite music in an OGG file.



Lets put the file to your l2-client.


Rename your file to NT_(town you want)  >> Example: NT_Giran / NT_Aden

Then paste your file into your "Music"-folder

and overwrite your original. It might be usefull to keep a copy of the original, just in case!


And we are done, You got your own favorite music in the town you choose. Goodluck!



If you find any broken URL's, post it and ill refresh them.

If you find spelling mistakes.. sorry for that im not perfect, and not gonna edit them all ;p


Have fun modding! and i hope it can help a bit in pvp.


Made by: Michael


Glad to see new members posting such good self made guides


Thanks,, originally made for the server i play(ed)


Also got guide for certifications skills but no board to share it in xD


@Fin,, Yes i am ;p


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    • Advanced Lineage II Event Engine – Flexible, Scalable, and Developer-Friendly Introducing a powerful and fully customizable event engine designed to enhance gameplay, increase player engagement, and simplify event management. Whether you're running a high-rate PvP server or a low-rate retail-like experience, this engine provides the flexibility you need to create and automate dynamic in-game events.   ✅ Compatible with aCis 401 – Fully coded for aCis project (revision 401) and ready for seamless integration. 📜 Delivered as a .diff Patch – Simply apply it and start using it right away!   📸 Check out the screenshots & features: Imgur Album (more soon). Key Features ✔ Fully Configurable – Every aspect of each event can be customized, including timers, rules, rewards, and restrictions. ✔ Seamless Integration – Works with existing server configurations and supports custom scripts or modifications. ✔ Automated Event Rotation – Events can be scheduled or started via a voting phase where players choose the next event. ✔ Multi-Mode Participation – Players can join via commands (.register | .leave | .events) or NPC interactions. ✔ Real-Time Tracking – An on-screen HUD displays kills, scores, and time remaining. ✔ Enhanced PvP Mechanics – Auto-respawn, score-based rewards, and First Blood announcements. ✔ Spectator Mode – Allows non-participants to watch events live. ✔ Detailed Event Logs – Administrators can track player performance, winners, and event results for analysis. Reward System Player-Based Rewards: Configurable options for winning, losing, ranking in the top X, or achieving First Blood. Kill-Based Rewards: Earn rewards per kill or based on streaks. Team-Based Rewards: Incentivize team victories with shared prizes. Included Event Modes Team Fights (TDM): Classic team-based PvP with configurable duration, respawn rules, and score limits. Solo Fights (Deathmatch): Free-for-all PvP—highest kill count wins. Last Survivor (LMS): No respawns—last player standing wins. Lucky Chests: Random chests with rewards, traps, or debuffs. Treasure Hunt: Players race to find a hidden treasure. Monster Massacre (PvE Race): Teams compete to slay the most monsters. Territory Clash: Players battle to control a zone and earn points over time. Ultra Rapid Fire (URF Mode): Boosted stats, reduced skill cooldowns, and enhanced combat speed. Assassin Hunt: A random player is marked as the target—others must eliminate them. Monster Mayhem (Boss Raid): A powerful boss spawns; players must cooperate (or fight each other) to take it down. Power-Up Clash: Players collect battlefield buffs for a combat advantage. Why Choose This Event Engine? ✅ Fast Implementation – Set up new events in minutes with an intuitive configuration system. ✅ Performance Optimized – Lightweight and designed for high player counts without impacting server stability. ✅ Extensive Customization – Easily modify or extend functionality to suit your server’s needs. ✅ Developer Support – Well-documented API and configuration options for easy integration. Transform your server’s event experience with a feature-rich, developer-friendly solution. 🚀 Ready to integrate? Contact us for licensing details! Get Your Copy Today! Upgrade your Lineage II server with this powerful event engine and bring next-level gameplay to your players. With fully customizable settings, automated event management, and seamless integration, this system is a must-have for any serious server administrator.   💰 Pricing: Full License: 100e (One-time payment) Support & Updates: included on full licence   📩 How to Purchase: PM me directly for inquiries and purchases. Discord: @Luminous
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    • Hey, can you please renew download link?
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