HeLoO Posted November 13, 2010 Posted November 13, 2010 Hello everybody, Server will start today(2010.11.13) 20:00 Lithuanian time. So, we want to present our Lineage2 Epilogue mid rates server. Firstly, we was creating this project for long time, it means, that you won't find bugs and game will be better.Hello everybody, Server Machine: * CPU: Intel Core i7-920 Quadcoreincl. Hyper-Threading Technology * RAM: 8 GB DDR3 RAM * HDD: 2 x 750 GB SATA-II HDD * Operating System: Debian GNU/Linux 5.0 / 64 bit * Server location: Germany * Server conection: 100MBp/s Rates: * XP: x75 * SP: x75 * Drop: x20 * Spoil: x30 * Adena: x75 * GrandBoss Jewels Drop: x1 * Quest Item Reward: x10 * Quest Drop: x10 * Enchant Rate: 50% * Max enchant: 18 * Safe enchant: 3 Retail gameserver features: * Gracia Epilogue server with weekly main updates and daily critical updates * Almost full game client support * Geodata and pathfind is working * Big part of quests is working (including Gracia Epilogue quests) * Monsters with retail-like stats and droplists * Improved monsters AI * Full working clan system including: 11 clan levels, more than 170 members in clan, sub-units as Academy, Clan Reputation, Clan Halls aquired by auction/siege, Castle Sieges, Fortress Sieges, Territory Sieges and Clan Ships * Balance of classes, that can be modified anytime when one class is too overpowered * Retail-like skills * Working instances Kamaloka, Pailaka, Seed of Destruction/Seed of Infinity, Crystal Caverns, Dark Cloud Mansion, Nornils Cave * Working new race Kamael * Retail-like weapons/armors/jewelry/cloaks/bracelets/talismans * Retail-like transformations * Modified Subclass system including Subclass Certifications * New territories * Player grouping - Party, Command Channel, Party Matching systems * All pets/servitors with working skills and Epilogue-comfirmed stats * Mail system * Skill Transfer system * New Skill Enchant system with four types of skill enchanting and all skills enchant routes * Grandbosses Antharas, Valakas, Baium, Core, Orfen, Queen Ant, Zaken (Gracia Final one), Baylor, Frintezza, Sailren * Cursed weapons system * Shadow/Common/Masterwork/PvP items * Fame system * Olympiad/Hero system * Seven Signs system * Rare Items Auction system * No database cleanup (wipe) for at least 6 months after start (databases automatically backup when server is loading) Custom gameserver features: * Weight limit is increased by x10 * Skills are automatic learnable * Max buff amount is increased to 26, as max dance/song amount is increased to 16. Remember, that debuffs does not stack on main buffs section. * Subclass skills cooltime is stored in database as an main class skills cooltime. * Alternative class-master have been added. You can find Miss Queen in every town. He you let chose your profesion for free. * Subclass does not require 'Mimirs Elixir' quest to be done. Also, you can change between any of your subclass at one master. * Changes in Inventory: all players can handle up to 150 items once. * Players can make private stores with up to 4 items available to buy/sell * Attribute enchant chance is 50% * Karmas can use Gatekeeper and Buffer services. * Dwarven and Common crafting recipes limit is increased to 100 * All clan limitations is set to 1 day. * Clan war can be declared when clan have 15 players. * Players will be created with 200,000 Adena in inventory * All items dropped from monsters (except Raid bosses) will be automatically looted into inventory * If Command channel with 18 players available kills raid boss, drop will be protected from foreigners 15 minutes after raid boss was killed. * /unstuck interval is decreased to 30 seconds * If player log off in instanced dungeon, after logging in instance will be recovered. * Seal stones contribution limit is increased to 99 billions * Offline trade system is added. Players can start private shop and log off from gameserver. Shop will dissapear after 10 days or after all items will be sold or buyed. Offline traders will be restored after server restart. * Mana potions added with 200 MP regeneration once click * Multipliers to change P.Def/M.Def of castle gates/walls while Seal of Strife is controlled by one of the sides have been increased to reborn Seven Signs system not only for Ancient Adena collecting. * Player can view basic monster information/droplist by SHIFT+Click on monster * Olympiad will start at 16:00 and ends at 00:00 GMT+2. Heroes will be changed at an end of week after Olympiad. Weekly period is 7 days. Minimum participators for classed and non-classed olympiad match is changed to 3. Players will get teleported into stadium in 60 seconds. * When player is on party, Experience rate for all party is increased by 25% * Vitality system changed: * HP/MP Herbs drop is increased to 20%. Greater Herbs drop is increased to 8%, Superior Herb drop is increased to 2%, Vitality Herb drop is decreased to 1% * Player can block incoming experience from monsters by writing .exp on general chat. Experience can be aquired again after writing .exp command * On Rare Items Auction max bid is increased to 99 billions Adena * Shopkeeper will sell key materials and higher-rate materials recipes, basic consumable items, weapons/armors/jewelry up to B-Grade, Caradine Letter, Clan Level Increasing (up to 5lv) items. * Buffer will provide support with all-type buffs excluding resist-type. Buffs duration is increased to 1 hours. * Ancient Merchant will performs Blacksmith/Merchant Mammon functions. Also, he can exchange Seal Stones to Ancient Adenas. * Gatekeeper will teleports players to Catacombs and Necropolis. Server website: http://l2pandora.eu/ Quote
xTsili Posted November 13, 2010 Posted November 13, 2010 I CANT DOWNLOAD THE SYSTEM :( REUPLOAD ON 4 SHARED PLZ. Quote
SaSuKi Posted November 13, 2010 Posted November 13, 2010 Good Luck With Your Server. I CANT DOWNLOAD THE SYSTEM :( REUPLOAD ON 4 SHARED PLZ. I think They dont have upload it yet. :/ Quote
HeLoO Posted November 13, 2010 Author Posted November 13, 2010 when system will be uploaded i give you link Quote
•DarkStar• Posted November 13, 2010 Posted November 13, 2010 good server dude ;) check the lasts posts on the old u post ;) Quote
HeLoO Posted November 13, 2010 Author Posted November 13, 2010 Server will start today(2010.11.14) 12:00 GMT+2 sorry for delay. Quote
HeLoO Posted November 14, 2010 Author Posted November 14, 2010 Server system uploaded here its http://www.2shared.com/file/QjUF6LxE/system_3_.html Quote
•DarkStar• Posted November 23, 2010 Posted November 23, 2010 Server started!!! did u play there? Quote
taraska Posted November 23, 2010 Posted November 23, 2010 It says offline and when i click it it says " Due to high server traffic, your login attempt has failed. " and website says Online (?) Quote
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