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[Share] Professional Anti-DDos // AntiVirus protection for L2jServer

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AHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHA i shat my brains out my ass reading the topic title hahahahaha

lol'd now i see antivirus protect for your l2j server

pff this made my day..

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Nice joke.

Why  i will need a a bloody anti virus  on server

- All java emulators  (lineage)  run bather on Linux  (Windows is stupid and expensive)

This panda crap will not help you protect your server  (never) 

-  my .jar will get Trojan  ? 


All this do is buff the fire wall  and stops some crap.


Normal they  use  ports that you use mysql  port  (if is open) Fsoket  game ports , telnet  and more  ... 


So a fast fix  is, set up your  Fire wall  ( if you do not have one , get one)


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Professional Anti-DDos // AntiVirus protection for L2jServer



yup, ofc, it is good to use software antiddos when you host server at home pc :] others use server hosting services

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how i told you to all best protection is:


1. Router [DDoS Protection] -> Lineage 2 Server -

2. Computer with linux on it [Configurate well and you will not get any problems about DDoS Attack] -> Lineage 2 Server - best way !


Good Luck !

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