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I like to have some small combo's in teams, and have the other characters just be supportive.


I used to play Amumu with a friend of my playing Katarina; I go like: Stun rope -> ulti to snare everyone and he shunpo on me and use his ulti and like 4 ppl die, really cool. Well and other champs were like; Janna, Tristana, Veigar or something.


I've also been beaten hard by a very cool combo; Galio and Fiddlesticks, and the rest of their team was something like; Garen, Gangplank and something ranged.


On the WCG vids you see them use Nunu + Vlad ulti; holy shit what a pwnage was that :D


im playing with my friends from school. Every sunday we are going to a net and playing together (all very high graphics <3).

So our combo is:

1)Malzahar - me


3)Soraka/Xin Zhao



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