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[League of Legends][Guide] Malzahar


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What are you going to learn in this topic:

Malhazar's Story

Malhazar's Abilities

Malhazar's Item Build

Recommended Skill/Masteries Build

General Tips about Malhazar

tick.pngStory of Malzahar:


Many men have gone mad beneath the glare of the Shurima sun, but it was during the night's chilling embrace that Malzahar relinquished his sanity.  Malhazar was born a seer, blessed with the gift of prophecy.  His talent, though unrefined, promised to be one of Runeterra's greatest boons, but destiny plotted him another course; his sensitivity to the roiling tides of fate allowed other, unwelcome things to tug at his subconscious mind.  In his dreams, where the veil of separation is thinnest, a sinister thing beckoned.  For some time, Malzahar was able to resist its prodding solicitation, but with each passing night the voice grew louder, or perhaps deeper, until he could withstand the call no more.


He ventured into the desert without supplies, drawn by the lure of a specious charm.  His destination: a lost civilization to the east, known to ancient texts as Icathia.  Few believed such a place ever existed, and those who did were certain that the sands had long since devoured whatever remained.  When Malzahar's cracked feet finally failed him, he found himself kneeling at the base of a bizarre crumbling obelisk.  Beyond it lay the alien geometry of a ruined city and the giant decaying idols of dark and horrific gods.  His eyes, seeing what others cannot, and what none should, were filled with the essence of the Void.  His once shifting visions of the future were replaced with the immutable promise of Valoran beset by creatures of the Void.  Standing alone, but not alone, amidst the echoing dunes, he noticed the familiar voice escape his own lips in a parched rasp, bearing three words whose weight trembled his knees.  League of Legends.  Now infused with the power of the void itself, Malzahar set off to the north to seek his fate.


''The land may melt, the sea may swell, the sky may fall... but They will come.'' [THATS -beep-ING AWESOME LOL (Rozdex's addon)]





Call of the Void

Malzahar opens up two portals to the Void.  After a short delay, power erupts from the portals, dealing damage and silencing all enemies caught between the portals.



Null Zone

Malzahar creates a zone which deals damage to enemies inside it. Damage is based on either a flat damage value or a percentage of the target's max health, whichever is greater.



Malefic Visions

Malzahar infects his target's mind with cruel visions of their own demise, dealing damage each second. If the target dies while afflicted by the visions, they pass the curse on to a nearby enemy unit and restore mana to Malzahar.



Nether Grasp

Malzahar grips his target in an engulfing void of energy, dealing damage each second.



[Passive] Summon Voidling

After casting 5 spells, Malzahar summons a Voidling to engage enemy units. Voidlings grow after several seconds, gaining damage and armor. After several seconds more, the Voidlings gain drastically increased attack speed.


tick.pngItem Build

meki-pendant.gifMeki Pendent

health-potion.gifHealth Potion

mana-potion.gifMana Potion

boots-of-speed.gifBoots of Speed

35.jpgFiendish Codex

Kage's%20Lucky%20Pick.pngKage's Lucky Pick

item_91.jpgDeathfires Grasp

item_70.jpgMercury's Treads

rylais-crystal-scepter.gifRylai's Crystal Scepter

Its your decision after that, i would suggest some HP and AP.


tick.pngRecommended Skill List:

But its basically your decision on how are you going to play Malzahar

Call of the Void

Malefic Visions

Malefic Visions

Call of the Void

Null Zone

Nether Grasp

Malefic Visions

Malefic Visions

Malefic Visions

Call of the Void

Nether Grasp

Call of the Void

Call of the Void

Null Zone

Null Zone

Nether Grasp

Null Zone

Null Zone


tick.pngSummoner Skills:


Ghost, Flash or Heal for the first box. Why that? Basicall you will need something to espace from your enemies. Malzahar cant avoid be killed in a gang, except ofc your enemies are newbies and you will try to silence them or poising them with your skills. But no1 will be scared of killing Malzahar in High Levels.


Ignite for the second one.





tick.pngSome general information and tips for Malzahar:

Push, push and again push thats your job, just try to do it fine.

You are not going to get many kills, but you will get many assists if you are enough smart.

See always the map for upcoming gangs and if your teammates are not stupid by not saying you the misses, you are going to survive.

You will need a lot of practise for some skills like Call of the Void.

Malzahar's Ulti+Gank=Death. Simple mathematics.

Try to use CofD smartly, since it has big range.

Thats all folks. Im going to update it if i find something useful.

Ima give credits @ google and League of Legends Forum.

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Ι don't know why, but I hate that champ. Thanks anyway. I'll add it in my AIO.

Maybe its because he can harrass our asses off ;o





great guide but shouldn't you add how to play in game ?

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Maybe its because he can harrass our asses off ;o

Guess so :D

great guide but shouldn't you add how to play in game ?

Thanks. Yeah, i guess i will have too. Just no time right now, you will have to wait for at least some hours. Also thats why i tried to include all the gameplay at the general tips.

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Mercury's Treads 1 leksi EBIRIAS.

Μην γινεσαι μαλακας μπεσα... Δηλαδη τι boots θα βαλεις στον Mal? Να βαλεις μηπως kai magic penetration να μηδενησεις τις λιγοστες πιθανοτητες στο να ξεφυγεις απο gank?

opos s ipa kai gia ton shaco parata ton afou dn tin palebis.

Σου εχω πει 1000 φορες, παιζω τον shaco σαν stealer, τι στο πουτσο δεν καταλαβαινεις? Μην με κρινεις απο ενα match...

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If you choose Call the void as first skill here's a tip: when you start in base cast it 4 times while buying stuff, to charge up so you can summon a voidling when you start laning.


Also I usually pick Ignite and Flash, cause you can cast ignite during your ulti (if in range!) it's so much damage.


Anyway, nice guide. He's boosted very much lately with the patches :>



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