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Hey how is it going.

I wont make an list with working system since this pack are close (about 90%) to retail (talking about Interlude)

All quests,Skills working, where are thousands of customs system,protections...Every thing are reworded...


Question & Answers:


Q: Is where any server which use this pack?

A: Yes, La2fort, and other "serks" server.


Q: Where do you find this pack?

A: Actually this pack was created by some russians developers, Serk (bought it, stole it i dont know) before 7 months i got this pack for la2fort project but as i can understund stupidly of administrator destroy server, with one of the bests pack around(im not administrator of la2fort, take it mind)


Q: Is this pack have backdoors as Serks one?

A: Nop, i and my friend found them (were was 6 backdoors), and destroy them, actually we add command if someone try to use backdoor he will receive an message and after that get automatically banned. Also you will receive an Inform on your consol, or if any of staff is online.


Q: Will i have sources?

A: Yes!


Q: I dont trsut to my stuff what i have to do?

A: Access level 2 or highter(1 are admin, like gracia system ) are blocked to do any kind of coruption.


Q: Can i have an list that was blocked to gms?

A: Yes


Trade,Drop,Sell,Buy,WH,CLAN WH,Private WH,Join Party,

Enchant <- Get banned,

admin_item <- can use only to him self

Edit stats,kills,pvps,pks,name,title,class

Add skills,hero,noble,donate,castle,ch,clan points,lvl clan.


If you want block something else you have to edit it on navicat admin_commands_access_rights (isnt something hard, just put 1 to block...)


Q: Admin are blocked too?

A: Maybe, but not really, Only to enchant and admin_item.


Q: Have it got Any vote reward system?

A: Yes, for Hopzone,Gamesites200 (Can me edited for top Game website)


Q: Players make farm from pvp, Have this pakc ANti-Farm?

A: Yes, Party,CLan,Same person for more than 3 times


Q: Is Balanced?

A: Yes, except if you're going to add customs,epic armors and other this shit, then unbalance is not form server, but from items...


Q: Will i have your support for free?

A: No...


Q: Why you selling it?

A: I live in usa this time, and im going to college, so i will have no time for dev,server and other this shits. So why to keep it? :P


So i think that it was enough... Oh by the way, it have nothing from la2fort, it clean source... (exept vote reward part and enterworld :P)


Price: 40E or 50$




Creditcart (MasterCart or Visa) <- i wont take more than, i should.. (40E)


Q: Where is paypal way?

A: My paypal limited so no paypal way :/


Q: Wanna Make Trade?

A: As i said im going to college so i dont need something exept money


Image: http://img72.imageshack.us/img72/5517/snapshot4o.jpg

Dont even try to find svn, you are going to loose your time... Even if you find it, it have password, so you will no able to download them :P


PS. I dont care if you are going to resell them... :S


if you intrested Just PM ME...


Oh i were going to forget it, If you are not interested to buy it, I have to please you to dont even dare post here, i dont care if you are moderator, or normal member, just dont post, Thanks ;)


Q: Is this pack have backdoors as Serks one?
A: Nop, i and my friend found them (were was 6 backdoors), and destroy them, actually we add command if someone try to use backdoor he will receive an message and after that get automatically banned. Also you will receive an Inform on your consol, or if any of staff is online.

funny :D


If you will really live in USA this year, better start studying english.


On topic : you made my day with that "close to retail" pack.

About first: My English are pretty much good


About second: Yes, it close to retail....




Meaning its crap xD

How can you know without take look to source, just because la2fort was created as shit? doesn't meter how was interface since la2fort was based on this pack and was working fine without any error or unbalance (don't start talk about unbalance which was made from customs weapons/armor) And i have to say that it was absolutely better than "l2jarchidi" since some my friends had "l2jarchidi" and it was shit, i don't know if now archidi update their shitty staff...


How can you know without take look to source, just because la2fort was created as shit? doesn't meter how was interface since la2fort was based on this pack and was working fine without any error or unbalance (don't start talk about unbalance which was made from customs weapons/armor) And i have to say that it was absolutely better than "l2jarchidi" since some my friends had "l2jarchidi" and it was shit, i don't know if now archidi update their shitty staff...

no one had archid xD and the source of akin is not entirely archid, thats why it failed. (that and cus i was not announce about its launch and i couldn't prepare anything)


Also la2fort uses a crappy l2jserver and ur understanding of a server is equal to shit, jeez.

Both servers sharp and fort are crap and their pack is made poorly. Like i said its just an old l2j server.


And don't include archid if we're not talking about it. Did anyone ask you ? ty for proving ur a dumb ass >.>


About first: My English are pretty much good


About second: Yes, it close to retail....




Dont make me count your mistakes. Dont be an idiot and accept the criticism.

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