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About "-EMPTY- Places in MaxCheaters staffers...


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isws 8a prepe na pareis 1-2 gnwmes parapanw ... k sigoura ektos staff....to staff blepei panta auto p 8elei na blepei

to staff kitaei to simferon tou
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6)filtate maxtor...alla3e ooooooooolo to staff...a3iokratika!atoma uparxoun!!! atoma ikanotata uparxoun....mhpws 8a prepe na peta3eis ta tsoflia k na krathseis ta kala?to eixa pei k paliotera k aforouse k mena! oxi epeidh kapoioi einai active paei na pei kiolas oti einai k ikanoi..opws epishs oxi osoi einai inactive paei na pei oti einai k axrhstoi...

Apo edw ksekinane ola kai edw teliwnoun ola....eee re pos fainete h palia sxolh! :D
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thats just experience the decisions of the greek community made mxc completely dead from a quality view xD

the fact is that the community is being run by foreigners atm...so is it still greeks false moves?
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the fact is that the community is being run by foreigners atm...so is it still greeks false moves?


think in big not in the way things go right now think in lets say 1 year or 2

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Apo edw ksekinane ola kai edw teliwnoun ola....eee re pos fainete h palia sxolh! :D

the fact is that the community is being run by foreigners atm...so is it still greeks false moves?


woot old school party today

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after he return from vacations, we will discuss this.

Im not on vacations, im passing my whole free time at the hospital >.>


Will be back in the end of the week, got tired of this








Thanks to the following quotes:

If you promoted ED to Global Moderator it would be great, since he's really active and helps in report section.

ED to Gmod too, once he comes back as it's already been suggested

Global -> ExtremeDwarf

Well ED deserve for G mod :)

And i think he will be the best of all times :)

ExTrEmEDwarf or Setekh -> G Mod (1 of them). Both of them are burned daily over the forum and help a lot.

Global Moderator : ExTrEmEDwarf

Globan Mod's


Setekh or Ed:Global moderator

For sure ED deserves more than L2 Moderator position.


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[GR] Afou sas eimai axristos kai egw dn exw Logo na katso bb...[/GR]




Δηλαδή εσύ είσαι του στυλ "Ή με κάνετε mod ή φεύγω, δε δέχομαι συμβιβασμούς";

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some ppl are just promo hunters.

without sharing or helping you dont deserve something

imo the rank u will get is equal to your knowledge on this subject.

i was trying more than INFINITY times to moderate the client mods sections

but with Sticky and Lock i cant do almost anything.

i cant ask help from l2mods or g mods forever

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Δηλαδή εσύ είσαι του στυλ "Ή με κάνετε mod ή φεύγω, δε δέχομαι συμβιβασμούς";


[GR] Dn Eipa afto filarako m Apla apo ta 75k member Emena krazoune oli giafto kati kserw kai milaw tecpa dn asxoloume...

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