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This guide explains how to get Eclipse Integrated Development Environment (IDE for short), how to set up it to work with L2J source and gives a few tips on working with Eclipse.


NOTE: hidden sections with codeblocks inside are not yet implemented; ignore the [/hide tags.


Hidden Block: 1. Download


1. 1. First of all, go to http://www.eclipse.org/downloads/. You will see a list of Eclipse Packages.

1. 2. What to choose?

You now have two choices: (Explanatory picture)

Eclipse IDE for Java Developers

Eclipse Classic X.Y.Z

X, Y, Z specify the verson of the release


I would recommend the first choice, mainly for three reasons: It's name matches what you need, it takes up less space and since you hardly will need anything that classic realease has to offer. If you need something that is not included in the designed-for-Java IDE, you should use it anyway, since you can download the needed plugins/features via Software Updates (update sites are included in that menu). This way you will have a smaller, faster application without a truckload of features you don't even use.


Click your OS name to the right, then select a download mirror and download the archive file.



[hide=2. Installation]

2. 1. Extract the archive file using WinZip | WinRAR | 7-zip | KGB Archiver | Windows Explorer (XP or newer)

2. 2. Go to <extraction path>\eclipse and open eclipse.ini with a plaintext editor.

Here is an example file:


    eclipse.ini wrote:-showsplash









Anywhere below

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  1. -vmargs



add these two lines:

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  1. -Xms100M

  2. -Xmx300M


-Xms100M -Xmx300M

You can tweak them if you want. Don't set the initial heap size (allocated memory, -Xms) above 130M, it's not worth it. I would not recommend a maximum heap size (-Xmx) below 256M, but you're free to set it.

These lines help by decreasing the garbage collection call count during Eclipse's runtime. The higher the initial heap size is set, the less garbage collections will be done (less gc pauses).


2. 3. Now launch Eclipse. If you want to pass any parameters/arguments (both eclipse's and vmargs), you should include them in the eclipse.ini file, as shown above.

Select a workspace directory. All managed source and compiled files will be stored somewhere in this directory.

Check the box to set this directory as default and that dialog will never annoy you again. You will be able to restore it anytime you want, so just check that box.


After the IDE loads, you will see the Welcome screen.

Use the "Workbench" button.

Now you will see the default IDE perspective, named "Java [perspective]".

This ends the installation section, but you cannot start using L2J  yet!



[hide=3. Setup (Add-ons)]

3. 1. Open the "Software Updates" dialog.

Help -> Software Updates...

3. 2. Click the "Available Updates" tab.

3. 3. Add these sites:

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  1. http://subclipse.tigris.org/update_1.0.x

  2. http://m2eclipse.sonatype.org/update/


Note: http://eclipse.svnkit.com/1.2.x/ will be added automatically

3. 4. Select components (versions may differ)

3. 5. Click the "Install..." button on the top right side of the dialog. Eclipse will automatically find required libraries and add them to your selection.

You will have to wait a few minutes or less, until this window pops-up.

3. 6. Accept the agreements and click finish. Wait until features are downloaded and installed.

3. 7. When updating is done, you will get a confirmation dialog, click "Yes" and eclipse will restart.



[hide=4. Downloading source (checking out projects)]

4. 1. Open the "SVN Repositories" view. Step 1 | Step 2

Window -> Show View -> Other... -> SVN -> SVN Repositories

4. 2. Add the l2j  repository.

Right click anywhere in the opened view -> New -> Repository Location...

Enter this URL (and click Finish):

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4. 3. Check out Core and Login as Maven projects. (use default settings)

The projects are found in /tags/ or in /trunk/.

Core Version X.Y.Z

Login Version X.Y.Z

If you are using trunk source, you will not get any support.

4. 4. Check out Datapack. (use default settings)

This time do a simple checkout.

Datapack Version X.Y.Z


4. 5. After you finally checked out all three parts of the server, let's go to then next step.



[hide=5. Setup (projects)]

5. 1. Linking external source distributed with datapack Step 1 | Step 2

Right click the Core project (named "l2j .... .. . ." by default) -> Build Path -> Link Source...

Select the <datapack checkout dir>/data/scripts directory.

Set these exclusion filters:

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  1. ai/fantasy_isle/

  2. cron/

  3. custom/

  4. instances/

  5. teleports/

  6. village_master/


ai/fantasy_isle/ cron/ custom/ instances/ teleports/ village_master/

Click Finish.


Wait until the built path is set and a full rebuild is done.

If you are using 1.2.11, which is no longer the actual stable release, you will have to "fix" IceFairySirra.java file yourself. Removed the patch so that people using the actual release wouldn't get confused.


5. 3. Getting subversion

You will need svn.exe on your PATH, the easiest way (the installer automatically does that) is to go to http://subversion.tigris.org/ and download client binaries for your platform. Then install it to wherever you wish.

After doing this you must close and re-open eclipse, otherwise it will still work using the pre-modified path variable.


5. 4. Creating maven distribution archive builds

Run -> Run Configurations...

Double-click on "Maven Build".

Fill in the "Name:" field that is at the top of the build configuration panel.


Under "Main" tab, you need to fill in:

Base Directory: Either "${workspace_loc:/L2J......}" or "${workspace_loc:/L2J.....}"

Goals: "clean assembly:assembly"

You can omit "clean" if you know when/how to use it and decrease build length.

Skip Tests: you may check this if you want to decrease build length.

You can configure another Maven Runtime instead of using embedded one.


Under "JRE" tab, use these arguments to decrease core build length (tweak if you want):

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  1. -Xms400M -Xmx700M


-Xms400M -Xmx700M

If somewhy "Workspace default JRE" is not selected, select it. It eases the process of updating Java.


Example Build:

Main | JRE



TIP: Setup these. The warnings/errors can help you improve your code style, or at least warn you when you are deliberately accessing a "null" value.



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kane me eclipse kai teliwne....tosa guide iparxoune...


kai compile na kani paly axristo tha einai amma dn kseri na kani fixed ti to theli to compile?

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kai compile na kani paly axristo tha einai amma dn kseri na kani fixed ti to theli to compile?

Mάθε Java και προσπάθησε να κάνεις μόνος σου τα fix,anyway αν βρέθηκε λύση στο πρόβλημα σου κάντε Locked το topic!

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kai na kseris to pack einai toubano dn piani tpt kai amma dn pistevis exi kai vote reward mesa dn thelw na gini pouthena Share.

Είναι τούμπανο επειδή έχει votereward μέσα?

τι άλλο θα ακούσω εδώ μέσα ρε παιδιά.

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