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Geia sas agapita members tou mxc.Simera skeftika na sas kanw ena guide pos na pername glow effects sta weapons opos auta tou pinkcore ---> http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=84267.0.Dioti poli ta vlepoun kai rwtan pos na ta pernane!!!



1)Tha mpeite ston server kai tha deite to id tou weapon pou theletai!!Deite stin parakatw foto.




2)Afou dialeksame to id pigaioume edw http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=84267.0 kai dialegoume ena effect!!!


width=1024 height=687http://a.imageshack.us/img823/8952/effect.jpg[/img]


3)Afou dialeksame kai to effect anoigoume to L2 File Edit kai meta anoigoume to weapongrp!!




4)Psaxnoume to id tou weapon.


width=981 height=768http://a.imageshack.us/img718/2051/pffffz.jpg[/img]


width=989 height=768http://img842.imageshack.us/img842/9996/aaaaaaaa.jpg[/img]


5)Vriskoume to LineageEffect kai to kanoume antigatastasi me to effect pou theloume!!!


width=960 height=768http://a.imageshack.us/img819/1791/asddassda.jpg[/img]


width=985 height=768http://a.imageshack.us/img715/7049/43850976.jpg[/img]


6)To kanoume save & encypt se 413 code.


width=991 height=768http://img838.imageshack.us/img838/7811/fffa.jpg[/img]


7)kante log sto game agoraste to weapon kai eistai ok!!


width=1024 height=751http://a.imageshack.us/img375/5647/fdsh.jpg[/img]



Mia ipenthimisi ean valete to oplo kai den sas fanei to glow kante to enchant..Dioti einai analogos apo to poso exetai valei to EnchantEffectShow sto Env..px emena arxizei apo to 7.Dld otan to kanw +7 arxizei na fenetai to effect kai otan oso pio poli + toso pio poli wraio effect tha einai..I mporeite poli apla na vale to EnchantEffectShow=0 kai molis forate to weapon na exei to Effect..



Credits:Pinkcore for the Effect Glows!!!Kai emena gia to guide



[move]Kalo Gaming me ta glows!!!![/move]


Edaxi dn einai diskolo anigis to file edit kai vazis to glow,epsis exei guide to pws na vazis glow se weapons.

Tecpa kalh doulia.


Ty to kserw pos den einai tpt!!apla eida polles fores polla users na lene pos to kanoume edit i pos ta vazoume!!!giauto to ekana auto to guide!!


wraia douleia kai analutiko an kai einai eukolo den pirazi uparxoun atoma p den kseroun kai ta basika.


thnx!!!opos ta les..auto to guide einai eidika gia merikous pou rwtane kai den kseroun ta vasika!!


Nice guide.... Sigoura polla paidia den i3era poumpenoun ta effects...


Nice try :P


Ps: wreo text... pws legte? xD


poio text les??auto pou grafo stis pics???


//on topic: thnx


Euxaristo paidia gia ta logia sas!!! kai gia IL etsi einai alla merika glows apo ton pinkcore den nomizw na douleuoun prepei na ta dokimasete!!!!



Ean theletai mporeitetai na parete kai merika glows apo ton LauQ----> http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=80722.0}



Nothing special.

Αλλά καλή προσπάθεια skull.




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