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[L2DC Project Or Phoenix One?]



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stupid thread...


1st of all you dont have updates for neither of these sources

2nd how you suppose to make a server without updates thats just result in a really bad server

3rd you really think that have a pack like these means success?

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and if he doesn't know how hellbound/gracia works [sC etc] how he is supposed to make a server , players will know more than him ? <.<


thats not the problem i always welcome players who know a lot about the game...but how he going to code it? :D

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thats not the problem i always welcome players who know a lot about the game...but how he going to code it? :D












































he won't be able :D

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You guys i am not gonna open server with these files just the are rare and put them on my rare collection with packs ^^ and btw minideed confirm from a team member of y that is rev 4830 and hellbound not fully work but some of HL Works also kamaloka pailaka etc working but i am sure i am not gonna open them its your project so i am not allowed

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The rev of L2DC you have includes some good codes, although some things are not stable (it's not the latest rev), such as Hellbound Instances and retail events, or a few skills.


On the other hand, Phoenix is quite nice, but it lacks of MANY retail features.


Conclusion: Code your own pack, instead of leeching others without permission and acting the pro. :|

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L2DC but not the shared craps they are to old. buy the new one.


Rev 4700++ isn't so old, as Evilus told me, and buying these files is prohibited.

So only the team members can use these files, obviously for their servers ^^

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Rev 4700++ isn't so old, as Evilus told me, and buying these files is prohibited.

So only the team members can use these files, obviously for their servers ^^


An effective way to prevent from bad reputation gained from kids that would use their files.

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The problem with using files from a closed source is that you will not be able to get fixes and updates for these files. When players discover you are unable to get fixes/updates they will leave your server in droves.


And even with these files the source was not included, only the compiled system so access to the actual coding is limited.


As others have said this is an older release and we have fixed/added many things since this was leaked. We have also discovered who leaked them and this person was banned a few weeks ago. The SVN server is now restricted to only 5 long running members on the team including myself, all others have to submit their work via our private forums for commitment.

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What is actualy cool with java it's that it's very easy to reverse, there is some software reversing their "pseudo java bit code" to java code in few second and when comparing the original code and the decompiled code it looks similar, just the variable name are changed so yeah in java if I have the compiled code I consider I also have the source, I've worked with Java in the past, now I am using l2Off for years.


It was just to say that since some guys are posting with no clue about what java is and that it can be easily decompiled by any kid.


Now back to topic, I've saw the source of l2dc and it's so far the best java code avalaible, anyway since you aren't a member of their team you will have to fix the new bugs & exploit reported by the players and I'd better be honest, I don't think you are actualy abble to do that but it's not the main topic.


Anyway good luck with your project, but you should consider to start with a public project and dev few things yourself like few mod & security mod and then go for serious things.

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