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[LoL]GrisoM's Morning.


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Okay, I haven't laughed like that for more than 1 month. Seriously, I fell of my chair, it was so freakin' funny while he was writing it =P

So, to explain it. Some guys are trying to destroy a building near GrisoM's house, so their hammers woke him up.


Ο χρήστης ~ Javu λέει:

*fuck me

*this niggers


*with the work

*in the building

*at 8 am

*i should be sleeping for 3 more hours

Ο χρήστης `Coyote λέει:

*Coinsidence? I don't think so!

Ο χρήστης ~ Javu λέει:


Ο χρήστης ~ Javu λέει:

*i'll go down

*that you must immidiately

Ο χρήστης ~ Javu λέει:

*and shot the fuckers

Ο χρήστης ~ Javu λέει:

*they are hammering

*the building down

*its so annoying



Ο χρήστης `Coyote λέει:


Ο χρήστης ~ Javu λέει:






*its again

*and again

*and again


Ο χρήστης `Coyote λέει:


Ο χρήστης ~ Javu λέει:

*its in my brain

Ο χρήστης `Coyote λέει:

*I fall off the chair


*you tell it

*in a funny way


Ο χρήστης ~ Javu λέει:

*there you go

*now its faste


*then you hear the niggers

Ο χρήστης `Coyote λέει:


Ο χρήστης ~ Javu λέει:


Ο χρήστης ~ Javu λέει:

*and again


*and then slower, but stronger

Ο χρήστης `Coyote λέει:

*I can't breath



Ο χρήστης ~ Javu λέει:

*fuck me god dang it

*they broke

*my nerveous system

*i'm shacking

*like if i had


*its worst

*than hearing

* a vuvuzela concert

Ο χρήστης `Coyote λέει:

*I'll block you in msn, seriously

*I haven't laughed

*ike that

*for 1 weeek

Ο χρήστης ~ Javu λέει:

*well i'm glad my suffering makes you happy

*now pieces of broken


Ο χρήστης `Coyote λέει:


Ο χρήστης ~ Javu λέει:

*fall down my window

*and hit

*the bottom

*and they make

*even more noise

*so its like




Ο χρήστης `Coyote λέει:

*I'll post this

Ο χρήστης ~ Javu λέει:

*and again they nigger screamin

Ο χρήστης `Coyote λέει:

*at mxc

*no way

Ο χρήστης ~ Javu λέει:

*one of the best mornings i've had in a long time

*i'll take my bbgun

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And he continues doing it, lol!


Ο χρήστης ~ Javu λέει:


*and now they are hitting a water conetction

*so the sound is even bigger

*and longer



*omg when you think it could not be worst

*they pull out something new

*to make me even more nerveous

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*whats next

*throw the hammer

*throught my window

*and scream

*at me



*i'll take a knive..


Shouting Spree, lol, I'm outta that conv, I'll die laughing.

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Ο χρήστης `Coyote λέει:




*I am okay now

*I washed my face

*relaxed a bit

*I am okay

Ο χρήστης ~ Javu λέει:

*sorry i was afk

*i throw an egg at them, now they are screaming but not hammering

*hijo de puta!!! which you can translate

*to a:

*mother fucker

*now i'm making bullets with my ice cubes

*they will see who is annoying

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