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Anal next time and no worries.

thats right


;D well maxcheaters is the best place to answer this a forum full of gamers and sex pros! If shes pregnant just say u go buy cigarettes and never come back! that works always!


man seriously,go spam another topic



don't know dude when is her period coming?



25 of month...and google says the good days are 6 before and 1-2 after...so i am in bad days i think


Anal next time and no worries.


nahhhhh!!!!! I like vaginal better! PLUS never do anal without a condom, you can get more disceases than vaginal! :P


Jesus, a pill after sex, a pregnancy test just 1 hour later and other stuff.


after 1h :D? lol it takes 2 weeks min

and if she gets her period she isnt pregnant


nahhhhh!!!!! I like vaginal better! PLUS never do anal without a condom, you can get more disceases than vaginal! :P


afraid of a little shit :D?


[Gr]Tn Epomeni Fora Na Prosexeis Gt Mporei Na Eisai Pio Poli Tixeros Kai Na Se Exoume Me Didima Stn Agalia Sou xD[/Gr]



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