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MaxCheaters Project [L2OFF Server] Register here!

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Requests for Global Moderators and GameMasters are closed.


Requests for Server Scripters and Client Moders are still open. Just reply here if you are willing to be a part of the team.


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Requests for Global Moderators and GameMasters are closed.


Hello, first off please don't be misguided by my joining date or post count. I know I am a bit late but my question is: is there any chance for adding me to the list of possible Event or at least support GM's + polish translator?  If yes here is something about me:


My name is Mateusz. I am very ambitious, calm, tolerant and patient person. I am 20 years old and I have just finished school and received a title "technician of computer science". Later I plan to study more of computer science in a high school.


I play Lineage 2 since three or four years. The only server I played was Infinity x5 (Dragon-Network). Recently I left it becouse I feel completed and I achieved pretty much everything as a player. I was a leader of a one from the top clans there therefore I have a big experience in PVM and PVP balance.


My english is on a good level and I have no problems in communicating. I also know polish (since I am from Poland) therefore I could easily support polish community (many polish people have problems with even basic english).


I am available around 12-14h a day becouse I am doing a lot of different stuff on my PC. I could be logged in L2 all that time and even if I am doing something else I can always watch in-game chat and reply to any player questions.


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Hello there.


My name is Dennis and as u can see i am from Greece.

I have a good knowledge of English and i have around 5 years L2 experience.

I'm active 8-12 hours/day and i had been Event/Supporter GM in many servers.

So, i want to take the free slot ( if any ) of the Event/Supporter GM.


Also u can add me to msn or send me an e-mail for more information.



-Thanks in advance.

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I could be an event GM. If I have event-GMed in more than 10 server with more than 2 years of GMing experience. Always done responsible and exceptional work. I would be glad to contribute in this project as well! Let me know if you are intrested!

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I'm one of the most fanatic L2 player's ,i believe that i can suggest you a system about the game play of the server.

i dont wanna be  a GM ,Dev or sth ,just to suggest you the best game play system (at least for me) so i can play somewhere and dont be bored ..

you can e-mail me at panoskouf@gmail.com with an email and i will send you back my whole thought



***My suggestion is for L2J i dont think that it can get achieved on OFF so if you change mind

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