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Everything posted by Street-Gamer

  1. welcome back , good luck with your project.
  2. Perfect job! Fast and good communication. 100% trusted person.
  3. Multisell.txt - a script that describes a list of things that can be exchanged in a special store (merchant npc). Format : MultiSell_begin [weapon_variation] 4 is_show_all = 0 keep_enchanted = 1 is_dutyfree = 0 selllist = { {{{[stormbringer_crt.anger]; 1}}; {{[stormbringer]; 1}; {[red_soul_crystal_5]; 1}; {[gemstone_c]; 97}}; {291000}}; {{{[stormbringer_focus]; 1}}; {{[stormbringer]; 1}; {[green_soul_crystal_5]; 1}; {[gemstone_c]; 97}}; {291000}}; {{{[berserker_blade_haste]; 1}}; {{[berserker_blade]; 1}; {[blue_soul_crystal_8]; 1}; {[gemstone_c]; 555}}; {1665000}} } MultiSell_end Description of parameters: //Give weapon special ability (tax rate applied) - the section description is simple multisell_begin - the beginning of section of shop [weapon_variation] - the name of section of shop * SHOULD be UNIQUE * 4 - number of section of shop * SHOULD be UNIQUE * is_show_all = 0 - to show all shop, or only that the given person can get/exchange (on what enough necessary things) keep_enchanted = 1 - to leave sharpenings at an exchange is_dutyfree = 0 - the shop is assessed or not taxed the lock is_dutyfree = 1 This is REALY FREE trading. 1by1. No % from castle taxes. is_dutyfree = 0 This NOT Free trading operations. AND!! Main! NOT Free only for items what CAN be increased. Sure, this is a Adena. For this option you can use special tag for adena {{{[saber*saber];1}};{{[saber];1};{[saber];1};{[crystal_d];145}};{94250}}; where {94250} - 94250 adena price without castle/city tax. selllist = { - the beginning of section of the description of sold things. All shop undertakes in {braces} {{{[stormbringer_crt.anger]; 1}}; - that we get. Will pay attention that stands two braces from each side. The offered thing and taken away things are divided; {{[stormbringer]; 1}; {[red_soul_crystal_5]; 1}; {[gemstone_c]; 97}}; {291000}}; <-that we will give in replacements. Each thing is taken in {a brace}, all given things entirely too are concluded in {braces}. Through; it is specified kol-in given things, and things are divided. The name of things should be concluded in [square brackets]. An example: {{[вещь_1]; quantity}; {[вещь_2]; quantity}; {[вещь_3]; quantity}}. If it is specified only kol-in in braces the standard monetary unit is meant, i.e. adena. {{{[stormbringer_focus]; 1}}; {{[stormbringer]; 1}; {[green_soul_crystal_5]; 1}; {[gemstone_c]; 97}}; {291000}}; <-each field of offered things is divided; {{{[berserker_blade_haste]; 1}}; {{[berserker_blade]; 1}; {[blue_soul_crystal_8]; 1}; {[gemstone_c]; 555}}; {1665000}} <-last field of sale/exchange is not closed; }] <-it is not forgotten to close all shop {a brace} multisell_end - the end of section of shop Credits thanks to kick
  4. welcome mate , i check your works amazing. wish you the best ! good luck
  5. Seems amazing works! wish you the best brother! Good Luck With your Project !
  6. website have update now in an hours will be online ! please wait. WEBSİTE ONLİNE !!
  7. brother ,i take same error please share us latest fixed version. thanks for the author. keep up the good works mate.!!
  8. Server Online ! Hello Community , We have good news for you ! the time is coming ! be ready for online ! L2-Stage Updater & L2-Stage-Patch Please Follow the steps for login game ; 1-) Download the Playnow.exe updater 2-) Delete your system folder 3-) Copy updater to L2Folder 4-) Run as Administrator to Playnow.exe and Start the Game . 5-) Don't Forget to register Account !! don't forget to vote for us ! We wish you enjoy the game ! www.l2stage.com
  9. Hello community, The awaited day has come, I am bringing you great news, and hope you will spread the word as soon as you read this message! Grand opening date : Saturday 11th December. Opening hour for USA ; - 12:00 UTC -3 ( Santiago, Brasilia & Buenos Aires ) - 11:00 UTC -5 ( Eastern Time US & Canada ) - 10:00 UTC -6 ( Central Time US & Canada ) - 09:00 UTC -7 ( Pacific Time US, Canada & California ) Opening hour for Europe ; - 15:00 UTC +0 ( London & Lisabon ) - 16:00 UTC +1 ( Amsterdam, Berlin, Madrid & Warsaw ) - 17:00 UTC +2 ( Athens, Bucharest, Sofia, Cairo, Kyiv & Istanbul ) Opening hour for Asia ; - 18:00 UTC +3 ( Kuwait, Minsk, Moscow ) - 19:00 UTC +4 ( Tbilisi & Kabul ) - 20:00 UTC +7 ( Jakarta, Bangkok & Hanoi ) - 21:00 UTC +8 ( Beijing, Hong Kong, Singapore ) - 22:00 UTC +9 ( Seoul & Tokyo ) This are the opening hours for our community, I gived all UTC time for every players that I know we have, according to our previously servers. Help us to promote L2Stage, and lets reach more players day by day! Your sincerely,
  10. Thank you so much for your good things. i hope all people like it. join game - give us to try. Brother i am so thanks you for this good things see you in Server ..
  11. Hello Everyone , L2Stage Interlude Mid Rate PvP Server 55x New international retail like server Beta started at 27/11/2021 and the GRAND OPENİNG 11.12.2021 December Looking for clans/cp's to recruit on the server for more informations pm me here or add me on ( discord Street-Gamer#0240 ) The Clans Minimum 10-15 Member ; Take a Free AIO , Take a clan level 6 , Clan points and more. Best Regards, Street-Gamer
  12. good luck sky , i wish you the best .
  13. Hello Community , Beta Server Currently Online ! We Wish you enjoy the game ! Download The Patch Register your Account ! Good luck! Download Patch Link Updated. New Patch Added.
  14. DROP this code in your MSSQL ; /**************************************************************************This script will delete data from every table in the database except those specified in the @NoDeleteLst. @NoDeleteLst = Comma seperated list of all tables you DO NOT want this script to delete. Example: SET @NoDeleteLst = "Application,App_Parameter,Parameter" The above will keep the script from deleting from the Application,App_Parameter and Parameter tables. NOTE: SCROLL TO MIDDLE OF SCRIPT TO SET @NoDeleteLst. ***************************************************************************/ --Make sure fnSplit2 exists. If not...create it if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N"[dbo].[fnSplit2]") and xtype in (N"FN", N"IF", N"TF")) drop function [dbo].[fnSplit2] GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER OFF GO SET ANSI_NULLS OFF GO CREATE FUNCTION fnSplit2(@sText varchar(8000), @sDelim varchar(20) = " ") RETURNS @retArray TABLE (idx smallint Primary Key, value varchar(8000)) /******************************************************************************** ************************************* This function parses a delimited string and returns it as an ID"d table. Parameter Definition: --------------------------------- @sText = Delimited string to be parsed. @sDelim = Delimitation character used to seperate list ov values. RETURNS: --------------------------- Returns the table defined below: Column Description ---------- ------------------ idx ID column for array value Value split from list. ******************************************************************************** *************************************/ AS BEGIN DECLARE @idx smallint, @value varchar(8000), @bcontinue bit, @iStrike smallint, @iDelimlength tinyint IF @sDelim = "Space" BEGIN SET @sDelim = " " END SET @idx = 1 SET @sText = LTrim(RTrim(@sText)) SET @iDelimlength = DATALENGTH(@sDelim) SET @bcontinue = 1 IF NOT ((@iDelimlength = 0) or (@sDelim = "Empty")) BEGIN WHILE @bcontinue = 1 BEGIN --If you can find the delimiter in the text, retrieve the first element and --insert it with its index into the return table. IF CHARINDEX(@sDelim, @sText)>0 BEGIN SET @value = SUBSTRING(@sText,1, CHARINDEX(@sDelim,@sText)-1) BEGIN INSERT @retArray (idx, value) VALUES (@idx, @value) END --Trim the element and its delimiter from the front of the string. --Increment the index and loop. SET @iStrike = DATALENGTH(@value) + @iDelimlength SET @idx = @idx + 1 SET @sText = LTrim(Right(@sText,DATALENGTH(@sText) - @iStrike)) END ELSE BEGIN --If you can’t find the delimiter in the text, @sText is the last value in --@retArray. SET @value = @sText BEGIN INSERT @retArray (idx, value) VALUES (@idx, @value) END --Exit the WHILE loop. SET @bcontinue = 0 END END END ELSE BEGIN WHILE @bcontinue=1 BEGIN --If the delimiter is an empty string, check for remaining text --instead of a delimiter. Insert the first character into the --retArray table. Trim the character from the front of the string. --Increment the index and loop. IF DATALENGTH(@sText)>1 BEGIN SET @value = SUBSTRING(@sText,1,1) BEGIN INSERT @retArray (idx, value) VALUES (@idx, @value) END SET @idx = @idx+1 SET @sText = SUBSTRING(@sText,2,DATALENGTH(@sText)-1) END ELSE BEGIN --One character remains. --Insert the character, and exit the WHILE loop. INSERT @retArray (idx, value) VALUES (@idx, @sText) SET @bcontinue = 0 END END END RETURN END GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER OFF GO SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --SET NO-DELETE LIST HERE (tbls you dont want to delete from) - Comma seperated list. "tbl1,tbl2,tbl3" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DECLARE @tbls TABLE(IDX int IDENTITY(1,1), Tbl varchar(255)) DECLARE @Tbl varchar(255) INSERT INTO @tbls(Tbl) SELECT DISTINCT TABLE_NAME FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES WHERE TABLE_TYPE = "BASE TABLE" AND LEFT(TABLE_NAME,2) <> "dt" --Disable Constraints PRINT "-----------------------------------------------" + CHAR(13) + CHAR(13) DECLARE curDeleteDB CURSOR FOR SELECT DISTINCT Tbl FROM @tbls OPEN curDeleteDB FETCH NEXT FROM curDeleteDB INTO @tbl WHILE (@@fetch_status <> -1) BEGIN IF (@@fetch_status <> -2) BEGIN PRINT "Disabling constraints/triggers for - " + @tbl EXEC("ALTER TABLE [" + @tbl + "] NOCHECK CONSTRAINT ALL") EXEC("ALTER TABLE [" + @tbl + "] DISABLE TRIGGER ALL") END FETCH NEXT FROM curDeleteDB INTO @tbl END CLOSE curDeleteDB DEALLOCATE curDeleteDB --Delete Data PRINT "-----------------------------------------------" + CHAR(13) + CHAR(13) DECLARE curDeleteDB CURSOR FOR SELECT DISTINCT Tbl FROM @tbls OPEN curDeleteDB FETCH NEXT FROM curDeleteDB INTO @tbl WHILE (@@fetch_status <> -1) BEGIN IF (@@fetch_status <> -2) BEGIN PRINT "Deleting from - " + @tbl EXEC("DELETE FROM [" + @tbl + "]") --If table has IDENTITY column reset the seed IF EXISTS ( SELECT * FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS WHERE COLUMNPROPERTY(OBJECT_ID("dbo." + @tbl) ,COLUMN_NAME,"IsIdentity") = 1 AND TABLE_NAME = @tbl ) BEGIN EXEC("DBCC CHECKIDENT (""" + @tbl + """, RESEED, 0)") END END FETCH NEXT FROM curDeleteDB INTO @tbl END CLOSE curDeleteDB DEALLOCATE curDeleteDB --Re-Enable Constraints PRINT "-----------------------------------------------" + CHAR(13) + CHAR(13) DECLARE curDeleteDB CURSOR FOR SELECT DISTINCT Tbl FROM @tbls OPEN curDeleteDB FETCH NEXT FROM curDeleteDB INTO @tbl WHILE (@@fetch_status <> -1) BEGIN IF (@@fetch_status <> -2) BEGIN PRINT "Enabling constraints/triggers for - " + @tbl EXEC("ALTER TABLE [" + @tbl + "] CHECK CONSTRAINT ALL") EXEC("ALTER TABLE [" + @tbl + "] ENABLE TRIGGER ALL") END FETCH NEXT FROM curDeleteDB INTO @tbl END CLOSE curDeleteDB DEALLOCATE curDeleteDB SET NOCOUNT OFF
  15. I offer you a ready-made code Block Buff from my server : Skilldata.txt skill_begin skill_name=[s_block_player_buff] /* [Fucking Noobs] */ skill_id=9016 level=1 operate_type=T magic_level=72 effect={{p_block_buff}} mp_consume1=0 reuse_delay=0 target_type=none next_action=none ride_state={@ride_none} skill_end Skill_pch.txt [s_block_player_debuff] = 2308097 Skill_pch2.txt 2308097 0 0 1 0 0 0 -1 0 0 0 0 -12345 edit the client ourselves, skillgrp.dat \ skillname.dat
  16. Hello folks , here is the small code for you ! this code help you for remove the weight limit in game. tested and work. In order to change the character's weight limit you need to change weight limit skill : Open SKILLDATA.TXT and look for the skill there ; Find this skill_begin skill_name=[s_weight_limit1] /* [ok] */ skill_id=150 level=1 operate_type=P magic_level=10 main_effect={{p_weight_limit;100;per}} skill_end Where main_effect = {{p_weight_limit; 100; per}} - change 100 to 25000, all the weight limit is increased, you should get something like: skill_begin skill_name=[s_weight_limit1] /* [ok] */ skill_id=150 level=1 operate_type=P magic_level=10 main_effect={{p_weight_limit;25000;per}} skill_end credits : thanks to kick
  17. Hello Dear Community, We will offer to each clan 1 AIO Buffer, our conditions are: - The clan should have over 15 online players - Create a topic on forum with the following information: Clan name : Clan leader : Members : Forum/Facebook Group : (optional), Respectly, L2Stage Developer / Admin
  18. - Topic Updated // Official Opening 11.12.2021
  19. Website : L2Stage.com Forum : L2Stage Forum Discord : L2Stage Discord Channel Official Opening 11.12.2021 Dear players! We are glad to inform you that the server opening will take place earlier than expected! http://www.forum.l2stage.com L2Stage will be open BETA on NOVEMBER 27 at 14:00 US time (-5 UTC), for Europe 19:00 (GMT + 1) at 22:00 Moscow time Thank you all for your support, we will be happy see you after 2 years! Server: Interlude PTS (L2OFF) -Stage (55x) Server: - Interlude (C6) - XP: 55x - SP: 55x - Spoil: 15x - ADENA: 200x Skills: - 100% Off. - Auto learning skills. - Some skills have been modified: - -Touch of life and Restore life only for group members, so they cannot be used to restore the life of RB. - Buffs only for group members (made on purpose so that there are no debuffs). -System of checking skills -Maximum distance of the skill "Transfer Pain" is 1500 (players will not be able to hide their summons far). Olympiad: -Weekly: 4 hours a day (2 hours at 10 pm and in the morning according to server time) -Minimum 5 participants are required to start fights -Only A grade objects with safe sharpening are allowed at the Olympiad. -Only outside class battles. Subclass & Nobless: -To obtain the subclass , all RBs and lunargents with hellfire oil are required (Some items were added to the GM shop); -Nobless quest: complete. Clans and Castles: -Implemented a complete interlude clan system. The maximum clan level is 8 with clan skills. -Clans in the alliance: maximum 3 -No penalties for leaving the clan or kick from the clan -Castle sieges weekly, on weekends. There are 2 siege castles available, the number of available castles will be increased depending on the players in the Farm Zones : -Elven Fortress [Level 80 Difficulty: Medium-Hard] -School of Dark Arts [Level 80 Difficulty: Medium-Hard] -Forge of the Gods [Level 80 Difficulty: Medium-Hard] -Cave of Trials [Level 72+ Difficulty: Medium] -Elven Ruins [Level 52+] -Around RB implemented PVP zone Additional features: -Offline shops. -No XP limit (A level 80 player can swing players of any level) -Implemented a system of rewards for PVP -Auto loot for Farm + NO Auto loot for Boss -NPC buffer in Giran has almost all the buffs that AIO buffers have (All buffs are available in the game). -AIO and NPC buffs last 2 hours and 30 minutes. Character buffs last for Ofu. -Implemented NPCs in Giran with all the necessary items / things. -Increased weight limit -No penalty for death -Available commands .expon / .expoff -Limited trade radius (to avoid the creation of private shops next to other players and NPCs) -Implemented system of attributes -Augmentation system -implemented -Removed Herbs Enchant Rates : -Safe sharpening for weapons: +5, maximum: +23 -Sharpening with an ordinary scroll: safe up to +5 -Armor / Jewelry: safe sharpening +3 (+4 for solid armor), maximum sharpening +10 -Armor / Jewelry safe sharpening with ordinary scroll: +3 Items: -Weapons with double SA drop from RB and added to the GM shop. -Promisance Armor drops from RB or through modified crafting. -Epic armors can be bought in the GM shop. Donations: -Blessed scrolls drop from RB and are available for donations -AIO buffers are available for donations. -Available increase the chance of sharpening for single SA S grade weapons (with safe sharpening). (Players must improve things themselves by more than +5) -Cosmetic items and pets are available for donations, as well as changing the nickname and changing the clan leader. -Information about the server being discussed ... Sincerely, L2Stage Administration
  20. thank you so much for your works , does a good job and very good prices , so skilled & trustable .
  21. friends , thank you for yours good ideas , i will listen all ideas. I'm confused about features & rates i will work on this ideas. i will make whatver i think inside of my head. Thank you So much , Best Regards , Street-Gamer
  22. Hello Everybody , i announce you very nice news from our new project. we have starting new project with BİG İNVESTMENT. We need your vote and opinion for make best and playable game create. Thanks for Vote. Best Regards , Street-Gamer
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