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Why did you have to quote the whole post, just to make a "two word" reply?

same reson as the dude who made the topic, idiocy >.> jesus comparing a game and real life.. thats just stupid, unless your 10 yo >.>


i heard it playing dion theme in the background this time... now i am depressed... GL in your real life! I still remember when i was in the same stage too! selling what i knew was to be sold and buying everything in my way! nostalgia... Some ppl can't feel this. I feel like something from my inside begs God to rewind back to those times! I feel like i am happy like then. I feel like when i was at this stage: Everything will be the same, i said myself. Everything so beautiful, harmonizing the whole scene! Yes that's what is called nostalgia... Now everything changed. Back then i had problems too. Although when time passes i understood that the problem i coped with, can't be compared to these now. In addition, the problems i coped with are more complicated and harsh than to these i have now. That should give hope to every single reader. Bad times passed. A new era is coming... You aren't able to change something from the past...


its sad that you lost your mother...

soon or l8 all we loose someone from our family ....thank god i havent pass throw this kind of expierience...yet....but i can understand you that is not playing l2...


i wanted to play l2 so must but i have to study...i study 4 to 6 hours per day because they are too much and very hard to learn them and i see that i cannot play the next 3 years...i dont like l2 at high rate servers,i always played at x7 or lower... i dont have free time even to play l2 with walker and i miss it


maybe its better that we cant afford time for l2 ...priority has real life  


p.s. who will be the l2 after 3 years?s99,4rd class,soul cry stage 25 and many useless things that will make l2 sucks


This girl has awake something inside our heart ....for that i will open an L2 server im not sure what chronical but i hope you guys can share some opinions with me .....Dion forever <3 , something to ease our life to get off the study for 1 H a :)

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