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[Collection]Vote-Enter Sites

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Here I'll Upload My Auto Vote-Enter Sites.

Q: What is "Auto Vote-Enter" ?

A: You press on the Image, you get redirected to server website, BUT, another window Pops-UP with vote link.

P.s. All Vote-Enter site has .PSD file !


1. First Site



Normal (HQ) Image:


Live Preview: http://maxcheaters.wu.lt/vote_2/

Download: http://maxcheaters.wu.lt/vote_2/MxC_Vote_Enterrar.rar


2. Simple Site



Normal (HQ) Image:


Live Preview: http://maxcheaters.wu.lt/vote_3/

Download: http://maxcheaters.wu.lt/vote_3/MxC_Vote_Enter_2.rar



I have a Q (Question), witch is better, 1st or 2nd ? Witch type to create ...

I mean with that table in 1st or without like 2nd ?

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Maybe now you can create something with another background color  :)?


I will, but :

I have a Q (Question), witch is better, 1st or 2nd ? Witch type to create ...

I mean with that table in 1st or without like 2nd ?

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What... why ?

P.s. I don't go to Hopzone (I'm not from that country so I don't use), and I added that vote link as an example.

P.s.s. Maxtor said, that no one can edit posts.. I don't know how long it will be, but I can't now edit any posts ..

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3. Vote (NEW) (Other Background, as asked)



Live Preview: http://maxcheaters.wu.lt/vote_4/

Download: http://maxcheaters.wu.lt/vote_4/MxC_Vote_Enter_3.rar


And as Always, a .PSD inside !

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Learn some PS and then make shares like this one!

This is an advance and unlike others He actually shares.

Good job dude, but you should spend more time in PS, just a friendly suggestion xD

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