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[Kamael L2J] L2 Galaxy [PvP,Stuck Sub,RPG]

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I'm glad to present you featured noob GM xD

Thats the part that he is telling me he will be GM ... xD



This is when he is telling me what kinda GM he will be.

width=640 height=442http://img179.imageshack.us/img179/528/58289935mt6.png[/img]


Now he admit that he is noob :-/

width=640 height=442http://img444.imageshack.us/img444/7294/75847203wv3.png[/img]


And now he is telling me how will he maintain his figure of authority

width=640 height=442http://img179.imageshack.us/img179/8954/31740051qr8.png[/img]


Another thing. Here is where he says he is bro of the HGM of the server *Tempo*

width=640 height=442http://img168.imageshack.us/img168/7751/26547592ma2.png[/img]


And here is where Tempo agrees xD

width=640 height=442http://img179.imageshack.us/img179/5920/84354413qq0.png[/img]



Laugh free



Brought to you by Comedy Co. No Comment.™



lol no way :P


What was that hackz0r xD

a guy that told me he's going  be GM and i will get banned cuz i didn't gave him adena.


a guy that told me he's going  be GM and i will get banned cuz i didn't gave him adena.


lol thats is worse than the joke i did you with a char if you remember :P


a guy that told me he's going  be GM and i will get banned cuz i didn't gave him adena.

this cannot be because only me and aeon has privilage to ban in game


noble im not arguing with you, anyway im not scared. Im just showing the Naivity of some people


Let Me Clear Some Things:



1)Nobody except me and Aeon can ban or make other ppl GMs

2)as i told in first post




{Admin}Aeon-Server Owner(known in MxC as Flare)

{Admin}Noble-Administrator(me i am the best :P )



Game Masters









Ps: we Dont need GMs cause many ppl from here beg to be GMs


WE DONT NEED GMS!!!!!! how much more?


3)if i ever decide to make one GM i wont even pronnounce it to the candidate...cause he ll try to say it to everyone and make a mess...so if i see mess i may change my decision and he may be proved as scammer or accused of impersonating staff from time of not being GM! am i right ?


4)from the time someone doesnt have the Hero Aura & his name in /gmlist or has specific symbols in his name he is NOT gm


check here    http://www.galaxyl2.com/forum/index.php?topic=4.0  (ppl NEVER spend time in servers forums in any server)


5)Ban Privileges have only Me(Noble) & Aeon no one else and never will!!!


6)this GM you just showed me calls everyone brothers.........(you could say you didnt know that,but know that i report it you know...you ll hear him many times the word bro/brother/respect/man


7)also i wont criticise ppls words what they say in chats(thats why servers ruin)...if i see things gone mad & crazy or far worse than (maybe) expected i ll take serious actions as i always do....if i recall well there is an announcement when you login that says about GMs and there is specific NPC about it...check it)


8 )btw anyone can say whatever he wants...the GMs decision i take them :D but be sure that i take my decisions about GMs secretly,privately, with extra hard and durated search(not every n00b or simple char can be GM? i dont train GMs)






noble did u read my last post? i said i don't care if u are recruting i just wanted to show how noobish some players can be!I don't wanna argue with you lol.


noble did u read my last post? i said i don't care if u are recruting i just wanted to show how noobish some players can be!I don't wanna argue with you lol.


i dont think that you are arguering you just discuss :P


its very nice and they are 100 ppls online and they are increasing each day try it out you wont regret :)


I see it can be really good server, so... I must try it!  :D And ppl like this guy who claim that he will be gm are on every server. Server without any(at least one) noob doesn't exist. Even unfortunately there are hordes of them :( nothing is perfect

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