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Whats your most memorable PVP victory???

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Mine was in a x5000 server....i was there to try exploits so i made an Arcana Lord and buffed the pet to farm some adena..lol


a Dominator donator with +30 S weapon and stuff came and started attacking me


i hit him a few times with my +0 A grade sword and for my surprise, Binding Cubic anchored him forever and i killed him with the cat lol


he was just WTF ??????? Insulted me a lot never came back after lol


2nd better:

same class, with Arcana Lord again, but i was wearing BW LIGHT (B GRADE SET)...i buffed the pet with the best buffs and teleorted to WOA angels, at the respawn, 2 archer friends started attacking me...


i spammed cp pots and hit one with my sword and binding anchored him lol and killed...


after him i hit the other and binding again anchored him lol so i managed to win....so they called me a cheater in shout chat just because i was wearing B grade armor (i wasnt cheating...the retards just didnt knew how to pvp summoner)


a 4th person was watching the fight and said he was very impressed with the fight lol

and we both laugh over the corpses of noob archers...




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mine was then i was DA and someone was PALADIN server was like 50x and we both had just self buffs pvp lasted like 15 mins damn using ssame skills and just mana pots it was awsome and and i killed him then my TOD took his buffs :) my longest and most memorable pvp i think :D

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Mine :  i was 73 lvl sps and killed lvl 74-75 sorcerer on c4 in varka silenos outpost . That guy had +16 som acumen, i had som clean +1, he was donator, i used aura spam, i probably had better buffs and lots of nervs , it was mass pvp/pk over there, about 100 + players ( server was 7x Staris server, my nick BloodyQueen22 victim nick N3on :)) xaxaxa N3on pwned )

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One of two my was in olympiad :) i was simple Dark Avenger, and i won full donate Paladin. Fight was almost till the olympiad end time, but still i killed him, and i had left 2k hp o.O

And 2nd was in my first server l2khaos. I was just begginner i didnt know nothing about lineage2 playing :D well story begind with that, i was playing with Spell Singer. My best pvp tactic was Sleep -->> Full Cancel (in that server cancel is full, not only remove some buffs) -->> and after that kill :D this tctic helped to me between a lot of donador players (but that was when i was just beginner) :)

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Was My first Really Awesome PvP..

Also My First L2 Server..


In l2 Ferius C3 Exp: x1




1 Friend and Me He was Bishop (lvl73) and i was Necro (lvl75)..

They: Sorc. TH. GH. HE and one OL..


The most difficult to kill was the OL, but, my friend is a machine with bishop.. :D


-BeeP- We Own Those Idiots.. ::)

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Before two years, in L2White-Eagle IL in Barts(2000x).

A hero from our biggest enemy-war said in Hero Voice to all my clan to go at Stakato Nest(farming place) and fight with them, while they where all gathered there.

I remember every single enemy fallen to the ground,more than 15... we had some losses but we really pwned them.

I was with Necro BTW.

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Before two years, in L2White-Eagle IL in Barts(2000x).

A hero from our biggest enemy-war said in Hero Voice to all my clan to go at Stakato Nest(farming place) and fight with them, while they where all gathered there.

I remember every single enemy fallen to the ground,more than 15... we had some losses but we really pwned them.

I was with Necro BTW.

Necro ROCKS in Mass PvP.. :)

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Oh and one more nc memory i remember : It was in l2mafia (ken orwen) Was nice day in aden siege. Skyline (me) and my real life best friend Yakushi, we went to aden siege who was defended by clan DarkDeath (Aden castle owners 1 year). We we two without bishop took from them aden castle. That was one of greatest sieges in my memories of lineage2. Later i will ook old screens and maybe i will find some screen where we taked castle :) and post it here :)

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there was a Saggi named zi0n (1st at pvp's and pk's), He was really pro....believe me.

I was Adventurer....

and I met with him in Oly , and he left me full hp and 1 k cp...

everyone were watching the match and they were amazed XD

some of them shouting "OMG LETHAL!!", it wasnt xD

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i remember another...this time with Elemental Master


i went to a noob server to try lifestones setup and got myself STONE augment 108 power


i killed a noob Spell Howler donator with it (he had +30 purple weapon lol)


than he started calling me noob, and asked for fights saying i would never win him again because he was SOOO pro....


than i went to the spot to fight and make him kiss the floor, and i wasnt surprised to expect fighting some1 else...so i saw his Mystic Muse donator friend hiding..


i put Seraphim on ultimate defense and killed both so easy, while one was trying to kill Seraphim i killed one and then killed the other


and they kept coming back at different times and dying over and over ...all that after calling me noob lol


probably i had lot of better buffs , but buffing right is part of being NO NOOB lol


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i remember another...this time with Elemental Master


i went to a noob server to try lifestones setup and got myself STONE augment 108 power


i killed a noob Spell Howler donator with it (he had +30 purple weapon lol)


than he started calling me noob, and asked for fights saying i would never win him again because he was SOOO pro....


than i went to the spot to fight and make him kiss the floor, and i wasnt surprised to expect fighting some1 else...so i saw his Mystic Muse donator friend hiding..


i put Seraphim on ultimate defense and killed both so easy, while one was trying to kill Seraphim i killed one and then killed the other


and they kept coming back at different times and dying over and over ...all that after calling me noob lol


probably i had lot of better buffs , but buffing right is part of being NO NOOB lol



thats just auguments :P with elemental master without auguments cant do anything :P if we talk about auguments, i will tell abut my first augument skill in l2mafia :P aura flare power 55 (on bow). After all in mafia then still worked augument stucking with shield. i bought +30 am, and stucked it. went to spawns and Hitted with bishop and my AoE skill arround every thing. i got 1500 pk in one day and 3k pvp :)

When dimis repaired augument stucking in next day i got Stone power 110 on my duals, and was still pwning every one but this time with phantom sumoner :) It was good that mage augument skills didnt needed casting speed :)


My opinion - auguments are ust shis, desnt show youre playing skill :)


Now i have full donate char in mafia (ken orwen), but i dont log in there much, cuz no fun to own every one with auguments

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