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This is a little engine which allow you to set all those ranges (and its respective color) of pvp or pks as you want.

The engine loads from database all ranges and his respective colors at server start up.

You only have to fill the database table as you want, following this  structure


pvp count needed, range color, range type

50,                      FF0000,      pvp


Note1: the range type can only be setted as pvp or pk

Note2: it come with some ranges, but you probably will find them crappy  :D


Created on L2JServer Gracia Epilogue


Its working 100% (tested by myself and showed in the avobe photo)


Download: http://www.4shared.com/file/213273661/cfdcabc2/ColorEngine.html






argh thats what i was waiting for someone who know how to make a class alone finally :D

i love it its much more better than the other color "engines" :P


+1 from me


nice one!.. but the only actual difference from the other pvp color engines is that u can add as many "levels" as u want.. instead of having 10 levels in the configs. correct? (not that u cant add as many levels as u want in the other engines but u need to edit the core.. in this just the database.)


nice one!.. but the only actual difference from the other pvp color engines is that u can add as many "levels" as u want.. instead of having 10 levels in the configs. correct? (not that u cant add as many levels as u want in the other engines but u need to edit the core.. in this just the database.)


+ faster

+ nicer code

+ easier to extend

+ separated from the other parts of the core mostly


Hi B1ggBoss,


Thanks for the little engine. I'm having one problem though. I'm using Navicat to import your .sql script and its not liking the ENGINE = MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; line. So I tried manually entering the table with the int(10) field and the two varchar(45) fields, but when I run the gameserver, I'm getting errors for the color field, like 3399FF, it's not liking the FF.


How would I go about fixing this?




in ColorNameEngine.load() change:


Integer.valueOf(pvpSet.getString("color")) to Integer.decode(pvpSet.getString("color")




Integer.valueOf(pkSet.getString("color")) to Integer.decode(pkSet.getString("color")


anyway ill can test it this weekend and upload a fully working version. Thank for report

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