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Intro: you can skip this until the horizontal lines if you dont want to read my boring talk about AOM xD




Age of Mythology was a great game, at least for me personally, it was just too brilliant, and I've been modding it for some time. As soon as AOM: The Titans expansion was a year out or so people were really asking for a sequel, as the first game was a succes!


It was still played for a long time and I myself started playing in 2005 or something, at least when it was out for a while already, and it didn't have massive numbers like Blizzards games, but something about 5k I think it was.


Ppl could also make maps/scenarios themselves, and so a large number of additional game types were born, from which the most famous: Cat and Mice, and Giant Soccer. Just all brilliant choices from ES to make it so editable.


Ensemble studios went on developing games, and the follow up was Age of Empires 3, and O M G the graphics blew everyones head off, and the people of AOM simply demanded a new version with those grapichs!

Im not sure how AOE3 made it, it got alot of expansions. The last project from Ensemble studios was Halo Wars, which didn't really succeed.


Microsoft apparently didnt have enough money/time/care to keep Ensemble studios alive, so they pulled the plug, about a year ago was this. The employers scattered around, and started new companies, but seperate from eachother. The only one I am following is http://www.robotentertainment.com/ as I pray perhaps they will make AOM 2.


I think hope is lost anyway, until someone might buy the rights from somewhere :/



BUT, I recently got in contact with this online petition, and I think it can't do harm as companies might find it interesting to see how popular it still is.


So if you could put your sig there I, representing all great and loyal fans, would be most grateful :)


sig here --> http://www.gopetition.com/petitions/we-want-age-of-mythology-2/signatures.html



Thanks for your time :)


- LauQ



PS: it's not that I am promoting some site, or getting money or credits or anything from this, I am merely a big fan ^^


oO WTF? They will release AOM 2? I was playing it for a long time. I will 100% sign in the petition! I want AOM 2!!!!

Thx LauQ for letting us know. <3


Edit: Signed :)


Never played the game, but i've heard that it's awesome. I'm thinking of playing it when i'll finish Devil May Cry 4 ;D

Then i'll see if i'll sign for a 2nd :P


zomg I really didn't expect so many fans here :D


Thanks all and ofc it was my pleasure :)


Never played the game, but i've heard that it's awesome. I'm thinking of playing it when i'll finish Devil May Cry 4 ;D

Then i'll see if i'll sign for a 2nd :P

Don't let the oldened graphics scare you, just play, and you will enjoy :)

hope that they will bring out aom2

i was really excited with this game and with the titans version to.


Oh god! I burned my head with this game! So fcking awesome!!!! I want AOM2 like crazy xD


Petition send.


contac me if someone still play aom!! we can make big fight, a lot of my friend still play and some time we do 6 vs 6 xD it's so funny just contact me if intresting!


contac me if someone still play aom!! we can make big fight, a lot of my friend still play and some time we do 6 vs 6 xD it's so funny just contact me if intresting!

awesome. I dont have much time atm, but perhaps Ill contact later :)


but ESO is down right? (can't play online anymore, right?)

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