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I need a c1 server better high rated without updated but with patch...

I Found l2eua Seemed cool but it have updated and when I download it

It says me that the zip is broken...

I tried to dl it 2 times and both failed :S And can't do an account there

And even don't know if it's online :S

Please don't spam and tell me some c1 server

To remember old school dayz :)

thnx in regards...


I want c1 to remember old times :D cause my pc sucks and I put internet 52kbps :P so I can play c1...:D Cause I play from internet cafe's ...:D someone with c1 server?:o plzzzz


rofl tryed to find c1 server on google, didnt had succes.

and well, www.l2-pvpx.com is making c2 server little bit later. should be fun, playing a dagger then ^_^


rofl tryed to find c1 server on google, didnt had succes.

and well, www.l2-pvpx.com is making c2 server little bit later. should be fun, playing a dagger then ^_^


Damn i havent been on this server for ages but i just read the updates of what they are doing. It sounds really good. Ill def have to give the C2 server a try tho. Never got the chance to play C2 and from what people was telling me about C2 daggers, yeah im def playing a AW lol.



I Searched in www.google.com l2.hopzone.net www.maxcheaters.com and in www.google.com I found a site like named www.top200games.com something like that I Found 3 servers c1 in the top 100...but all sites was down :S ...pff :S

It's rare to find a C1 server , had L2gold , but it's a low rates and low population.If you find one C1 high rate tell me :D , C1 is the best balanced chronicle , and what is great with C1 is that all weapons use ss/sps look same , all skills look same , so you need to have a knowedge to guess what the other do

I remember with my bd on C1 , was making deflect arow and some plp though that is used UD and ran back xD , so fking funny.

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