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TheEnd download the NCSoft Launcher.

Get Aion and download it the one that says Aion EU or somthing like that no the korean :P


Don't get it from RS unless ur sure it is the english version and fully patched...


@All The server has 2136 people online and it is not full O_O


Now I have another prob, everything is korean, I have set to launcher english lang but nothing..


1. Download this file http://www.filefront.com/14571839/L10N.rar

2. Extract and place the 1_ENU.pak and 2_ENU.pak that you downloaded inside your Aion\L10N folder


Now I have another prob, everything is korean, I have set to launcher english lang but nothing..

1. Download this file http://www.filefront.com/14571839/L10N.rar

2. Extract and place the 1_ENU.pak and 2_ENU.pak that you downloaded inside your Aion\L10N folder

3. Make sure your CC.ini (inside Aion\L10N\ENU) has CC = "1"


InfiniteAion is the server I'm currenly playing, and I really have to say that the server is totally awesome - comparing to other Aion servers.


Btw, I'll start Official Aion in some days, it's a matter of time.


this is a great server,i play there but there are many bug for now.

well what do you expect? Aion is a new game...lol


btw I can login but everything comes on Korean, any1 have an idea how to fix this?

I've done several things to make the game in english:

-Installed Aion version

-Updated with NClauncher

-Replaced Bin32 files

-Put server launcher on Aion folder

-Replaced L10N files for the english ones

-Created the "CC.ini" file on ENU folder...

and yes I have CC.ini file with CC = "1" written


is bad have many people in one server ? lol... who understand the people...



its the only good private server in arround the bad thing have many bugs and they will wipe again ...and will be more wipes until they make the stable server as official


Ehi guys the only problem of this server is that there are to many ppls.... :)


;) We're working on instancing.


is bad have many people in one server ? lol... who understand the people...



its the only good private server in arround the bad thing have many bugs and they will wipe again ...and will be more wipes until they make the stable server as official


1. It's stable.


2. Yes, there are plans to wipe, but not for a while unless something gets added that absolutely requires a player wipe to happen.


Did Server wipe? cuz thats i heard and i didnt start yet :-\


No... people are idiots.

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