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Infinite Aion!


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How many people are playing currently in this server?



before DDoS Attack 3k+ online.


who can contact with infiniteaion staff? we need informations about when we will be able to download laucher/register account.



in order to register/download launcher .... need wait until the DDoS attack is stopped



suggestion: dont try find another aion server because infinite is the most complete server of all private servers


just wait until they open the website

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This is a quote from _Novinha_ (Trainee GM) from where she appears to be keeping community up to date with the whats happening.


"Not the best of news unfortunately but here goes:


TheGooginator: were still getting small DDoS's which makes our host turn off our connection until we call to get it back online

Novinha: so any plans for the server aside from wait for the attacks to stop?

TheGooginator: we are going to give the current server one more chance and if problems still occur we are going to move to a different host.


Sooo basically, wait some more :3









as soon as i hear more i will keep you up to date and i will also unlock the topic.


for now, locked


btw i would like to thatnk rawr for pming me with the info :)

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They are under dos attack for f*ck sakes...

They are having difficulties.. don't be hard on them :P


I searched and found more than 10 servers and none of them can be compared with Infinite Aion.

They all suck... they are miles away to be able to say that they can compete with that server.




Here is the last night update :


Our gameserver is currently under a Denial of Service attack. We are giving our current host one or two more days to see if they can straighten everything out. If they can not get the server back online soon, we will be moving to a new host.

I am also proud to announce we have gotten new website template, tell us what you think on the forums!


More information at www.infiniteaion.com


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They should care more for their computers.The first big private server should have a good protection against DDoS.


Anyway let's w8 and see,


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