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[stupid] i was wondering...


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so today i didnt have internet xD and i wondered.... There are one boy and one girl. both are bored. who will be more bored and why? :D i mean what can he/she  do , that the other one cant and makes him/her to be more bored :D

pls help me with my wondering ;D








my question was.... if one boy in Canada (or anywhere else) and one girl from somewhere.. they arent together in one house, they dont know eatch other, there is raining outside, no internet, no TV, and both are just sitting somewhere and thinking "Who is can be more bored than me?!?!?!" will the girl be more bored or the boy???


(i didnt had internet xD when i was thinking that thats why i am asking)

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no comments thats what they would do



btw ,pa40 isn't it obvious what they can do? and ,no u twisted mind ,i didn't mean sex.

They can TAAAAAAAAAAALKKKKK since they have MOUTHHHSS AND TONUGEEESSSSSS and do other stuff like kissing and so ,not fucking.. (well ok that can be too ,but just for some pervent guys (not me ..))

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