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Skills Fixed=>99%

Bug Fixes=>99%

vesper SHOP Interlude




Server Rates:

« Exp: 5000x

« SP: 3000x

« Drop: 7x

« Adena: 1000x

« Spoil: 7x

« Quest reward: 7 x

« Safe enchant +7

« Max enchant +20

Server Info:

« Custom Armors/Weapons

« Multishop

« Gm Shop

« Npc Buffer ( 2 Hour )

« Global Gatekeeper

« Castle Siege Work

« Olympiad System ( 2 Week )

« Agument System

« Anti-Phx System ( Auto Banned Account )

« Anti-Helapex System ( Auto Banned Account )

« Subclass Work ( No Skill Bug )

« All Skill Work




All spam - flaming posts deleted.


Guys we all know its impossible that 3000 ppl play at a server that have an ucoz site ::) but there is no need to flame like crazy monkeys or spam writing "lol wtf lier" "lol epic fail".


Next one doing this wins a 1 week to banland.


Well im sorry but everyone seems to be harsh to any server if they dont like it. People are doing their best to do as much as they can so YOU can have fun ingame and then you go and spit in their face. If you dont like the server go learn how to make one, host it from home and be the only player on it. At least then you cant complain you dont like it as it will be as you want (if you know java or c++). The admins make the servers as they want so you dont have any right to criticise just because its not to your taste...

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