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[Event]MxC Dota Tournament

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guys i cant participate in this event due to unreadiness as player... im making some test atm


i hadnt registered either way as player but at next tournament i ll be on for sure :) i wanna test my powers :D


and yes i assure you all that i have many surprises for you in next days ^^

Nice Noble :D

We are waiting :D

If you want, you can be a spectator :D


List Updated


2 slots left....

You have 2 hours yet.

If in 2 hours we dont have 2 more players the last 3 players will be on waiting list, What I mean .. If someone done come , he take his place...

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ok, you said we can bring friends?


I might be able to bring 2 guys with me...


but not for sure

you arent on the list :S

tell us your garenaname to add you...

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The numbers of the persons:

TheEnd 13

xKenji 4

NotAbastard 5

Morian 6

rapbullys 8

thedarkmessenger 7

Sanias 9

TehGeorge 10

Dream= 12

lockerakos 1

aneosSino 3

(ToulipaS_Cs) 14

webmonster 15

D34thEater 11

maestroluke 2


Now i go to randomizer the numbers...

I will post screens

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Yeo that's whyyou arent inthe list...

1st Team is:

p1=11, p2=12, p3=14, p4=2, p5=4

Numbers of seconds Team:

TheEnd 8

NotAbastard 7

Morian 4

rapbullys 3

thedarkmessenger 6

Sanias 5

TehGeorge 2

lockerakos 10

aneosSino 1

webmonster 9


Pictures will be added.... After I will complete the Radnom Teams

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