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Since i was changing the code for l2jfree for a friend i decided to post it here also! it is a copy of that topic which the creator is named ˚°▫•Cobra●▫°˚ of the first code.





Find Line = 910



Add After That:

    public static int				BANKING_SYSTEM_ADENA;


This Code:

public static boolean				SHOW_SCREEN_MESSAGE;									// Shows Screen Message


It will look like that:

public static boolean			EFFECT_CANCELING;
public static String			NONDROPPABLE_ITEMS;
public static FastList<Integer>	LIST_NONDROPPABLE_ITEMS	= new FastList<Integer>();
public static String			PET_RENT_NPC;
public static FastList<Integer>	LIST_PET_RENT_NPC		= new FastList<Integer>();
public static boolean			LEVEL_ADD_LOAD;
public static int				WAREHOUSE_SLOTS_NO_DWARF;								// Warehouse slots limits
public static int				WAREHOUSE_SLOTS_DWARF;									// Warehouse slots limits
public static int				WAREHOUSE_SLOTS_CLAN;									// Warehouse slots limits
public static int				FREIGHT_SLOTS;											// Freight slots limits
public static int				INVENTORY_MAXIMUM_NO_DWARF;							// Inventory slots limits
public static int				INVENTORY_MAXIMUM_DWARF;								// Inventory slots limits
public static int				INVENTORY_MAXIMUM_GM;									// Inventory slots limits
public static int				DEATH_PENALTY_CHANCE;									// Death Penalty chance
    public static boolean			BANKING_SYSTEM_ENABLED;
    public static int				BANKING_SYSTEM_GOLDBARS;
    public static int				BANKING_SYSTEM_ADENA;
public static boolean				SHOW_SCREEN_MESSAGE;									// Shows Screen Message when log in





Find Line = 1037



Add After That:

            BANKING_SYSTEM_ADENA	= Integer.parseInt(otherSettings.getProperty("BankingAdenaCount", "500000000"));


This Code

		SHOW_SCREEN_MESSAGE = Boolean.parseBoolean(otherSettings.getProperty("ShowScreenMessage", "False"));


It will look like that:

		JAIL_IS_PVP = Boolean.parseBoolean(otherSettings.getProperty("JailIsPvp", "True"));
		JAIL_DISABLE_CHAT = Boolean.parseBoolean(otherSettings.getProperty("JailDisableChat", "True"));
		DEATH_PENALTY_CHANCE = Integer.parseInt(otherSettings.getProperty("DeathPenaltyChance", "20"));

            BANKING_SYSTEM_ENABLED	= Boolean.parseBoolean(otherSettings.getProperty("BankingEnabled", "false"));
            BANKING_SYSTEM_GOLDBARS	= Integer.parseInt(otherSettings.getProperty("BankingGoldbarCount", "1"));
            BANKING_SYSTEM_ADENA	= Integer.parseInt(otherSettings.getProperty("BankingAdenaCount", "500000000"));
		SHOW_SCREEN_MESSAGE = Boolean.parseBoolean(otherSettings.getProperty("ShowScreenMessage", "False"));





Find Line = 309



Add Before That:

	if (Hero.getInstance().getHeroes() != null && Hero.getInstance().getHeroes().containsKey(activeChar.getObjectId()))


This Code

	// When Enter World a message will appear
	ExShowScreenMessage welcomemessage = new ExShowScreenMessage("Welcome to Lineage II Hammer Fall",10000); //10000 = 10 seconds 


It will look like that:


	// When Enter World a message will appear
	ExShowScreenMessage welcomemessage = new ExShowScreenMessage("Welcome to Lineage II Hammer Fall",10000); //10000 = 10 seconds 

	if (Hero.getInstance().getHeroes() != null && Hero.getInstance().getHeroes().containsKey(activeChar.getObjectId()))

	//Updating Seal of Strife Buff/Debuff





Find Line = 155



Add After That:

lose when they do .deposit
BankingAdenaCount = 500000000


This Code

#Show Screen Message
ShowScreenMessage = False


It will look like that:

# ---------------------------------------------------------------
# L2JFree Banking System                                           -
# ---------------------------------------------------------------
# To enable banking system set this value to true, default is false.
BankingEnabled = False
# This is the amount of Goldbars someone will get when they do the .deposit command, and also the same amount they will lose when they do .withdraw
BankingGoldbarCount = 1
# This is the amount of Adena someone will get when they do the .withdraw command, and also the same amount they will lose when they do .deposit
BankingAdenaCount = 500000000

#Show Screen Message
ShowScreenMessage = False

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