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hi hommies,with this script as u can see at the title u can make auto restart/shutdown the server

so lets begin:


works for l2j and others just change the imports:


in the quests folder create a new one called 4098_shutdown



add the 4098_shutdown to the scripts.cfg file in the data folder




#Created by Newface*

#Date 21-June-2009

#L2J Server Restart/Shutdown Script


#Time will be in 24 hour format and must be 4 digits for example 6am is 06:00 and 6pm is 18:00


#Days are as follows 00=Sunday 01=Monday 02=Tuesday 03=Wednesday 04=Thursday 05=Friday 06=Saturday


#If more restarts/shutdowns are required add more elif statements


#If less are required then remove elif statements


import sys

import time

from net.sf.l2j.gameserver import Announcements

from net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.quest.jython import QuestJython as JQuest

from net.sf.l2j.gameserver import Shutdown

from net.sf.l2j.gameserver.taskmanager.tasks import TaskShutdown

from net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.actor.instance import L2PcInstance

from net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model import L2World

from net.sf.l2j.gameserver.script import DateRange


class Quest (JQuest) :


def __init__(self,id,name,descr):




def onAdvEvent(self,event,npc,player) :

   if event == "timer199" :

       day = time.strftime("%w")

       now = time.strftime("%H:%M")

       if day == "01" and now == "23:00" :

           print "Shutdown Initiated"

           Shutdown.getInstance().startTelnetShutdown("Script Triggered Restart/Shutdown",60,0) #change the 60 to your required countdown in seconds and change the 0 to a 1 for restart instead of a shutdown

       elif day == "04" and now == "19:00" :

           print "Shutdown Initiated"

           Shutdown.getInstance().startTelnetShutdown("Script Triggered Restart/Shutdown",60,0) #change the 60 to your required countdown in seconds and change the 0 to a 1 for restart instead of a shutdown

       elif day == "06" and now == "03:00" :

           print "Shutdown Initiated"

           Shutdown.getInstance().startTelnetShutdown("Script Triggered Restart/Shutdown",60,0) #change the 60 to your required countdown in seconds and change the 0 to a 1 for restart instead of a shutdown



QUEST     = Quest(4098,"4098_shutdown","shutdown")


print "Shutdown: Handler Loaded!"




if u find any errors post here thanks



Nice share , but I think better way is create .sql file with auto restarting serwer , someone share it already .


Anyway its as good as .sql file


yeah also u can do it with this:D,but this is for restart

INSERT INTO global_tasks(task,type,last_activation,param1,param2,param3) VALUES

('restart', 'TYPE_GLOBAL_TASK', '2147483647', '1', '00:00:00', '300'); -- At 00:00 in the night he will do a server restart players will have 5 minutes to logout


INSERT INTO global_tasks(task,type,last_activation,param1,param2,param3) VALUES

('restart', 'TYPE_GLOBAL_TASK', '2147483647', '1', '12:00:00', '300');-- At 12:00 in the midday he will do a server restart players will have 5 minutes to logout



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