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Ey all,


I have been working on this buffer for a while, maybe u know it from this topic:



It is still based on M4gnums buffer, but now added a couple of things:

- New lay-out

- Icons at buffs

- Pre-sets: Warrior, Tank, Nuker, Supporter

- Pa'agrio buffs

- Added more buffs

- Pet buffer

- and more...


See my old topic for a more clear install guide, here's a short one:

1) Paste the 9998_NewBuffer and 9997_PetBuffer folders in your data/scripts/custom folder

2) Add the following lines to your scripts.cfg, which you can find in your gameserver/data folder:



3) Execute the sql, or make a custom npc with id 40001

4) Put the 40001.htm in your data/html/default folder

5) Start your server, test it (//spawn 40001) and report problems/errors here!


Screens (these are from Gracia Final, so a big Reward bar is in, at older versions of L2 you dont have it)

http://i89.servimg.com/u/f89/11/39/87/02/shot0015.jpg < IL (with old buttons)

http://i89.servimg.com/u/f89/11/39/87/02/shot0018.jpg < IL (with old buttons)

http://i89.servimg.com/u/f89/11/39/87/02/shot0016.jpg < CT (with new buttons)

http://i89.servimg.com/u/f89/11/39/87/02/shot0017.jpg < CT (with new buttons)






For L2J Above Interlude (for CT1-CT2.3)



For L2J Interlude (for C3-C6)



For L2JFree Above Interlude (for CT1-CT2.3)



For L2JFree Interlude (for C3-C6)




For l2emu:

- Download the L2J version, open the __init__.py in the 9998_NewBuffer and 9997_PetBuffer, and replace all the net.sf.l2j with net.l2emuproject


For L2jarchid:

- Download the L2JFree version, open the __init__.py in the 9998_NewBuffer and 9997_PetBuffer, and replace all the com.l2jfree with com.l2jarchid



Have fun with it, good luck,


- LauQ



Buff Master by       M4GNUM - fabrrp

Edited and Reshared by    LauQ

Readme/Topic by      LauQ


As I see you did a good work,but you should ask M4GNUM permission.Anyway keep up.

Im sorry but you lost me there: it is quite usual that people download other peoples stuff, go customize it, update it, and then reshare it as an updated/customized version with credits to the original creator? It is, at least I think, better than doing it without even mentioning that you based it on work of someone else.


Tomorrow Ill add more/better screenshots, update the install guide and make it working at more packages (l2jarchid, l2emu, l2Dot)


INSERT INTO `custom_npc` VALUES ('40001', '21590', 'Buff Master', '1', 'By LauQ', '1', 'LineageNPC2.K_F1_guard', '5.5', '28.00', '70', 'female', 'L2Npc', '40', '3862', '1493', '11.85', '2.78', '40', '43', '30', '21', '35', '10', '5879', '590', '1314', '470', '780', '382', '278', '0', '349', '0', '0', '0', '80', '120', 'NULL', '0', '1', '0', 'LAST_HIT', '0', '0', '0', 'fighter', 'false');

You can also change it yourself: just change the id template (the 2nd column), the collision radius and the collision height...


btw: first post updated


Hi man very good job but i have problem. When i speak to him and press buff me it says something about the critiria. pls help.  



OK i've fixed my problem i downloaded l2j and not l2jfree.

But now i have another problem. I press Buff Me and a script error comes on. help me pls. I have lightmagic's preconfig. pack but i have install the database.


It's really really nice. For long time we haven't seen a buffer working on all clients ^_^


Thanks for sharing it, +1 karma.


Thanks for sharing it, +1 karma.

Thanks :)


I press Buff Me and a script error comes on.

There are a couple of things that could be the reason:


1) Check the import lines of other quests in the data/scripts folder; if it say 'import net.sf.l2j.[etc...]' (without quotes) then it's not that...

(just make sure it's the same as the import lines at the buffer's __init__.py)


2) Make sure you added the quest(s) to your scripts.cfg, which you can find in your gameserver/data folder. Add these lines in the file:




3) Check your console what errors it give when you load your scripts (or reload, by typing //reload npc (twice))


If it's still not fixed I suggest you post or pm me a screen of the error


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