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[Guide] Having a dock in windows! [HOT]


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Welcome dear friendzZzz,


this is Blane talking within the books.I found now some free time and I decided to make a new guide here, so,here I go, you all know I'm not that good in the beginning of a topic :P


Let's go,


What is all about?


Haven't you seen a mac before.Well let's say these are some expensive, white, apple computers which OWN.Currently there are many versions which can be found here in Greece or, you know anywhere.To be more specific, in their OS (as they ofc not using dump windows -.-)known as "Leopard OSX" or any other versions (Tiger etc..) you should see that they have a dock.A dock is a bar like taskbar which can be placed on any screen and there you can place shortcuts and other stuff and just use them any time you want.That's good to have a clean desktop, and have all your programs/places in the dock.An example of the dock could be seen here:



Don't care about the name, we're going to use RocketDock which is freeware and you can download it for their website at:


http://rocketdock.com as the vid also says.


Basically I'm not making this tutorial to guide you through a simple installation, but to show you some tricks and addons which could be a great choice.So, are you ready? In my site of view, it will be easy so I turn up the music :P


Installation Finished. Now what?


Calm down!You've made it (hopefully) till here.Now it's the time to explore with me all the settings and the properties in general.Let's get started.Open up rocketdock (it's maybe running already),you should see it the bottom/top on your screen depends where the taskbar is.Now place your mouse in the dock bar and press the right click.A menu should pop-up, from there click "Dock Settings".Now if you made all these DIFFICULT steps, you should have this:




Don't panic!


RocketDock Settings


As of the first picture, yes I mean this one:


width=441 height=480http://i296.photobucket.com/albums/mm184/nas0sgr/1-6.png[/img]


We have:


Run at Startup: Check this if you need to have rocketdock each time windows starts.

Minimize Windows to the Dock: If you wish to minimize your windows to the dock.

Running Applications Indicator: This one places an arrow in the bottom of each acitve icon. (Running app)

Lock Items: Check this one if you don't want to accidentally remove an icon from your dock.


These are the most important.Moving on...


width=441 height=480http://i296.photobucket.com/albums/mm184/nas0sgr/2-2.png[/img]


We have:


Quality: This is the quality.If your display driver handles it then you can choose Higher, as I did.

Opacity: How much % transparency. (The whole thingy)

Size: Just choose the size with your needs.

Hover effect: The effect of the icon when the mouse indicates it. (aka Mouse-over effect)

Zoom: Choose the zoom size.

Zoom width & duration: Change these settings only if you're experienced with Rocketdock, otherwise just leave them default.




width=441 height=480http://i296.photobucket.com/albums/mm184/nas0sgr/3.png[/img]


We have:


Monitor: An option to choose your monitor, just don't touch it.

Screen Position: To choose where to have the dock.

Centering & Edge Offset: 1st: How much in the center/left/right 2nd: Padding options.Just use them if you don't understand.


Let's get on the next pic


width=441 height=480http://i296.photobucket.com/albums/mm184/nas0sgr/4.png[/img]


Theme: Here you can choose the theme of your dock.I have choosen Mac OS but you can find many at their website.

The rest are font options which are known, just to say that when he's saying "Font" he means the small letters of each icon when you hover it with your mouse.


And the last one:


width=441 height=480http://i296.photobucket.com/albums/mm184/nas0sgr/5.png[/img]


Icon Attention Effect: Choose the effect which your icon has when you click on it.

Auto-Hide: It's an option to hide the dock as the Auto-Hide taskbar and there are some sub-options for your needs.I suggest to leave the dock unhidden as It's anxious to have it hidden all the time, well... do as you like :P


Adding an application/path/file!


Click somewhere in your dock and you should find "Add Item".Seperators are used to clear the categories you may make in your dock.To add something just click on the "File" or "Path".The first one refers to an .exe file like a program shortcut and the 2nd one refers to a directory.In the 2nd ("Path") you can make a shortcut for Contol-Panel or for your "My Computer".Pretty easy I think and with 1-2 minutes you'll get familiar with all these settings.


Customize it!


- First to insert a skin: Just put the folder you downloaded from their site to C:/Program Files/RocketDock/Skins folder. (Usually)

- To add a docklet: Put a folder with the name of the docklet in the "Docklets" folder.

- To add ico/icons: Just put them in a folder or without a folder in the "Icons" folder.


Simple huh? The funniest part here is that RocketDock does not need restarting as far as icons/skins.I'm not sure yet about the docklets, but if you find a problem, don't get panic.Just restart RocketDock and you'll be (hopefully) ok.


Now to make your icons/docklets active you just need to right click in an icon in your docklet:


- For the icon: Just click in your program's shortcut and you'll see the options for the icon.There you can select the name/icon/directory and all these:


   width=512 height=480http://i296.photobucket.com/albums/mm184/nas0sgr/6.png[/img]

   Click the picture to view the details.


- For the Docklets, just place the folder where we were saying and you'll see it in the submenu "Add Item".There's also a default one, the clock.


What are the stacks!


Stacks Docklet is an addon for rocketdock which can be downloaded from here:




Install is easy, but in case you're confused with the configuration and all these stuff, follow this guide:






In case you need support for anything post here.My docklet is this one:


width=640 height=33http://i296.photobucket.com/albums/mm184/nas0sgr/7.png[/img]


Post your ideas, post your addons, your themes, your icons!


Best regards,



PS: Tutorial IS MINE, pictures have been taken from MY COMPUTER for this guide.Copy it and you'll die.

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Gj Blane, But i fink one program are better then this :P

PS: Tutorial IS MINE, pictures have been taken from MY COMPUTER for this guide.Copy it and you'll die.

oO xaxaxa :D


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Gj Blane, But i fink one program are better then this :PoO xaxaxa :D



Don't laugh, I should take care for the leechers.Also I don't get you..."Fink one program ARE better then? (than you mean) this".





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Don't laugh, I should take care for the leechers.Also I don't get you..."Fink one program ARE better then? (than you mean) this".





don't remeber name of program :D (maybe stardock)

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Oh ofc, you mean ObjectDock.This is really good but not better than RocketDock and it requests money for a good version.So, RocketDock ROCKS.



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Oh ofc, you mean ObjectDock.This is really good but not better than RocketDock and it requests money for a good version.So, RocketDock ROCKS.



heh yes this :D

really? rocket better?? hmmm i will try it when i gate back my pc :D

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Btw this is my new desktop (configured it before a couple of hours):




Mac Style FTW :)


0mg amazing dock!!!!

one question... you use linux?

Note: Like you back ground ^^ :D

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Amazing Blane. this mod rule... I will add it on my PC ^^


Downloading.. Thx .. You are a PC Maniac :)


@Blane I have this theme too but i use a Royale_Segoe windows XP Style :)

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