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[EXPLOIT!] How to log any account

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blocking walkers on c5... mmm the only person that was EVER able to block out walker for a few days was mcraben7, and its already broken. New tools arrive just for people who come on "exploit" forums and start talking shit.


anywho keep your tail high and keep thinking you are safe.

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@ Lourien ~> There is GM Account IP protection...


If you take a look @ hlapex, you will see that you are Disconnected from the server... It kicks you ;D


So killer 007, how to overcome this....it's true that everytime I tried to access account 1, it can log on to choosing character windows but after that got disconnected.


Any ways around to overcome this....


Thx and Rgds

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No way to overcome this... If you bypass this piece of sh1t, you bypass amped, and that means ~> GOODBYE SERVERRRRRR! It's propably the best function of amped ^^


Search a little for a few IDs... On most of servers, some admins have normal accounts too...

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well tbh i don't know what to think about that exploit, it's kinda lame, u got something and somone else lose something, and now every 12 year old kid will "own" l2 server (well there is fix already so it's not true) :/ but it's true that some lame l2 amins which are olny making $ on server will get owwwned (let's prey, maybe fix will not go to the public)

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Whenever I try it at IAl2, I get DC, or I can't log in authserver.

I got 2 times, an empty account.


PS² : There was a bug with hLaPEx, it was a FULL SKILLS bug, player getting full skilled characters in 20 mins



site > www.iagaming.net

IRC > #ia@deltaanime.net.


PS³ : Sorry for my bad english, I'm BR. (ROFL)


Thanks for maxbastards community :P bb

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well does any1 know where to learn hlapex scripting??


its written in pascal. learn pascal and you will understand the scripting.


btw, 95% servers should have this patched and another exploit which is even uglier bug of l2server off - also does pretty much same thing..


blocking walkers on c5... mmm the only person that was EVER able to block out walker for a few days was mcraben7, and its already broken. New tools arrive just for people who come on "exploit" forums and start talking shit.


anywho keep your tail high and keep thinking you are safe.


Noone's safe. there's a lot of l2server bugs - so easy to exploit - if any of us devs turned to the dark side and started sharing all exploit we ourselves know - every server will close down. It's pretty much a miracle and blessing from god for the server owners that we dont do so - anyways.. maybe because there's no fun exploiting using tools which lets u click n' scream woot? or maybe because we own servers ourselves too .. who knows. Just be thankfull to hint that he did share his finds unlike the rest of us and made hlapex and even shared the source for it and that he knows his shit. dont keep talking shit, cos u should know better. u use a tool - theres no skill in that. doesn't take more than a mouse click and general knowledge to do any of these exploits shared here.



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Btw, Just tryed,With great succses, that hack on some c4 off servers (Low rates)...Only GM accounts are Protected -.-'' the others Are Smashable ;D If someOne want the Link of " 1 " of those servers..Just PM me ;D



P.s. DON'T pm me More ;D I have Finished servers Links.


P.s.2. Plz don't Post here the Links of servers I gave In Pm to someone..cuz Them will be Fixed In 2 or 3 days. So, take Care. thnx. If someone request them...Then Contact me By PM..

(a good Post count is requied, Can't Give a "New" Member, that Kind of Hack) ;D thnx and understand me.

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Ways to get protected (huh we steal, we don't want to get owned too :P):


1. Way *Seems useless:


Create a new char in your Account that you have your main. Then, login with the main. Go to warehouse (at aden)... Search for that dwarfl who says that you are able to send a cargo. Put there all the items you want to protect (send them to your char). Now, buy some not worthing equipment (for example an A set and a +4/5 weapon). Leave this account and login with the second char. Get him to a location far away from aden, without soe or something, exp him a little (~20) and buy him some not worthing equipment. Now, if some1 get your account, he won't think of checking the cargo (he may check the wh but FOR SURE not the cargo screen ;))


Second way *Protective:


In my previous posts, i told you how this exploit works. So, it is supposed to login to auth with the normal account and sending another account ID in the GS in a few words. Oups? What did i say? It logins with YOUR normal account, so... Guess what! If you have your char logged in, HE CAN'T kick you. Yes, this thing (kicking off accounts in use) is done by AUTH SERVER. So, have a nice day hackers, if your account is logged in, he can't kick you or login in any way with your account!!!


I hope it helps you a little... Well, hack others, BUT don't get hacked ^^

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Does any one please know, how to find PlayKey2 or LoginKey1 of other players ? I was trying it ingame by sniffing but there is nothing usefull. Please help.


This what you request was posted in 1st page of this topic...Just read Carefully a topic Before you request Something ;D


That was :


For those who change the range to another one, when you log you get your account id in hex format



LoginName: accountname

PlayKey2: F8020000 <--- This is the account id

PlayKey1: 0C000000

LoginKey1: F8020000 <--- This is the account id

LoginKey2: EB655315


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