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[Last Day Contest Guide] Yurnero, the Juggernaut by NotAbastard.

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Slicing through armor with the greatest of ease. Whirling, dancing like a dervish, swiping foes with a flick of the wrist. Poetry in motion, slashing enemy upon enemy in the blink of an eye. Yurnero seeks perfection. Seeks to become one with his blade. All to fulfill his destiny as the unstoppable Juggernaut.


NotAbastard's Yurnero, the Juggernaut Guide




What can we say about Yurnero? How can we describe how magnificent this hero is? Unstoppable Blade Fury ,his Crashing Ultimate, his high crits and healing totem.


I. Spell List

II. Skill Build

III. How to use Battle Fury

IV. How to use Omnislash

V. Item build

VI. Pros n' Cons

VII. How to kill.

VIII. Allies n' Enemies

IX. Credits



I. Spell List


1. BTNWhirlwind.gif

Blade Fury


Causes a bladestorm of destructive force around Yurnero, rendering him immune to magic and dealing damage to nearby enemy units.

Lasts 5 seconds.


Level 1 - Deals 80 damage per second.

Level 2 - Deals 100 damage per second.

Level 3 - Deals 120 damage per second.

Level 4 - Deals 140 damage per second.


Cooldown: 30 seconds.


Level 1: 110 mana, 30 sec cooldown.

Level 2: 110 mana, 30 sec cooldown.

Level 3: 110 mana, 30 sec cooldown.

Level 4: 110 mana, 30 sec cooldown.



Healing Ward


Summons a Healing Ward that heals all nearby allied units' life.

Lasts 25 seconds.


Level 1 - Heals 1% of hit points per second.

Level 2 - Heals 2% of hit points per second.

Level 3 - Heals 3% of hit points per second.

Level 4 - Heals 4% of hit points per second.


Cooldown: 75 seconds.


Level 1: 140 mana, 75 sec cooldown.

Level 2: 140 mana, 75 sec cooldown.

Level 3: 140 mana, 75 sec cooldown.

Level 4: 140 mana, 75 sec cooldown.



Blade Dance


Yurnero's cunning blade gives him a chance to deal double damage on each attack.


Level 1 - 10% chance.

Level 2 - 18% chance.

Level 3 - 26% chance.

Level 4 - 36% chance.







Yurnero moves around the battlefield, slashing many enemies. Yurnero becomes invulnerable while Omnislashing.


Level 1 - Attacks 3 times.

Level 2 - Attacks 5 times.

Level 3 - Attacks 8 times.


Cooldown: 130/120/110 seconds.


Level 1: 200 mana, 130 sec cooldown.

Level 2: 275 mana, 120 sec cooldown.

Level 3: 350 mana, 110 sec cooldown.




NAB's Comments : BladeFury is magnificent, if you max it, it reaches ~700 damage. Jeez, some heroes's ultimates can't deal that much! It also makes you magic immune, really useful to escape and avoid ultimates. Healing ward is a nice lane staying spell, you can choose to get it early to farm or late to avoid gangs. Your crit is nice, double damage and procs a LOT. Also procs during your ultimate I think, not sure though. Aaaand Omnislash, it's what makes Yurnero overpowered and feared, because if you find an enemy alone in the woods, all the slashes are scored against him. So most of the times it'll kill em. If you dont, just finish them off with a hit or battle fury.


II. Skill Build.


1. Blade Fury       11. Omnislash    21.Stats

2. Blade Dance     12.Stats          22. Healing Ward

3. Blade Fury       13. Stats         23. Healing Ward

4. Blade Dance     14. Stats         24. Healing Ward

5. Blade Fury       15. Stats         25. Healing Ward

6. Omnislash        16. Omnislash

7. Blade Fury       17. Stats

8. Blade Dance     18. Stats

9. Blade Dance     19.Stats    

10. Stats            20. Stats


That's the skill build I use, you can get healing ward early if your lane history wasn't that great, but I don't think youll have any problems.

We max Blade Fury early for first blood and easy kills since the damage is magnificent early. Blade Dance second for crits and last hitting, Omnislash at 6,11,16.

III. How to use Blade Fury


Blade Fury is an amazing spell when used right, you can easily get first blood and finish off running enemies, that's why we max it first. To take full advantage of it. First of all, you must use it when you are close enough , or else your enemy won't suffer the 700 damage but around 350, and that's bad, cause your mana doesn't support spell spamming.


Here's how you should use it.



Get close, Fury, ???, profit. NO , I'm not telling you to hug the enemy tower , this was just an example.


You can also use it to escape, when you are about to get stunned, ulti'd by some nuker etc, use it. Not only you'll suffer no damage, but you'll also have the chance to take the kill, or escape if you can't.


IV. How to Use Omnislash.


Yurnero's ultimate is unique, and really powerful. It's the opposite of Lich's ulti. Lich needs multiple targets for multiple damage, so does Earthshaker. But Yurnero needs to focus on one enemy. That's when his ulti is deadly. You see, instead of slashing many enemies like it's supposed to, it Slashes the only target it found : Your lonely enemy. So, most of the times you'll be able to finish the enemies off during your ulti.


Here's a quick example of how you are supposed to use it :




it's not that clear, you can see a poor Barathrum suffering the wrath of the Juggernaut. No creeps around, just you and your enemy, face to face. Get your sword sharpened, this is gonna be fun.


V. Item Build.


There are many item builds Yurnero can use, since he's a flexible hero. Most of them are based on Lifesteal and cleaving, and high damage during your ulti. Remember, your ulti depends on your damage so you MUST have high damage for it to work properly.


Build #1 The Cleaver build : Based on Battle Fury's cleave attack, high damage and lifesteal.




Build #2 The Chaser Build : Based on high MS for Blade Fury and maim. High attack speed, moderate damage.




Build #3 The Manta Build : Diffusal Blade for Blade Fury, High HP and attack speed,  Impact helps.




Build #4 The Assist Build : Well...if your team lacks an assister and , for some strange reason, they chose you...well this build is for you.




Optional Items :

BTNOrb%20of%20Water.gif Get it if you are facing a lot of nukers.

BTNHeartOfSearinox.gif Got money to spend? Are you overfed? Voila.

BTNThunderMallet.gif High agility and damage, lightings are nice too.

BTNPipeOfInsight.gif If the majority of your enemies are int heroes.

BTNAbility_Gouge.gif Corruption is really useful, nice combo with Assault Cuirass.

BTNForceStaff.gif You can use it to throw yourself in front of an enemy to blade fury him successfuly, also works in the assist build.


BTNINV_Chest_Plate06.gif You are not the tank.

BTNHelmOfValor.gif You are fast enough imo. Leave this for other dpsers.

BTNLothars.gif You have an escape mechanism you don't need it.

BTNUnholyStrength.gif Your regen cannot support that much damage.

BTNArcaneRing.gif Only delays your item builds. Not needed.

BTNGreenStaff.gif I dunno if you can combine it with Battle Fury but I don't think you 'll need this one.


About Necronomicon, you don't need it ,it doesn't suit you.


VI. Pros and Cons :


Why should I play Yurnero?

-Pretty easy to learn.

-Unstoppable Ultimate

-Escape Mechanism

-High damage

-Crits for last hitting

-Healing Totem


Why shouldn't I play Yurnero?

-Low HP

-Really, and I mean really low mana.

-Takes time to master Blade Fury

-Fragile Early

-Probably the first target in gangs, cause of the high damage


VII. How to kill.


Early Game :

a) When you are alone with your enemy, just slash him with your ultimate and if he doesn't die, chase with Blade Fury. Be careful of the stuns.

b) When with company, tell your teamates to clear the creeps for you so you can ulti, or simply hit him with melee and Blade Fury if you think you can do it.


Mid Game :

a) When alone, omnislash him and finish him off with simple hits or Blade Fury.

b) When with company, hit him with Blade Fury and simple hits till you get him low. If he tries to run, take advantage of it and omnislash him when he doesn't have creeps around him.


Late Game :

a) When alone, just omnislash, you'll kill him for sure since your damage is incredible.

b) When with company, you should not worry. Just get a teamate to stun him so you can kill him, your damage is insane.


VIII. Favorite Allies and Worst enemies.


Your Favorite Allies are :

Hvwd.gif => BTNFrostBolt.gif

Hjai.gif => BTNFrost.gif

Orkn.gif => BTNMagicLariet.gif

H00K.gif => BTNStasisTrap.gif


And generally stunners that can help you score a nice Blade Fury.


Also Tanks who can recieve a lot of damage and save you early like :



Worst Enemies:


Stunners and Disablers :



Meat Machines  , early game tankers that just won't die.

U007.gifNC00.gifU008.gifH008.gif etc.



Some Fan Art and pics I found over the net :

Yurnero.jpgyurnero.jpgwidth=352 height=480http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x133/AlexLee86/Yurnero-1.jpg[/img]


Item Builds in game :






IX. Credits :


NotAbastard and his wonderful courier, the Crow.



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Well its undenyable the fact your guides are ones that have the biggest chance to win this contest is fact! I wish you good luck from now on. Lets wait for Mr.ForgotImDoingAContest to judge your guide My opinion is that its good its well described and it begs for karma ^^.

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Lets wait for Mr.ForgotImDoingAContest to judge your guide My opinion is that its good its well described and it begs for karma ^^.

lmao i liked the name i m given x0ax0a0xa0xa0

the fact is that this guide is complete in all ways ... the reason i wasnt posting in all the guides that were created is because either they are semi finished either because they were copied etc.for me posting is nothing :D i could post in every guide saying that you miss this and that, i actually i would be the really bad guy disliking all the guides created except his own :D :P you ve done this dirty work for me :P and yes this one worths a +1

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  • 2 weeks later...

very good job its a nice guide but the builds are too expensive(my opinion)..i think a better build(cheap) is Power treads,Wraith band,Butterfly,crystalys,helm of the dominator and if you have the money you can crystalys=>Buriza and helm of the dominator=>Satanic and maybe an aghanism(this isnt better build but its very cheaper than the ones above)

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very good job its a nice guide but the builds are too expensive(my opinion)..i think a better build(cheap) is Power treads,Wraith band,Butterfly,crystalys,helm of the dominator and if you have the money you can crystalys=>Buriza and helm of the dominator=>Satanic and maybe an aghanism(this isnt better build but its very cheaper than the ones above)


"Aghanism"? lawl that sure made me laugh. He is giving the end results of the Item Build . What you make first and second is not for him to tell you as he wont know how your game will go tho there are some heroes that has to make items 1 by 1 for example in this case we have Yurnero you have to start with 2x slippers of agility 1x circlet and tangoos if you have money for iroonwood take it it gives nothing more than stats. As you grind you can collect Vladimirs which will be followed by phase boots/aghanim scepter . Once you complete the aghanim scepter the games over if you know how to controll Juggy.

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