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[Contest Guide] N'aix , the Lifestealer.

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There once was a man in Lordaeron so consumed by greed that he was beyond remorse. Eventually caught trying to steal Prince Arthas' sacred ring, he was tried and hanged. Yet his body, so corrupted by his desire to steal, had risen by itself in the form of a monstrous ghoul. So came into being N'aix, his old name long forgotten: the embodiment of lust and greed, bent on stealing the life of every living creature he encounters.

I. Section : Spells and Skill Build.


Spell List :






N'aix goes into a maddened rage, becoming immune to magic spells and gaining increased attack speed.


Level 1 - 30% Increased Attack Speed and Magic Immunity. Lasts for 2.5 seconds.

Level 2 - 45% Increased Attack Speed and Magic Immunity. Lasts for 3.25 seconds.

Level 3 - 60% Increased Attack Speed and Magic Immunity. Lasts for 4 seconds.

Level 4 - 80% Increased Attack Speed and Magic Immunity. Lasts for 4.75 seconds.


Cooldown: 15 seconds.

Manacost: 75


Level 1: 75 mana, 15 sec cooldown.

Level 2: 75 mana, 15 sec cooldown.

Level 3: 75 mana, 15 sec cooldown.

Level 4: 75 mana, 15 sec cooldown.






Regenerates a portion of enemy's current HP and deals the same portion per attack.


Level 1 - 4%.

Level 2 - 5%.

Level 3 - 6%.

Level 4 - 7%.






Open Wounds


Naix rends the enemy, slowing his movement speed and allowing his allies to feast on his life force, regenerating a portion of the damage dealt. Victim slowly recovers movement speed over 8 seconds.


Level 1 - 10%.

Level 2 - 15%.

Level 3 - 20%.

Level 4 - 25%.


Cooldown: 30/25/20/15

Manacost: 110


Level 1: 110 mana, 30 sec cooldown.

Level 2: 110 mana, 25 sec cooldown.

Level 3: 110 mana, 20 sec cooldown.

Level 4: 110 mana, 15 sec cooldown.








The Lifestealer tears its way into the unfortunate body of a target unit, laying dormant and undetectable inside its living frame until he is ready to consume it and come to form. Regains health from the infested unit.


Level 1 - Allied and Neutral units. Consumes current health.

Level 2 - Allied, Enemy and Neutral units. Consumes current health.

Level 3 - Allied, Enemy and Neutral units. Consumes max health.


Cooldown: 100/60/30

Manacost: 50


Level 1: 50 mana, 100 sec cooldown.

Level 2: 50 mana, 60 sec cooldown.

Level 3: 50 mana, 30 sec cooldown.


NotAbastard's Comments on the spells :


Rage : Awesome spell, really good for combos. Looks like Razor's or Viper's rage, but instead of the extra damage, you are immune to spells!


Feast : That's the reason you are called Lifestealer. This spell is a killer. Not only it destroys high-hpers, but it's your way to survive when you are alone.


Open Wounds : Your slow/disable, this spell also stops channeling spells and it slows the enemies, while it makes the enemy more vulnerable to your attacks


Infest : Amazing spell, Gang initiator and escape mechanism, more to be explained later.


Skill Build :


1. Feast

2. Open Wounds

3. Rage

4. Feast

5. Feast

6. Infest

7. Feast

8. Rage

9. Rage

10. Rage

11. Infest

12. Open Wounds

13. Open Wounds

14. Open Wounds

15. Stats

16. Infest

17. Stats

18. Stats

19. Stats

20. Stats

21. Stats

22. Stats

23. Stats

24. Stats

25. Stats


Early game you only need the slow from open wounds, and the slow doesn't increase with level so we just take it once early. Feast is maxed first of course, to help farming/last hitting/survivability/killing. Rage is maxed second , cause it helps you kill and survive, but it doesn't last long early so you should watch out. 6/11/16 levels are for our ulti of course, and we get stats last cause we don't really need them early.


II. How to use Infest.


People say that N'aix ulti is useless. Not at all! It's a really good spell if used correctly. When you enter a creep, you can hardly be seen, so you can actually start a gang this way. Just look :




You enter the creep when nobody is around, and it gets you to your enemies. Trojan Horse, anybody?


So...you'll probably say you can do that with lothar's or something. Well that's true. But check that : When you use infest on a creep ,and immediately get out of it, you get healed (heal = its maximum hp) . The trees or the ghouls do not have much hp but... this guy over here?




The centaurs have 1100 hp. They pretty much heal you more than any other heal in game, the amount totally pwns Purification, Mechansm or Chen's ulti. Cool eh? The only disadvantage is that you can't heal allies, but that's not a huge problem ,is it?


So with infest you can :

a) Stay in a creep for some seconds, to be covered.

b) Immediately press "T" to get out of the creep and get healed, but it doesn't cause frustration since the enemy doesn't loose you.


III. Item Build


Build #1 Simple S&Y build.



This build pretty much has everything you need, high hp, maim, lifesteal, and mortiggan. Mortiggan is really good when combined with your Rage, just use them both and watch the enemy cry when you destroy his hp in 3 seconds.


Build #2 Dps / Carry build.



Unbeatable DPS, with the proper teammates you cant loose, you hit really hard and your hp just won't fall with this lifesteal, really amazing. Expensive though.


Build #3 Lifesteal/Tank build.



This build is based on high lifesteal, Vladimir's stacks with Satanic, and they both stack with your Feast, so a hit can regen 1/10 of your hp ,really nice when you want to survive long enough for your teamates to kill the enemy team.


Build #4 Chaser build.



Your ememy survived the bloodlust? No problem. Your ms is 437, you have a slow, and your Radiance deals Aoe damage, capable of finishing your enemy off. This build is really expensive though, only for Pros who know how to farm effectively and ...fast.


Items you could consider.


BTNHelmOfValor.gifMoM is really good for N'aix, works well with his Rage and his Feast, but I'd prefer a Stygian Desolator or Sange&Yasha for our orb slot.


BTNRodOfNecromancy.gif Your only counter is stuns, your Rage doesn't last forever and when you are stunned, you are vulnerable. You should take this if your enemies have stunners and disablers.


BTNINV_ThrowingAxe_06.gif You are not a cleaver, but if you have problems farming just buy one of these, it boosts your farming speed.


BTNOrb%20of%20Water.gif This is useful when your enemies have hardcore nukers  who are troubling you mid-game. Not necessary though, you can just Rage and finish them off.


BTNDaggerOfEscape.gif Helps escaping , chasing, and ganging, but you should not rush it. You are not obliged to make one.


BTNINV_Hammer_10.gif Permabash during Rage? Permabash is not for those who like team games, but hell, it sounds nice. Remember : Two bashers do NOT stack anymore.


Fail Items - Rejected.


BTNIceShard.gif You have a slow, and your builds are too expensive to add an additional ~7k to them.


BTNHeartOfSearinox.gif Infest's CD is not that big. Waste of money imo.


BTNINV_Wand_05.gif No-oh. Not for you. Your ulti remains untouched.


BTNAdvancedUnholyArmor.gif Well...some people take it, but you are not the tank... only get this when there are too many dpsers in the enemy's team.


BTNINV_Wand_06.gif Your mana cannot support it. Leave it for other nukers.


BTNArcaneRing.gif You are not mana dependent, you don't need it. Leave it for Tiny and Raigor.


IV. Allies and Enemies :


Well generally you can kill people solo, but teamates are always helpful.








Worst Enemies :










V. Why should I choose N'aix ?


Pros :

-Really High Damage.

-Extreme Lifesteal.

-Anti-Hero of most Strength heroes, especially Pudge (who is a pain in the ass for many) and other High HPers.

-3 Escape Mechanisms (Rage, Ulti, Wounds)


-High HP for a dpser.


Cons :

-Vulnerable to stuns.

-Low Mana.

-Depends on enemies maximum hp.

-Expensive Item builds.


VI. A quick explanation on how to kill .


a)Get close to your enemy.

b)Hit him a couple of times

c)Wound him and immediately Rage.




The tactic depends on the situation, some people like Lina or Leshrac need some seperate attention, or else they'll catch you in their stuns.



VII. Credits : NotAbastard


VII. The End :)



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n'aix if played well is an unownable dota hero :P


could you please tell me though wut you buy as a first item in a 5v5?


i personally prefer the 2nd and 3rd build


it depends on the allies and enemies i suppose :D


Gj NaB :P


undoubtably he is a hard hero :P


i don't think anyone begs to differ on that one

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could you please tell me though wut you buy as a first item in a 5v5?



2 Gauntlets, 1 tango, and 3 tree branches, and then i farm for helm of Iron will.

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I found a trick for lifestealer look : start at 1level or at 3 go to forest and exp   and you will exp fast cuz of lifesteal u will never die ;)


/offtopic I playparing a guide to anti-mage ;)

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All the 3 posts combined in your first one. Sorry for editing without asking you but this way is better


-Comment about the guide , not bad guide but i tihnk DOE[dagger of escape] is in rejected items or at least there is no place for it anywhere naix can escape every situation with his "BKB-like skill" + his slow.

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lmao :P a terrific one :P thats the ideal style of a topic :) dunno if there is next guide from NAB,dunno if there will be better guides fromNAB but its worth the +1

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-Comment about the guide , not bad guide but i tihnk DOE[dagger of escape] is in rejected items or at least there is no place for it anywhere naix can escape every situation with his "BKB-like skill" + his slow.


I know, I never buy it, but the only heroes who can reject dagger is Vengeful Spirit and Pudge.

It works on every hero, and hey, a free blink is always useful don't you think?


I don't buy it that much on N'aix, but since many people buy it, why not mention it? I didn't say you are obliged to buy it I just said it's optional :)


@Noble thanks for the comments and the karma mate ;)

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