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[Guide] Mortred , the Phantom Assassin ( Nab's way )

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Pitted against the very society that condemned her to a life of Undeath, Mortred takes delight in the slaughter of her kindred people. Abandoned during their expeditious retreat in battle, she was left to the mercy of the undead. Her twisted fate was merely a sacrifice to them - a tool in slowing their predators' pursuit. But… the Lich King saw the malevolence and hatred within her. He bestowed upon her an opportunity - a vessel of darkness with which to enact her vengeance. Eternally grateful of his service, Mortred hunts her wretched Night Elf sisters from the shadows, fueled by an insatiable desire to seek justice.




Mortred is a lovely hero. Unbeatable late, hard as a tank to kill early, deadly when underestimated. She's my favourite hero so I'll do my best with this guide. Let's start with the basics :



Why should I choose Mortred?

-Highest Critical in game

-One of the highest attack speeds in game

-Escape Mechanism ( blink )

-Evasion , Transparency ( half invisible )

-Her spells cost less than 50 mana.


Why shouldn't I choose Mortred?

-Lowest Intelligence in DotA

-Fragile early

-You are enemies' first target

-Item Dependent

-NOT noob friendly as some may think






Stifling Dagger


Hurls a dagger which deals minor pure damage and slows the unit's movement speed for a short duration. Deals half damage to heroes.


Level 1 - 40 Damage, 50% Slow. Lasts 1 seconds.

Level 2 - 80 Damage, 50% Slow. Lasts 2 seconds.

Level 3 - 120 Damage, 50% Slow. Lasts 3 seconds.

Level 4 - 160 Damage, 50% Slow. Lasts 4 seconds.


Cooldown: 10

Manacost: 30/25/20/15


Level 1: 30 mana, 10 sec cooldown.

Level 2: 25 mana, 10 sec cooldown.

Level 3: 20 mana, 10 sec cooldown.

Level 4: 15 mana, 10 sec cooldown.


NAB'S comment : I max this first, it's a nice spell, not only it helps last hitting, with a low cd and low mana cost, but it also works when chasing and you can also killsteal :P





Blink Strike


Teleports to a unit and strikes it if it is a foe, dealing bonus damage. Casting range improves per level.

Costs 50 mana.


Level 1 - deals 30 extra damage.

Level 2 - deals 60 extra damage.

Level 3 - deals 90 extra damage.

Level 4 - deals 120 extra damage.


Cooldown: 30/20/10/5 seconds.


Level 1: 50 mana, 30 sec cooldown.

Level 2: 50 mana, 20 sec cooldown.

Level 3: 50 mana, 10 sec cooldown.

Level 4: 50 mana, 5 sec cooldown.


NAB'S comment : You can blink to your allies! That's why you can use this to escape. It also helps killing and it has a low cooldown and mana cost






The Phantom Assassin becomes hard to see by blurring her body. Some enemy attacks miss.


Level 1 - 15% dodge.

Level 2 - 20% dodge.

Level 3 - 25% dodge.

Level 4 - 30% dodge.




NAB'S Comment : Some people max this spell first to make PA less vulnerable early. THIS IS WRONG. Imagine when you are facing zeus, leshrac, warlock etc. How will blur help you? They'll just finish you off, and you won't have time to escape cause your blink will have a cooldown, you won't have mana etc. But noone said this is a bad passive. It's one of the best actually.



Coup de grâce


Mortred has refined her hero-killing skills to a high degree.


Level 1 - 15% chance to 2.0x critical.

Level 2 - 15% chance to 3.0x critical.

Level 3 - 15% chance to 4.0x critical.




NAB'S comment : No no I didn't make a mistake... It's 4.0x critical. That's what makes PA unique. She's one of the heroes who can one shot enemies without even bothering. That's the reason you are hated. That's the reason they try to kill you early. That's the reason we love PA :)



1. Stiffling Dagger

2. Blink

3. Stiffling Dagger

4. Blink

5. Stiffling Dagger

6. Coup de Grace

7. Stiffling Dagger

8. Blink

9. Blink

10. Blur

11. Coup de Grace

12. Blur

13. Blur

14. Blur

15. Stats

16. Coup de Grace

17-25. Stats


That's all folks, we max blur last, dagger/blink first and we get our ultimate at 6,11,16. Some people get their first ulti at level 10, but the difference is not that big for me. You can also max blur last and max your stats first, it will be the same, it's your choice. If you are facing a lot of dpsers, get blur first, if you are facing int heroes, get it last.


BUILD #1 The S&Y Build





This build is based on maximum movement speed, maim chance, high evasion and high damage. It's really difficult to finish and expensive but I can't say it doesn't do its job.


BUILD #2 The Battle Fury Build




That's a dream build but if you manage to finish it don't expect anyone to kill you. You can replace Heart of Tarasque and use a Black King Bar instead if you need it


BUILD #3 The Manta Build




I rarelly see this build in pubs, it's kind of effective if you consider that the illusions you form have the 4.0 crit you have, but I'd prefer another build for Mortred.


BUILD #4 Simple Pub hybrid build



It's a simple build you can use in pubs, it's not that expensive and its performance is quite good. You are also immune to spells and you can tank.



Good Allies :


Stunners like : BTNTauren.gif48px-BTNMountainGiant.gif

Healers like : index.html48px-BTNGhostOfKelThuzad.gif48px-BTNArthas.gif

Tanks like : 48px-BTNChaosGrom.gif


Worst Enemies:


Early Gamers like: 48px-BTNAbomination.gif

Stunners like : BTNTauren.gif48px-BTNMountainGiant.gif


But late, most of the heroes in dota are just preys in front of Mortred.


Just some things you should remember :

#1  Don't be aggressive. Only go for a kill if you are completely sure

#2 If you can't last hit, do it with Stiffling Dagger (d). When a creep is about to die ( orange ), just hit D and throw your dagger on the creep. If your timing was good, you'll get the cash

#3 If you are about to die, hit B and press an ally. This will make you blink strike to him/her and save your ass :)

#4 You are almost invisible, so you can stay in a tree and just blink to an enemy during a gang, They won't even realise what hit them.



A quick advice :


Do NOT get this. Trust me. If both your ulti and Burizza proc, Burizza will replace your critical and it won't deal 4.0x your damage but only 2.0x! So don't buy it.


Credits : Dota-allstars.com. , DAWiki, xKenji, Maxcheaters.com


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thanks for this guide nab :P



Mortred owns in the right hand :D


and also i think the item build covers it all :p


ofc the is added on the list and replaced mine ;D


mine was outdated....




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  • 2 weeks later...

Mortred is my favorite char :D

it gets most last hits with the dagger since it's range is 1000 +

also has blink to help you escape, deals supermassive damage and is half-invisible!


but IMO Barathrum can kill Mortred at full items...

lots of Bashes... ;/

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Mortred is my favorite char :D

it gets most last hits with the dagger since it's range is 1000 +

also has blink to help you escape, deals supermassive damage and is half-invisible!


but IMO Barathrum can kill Mortred at full items...

lots of Bashes... ;/


Bara can kill Mortred only :

a) IF I don't have Blur.

b) IF i don't buy BKB.       


If i do get both, he's doomed :)

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well if Barathrum gets 3 Bashers, and his Bash skill, and gets some insane Atk. Speed don't you think he can kill Mortred on a 1vs1...?


Read the logs dude, bashers no longer stack. And my crits > his attack speed.



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BTW does Butterfly stack with Blur?


Nope. Imagine if it did...30% Evasion with Blur +30% Evasion with ButF = 60% Evasion... unhittable :P

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Great Char.. High Crits.. Great Att Speed.. Slow.. Blink.. almost unbeatable.. but is it true that Butterfly doesnt stack with Blur ?? i mean.. ok with the evasion.. But att.speed ?? and dmg ?? :P :) Nice Guide BTW man.. ;) Helped a lot..althought i dont think high of Vlads.. ( better HoT ) ;)

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lifesteal is needed...


either helm of dominator (for dmg + ls + armor) or just vlads


Mortred + Lifesteal= TRUST ME... she don't die, too o/p, i leave the game when i see a 12+ lvl mortred with good items... lost job :P

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Great Char.. High Crits.. Great Att Speed.. Slow.. Blink.. almost unbeatable.. but is it true that Butterfly doesnt stack with Blur ?? i mean.. ok with the evasion.. But att.speed ?? and dmg ?? :P :) Nice Guide BTW man.. ;) Helped a lot..althought i dont think high of Vlads.. ( better HoT ) ;)


Of course you get the Agi and the attack speed, it's obvious doh.

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lifesteal is needed...


either helm of dominator (for dmg + ls + armor) or just vlads


Mortred + Lifesteal= TRUST ME... she don't die, too o/p, i leave the game when i see a 12+ lvl mortred with good items... lost job :P


Well in such cases you have to get the whole team to keep killing mortred before mortred starts killing the whole team >.<


then you might save your gold... :P

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Well in such cases you have to get the whole team to keep killing mortred before mortred starts killing the whole team >.<


then you might save your gold... :P


yeah thanks for telling me what to do...:/

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